
IMDb member since May 2020
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Sorry, but this was full and boring
Everyone did their jobs, but this film was uninvolving. I wouldn't recommend this film. Pandemic is bound to be a popular and common theme in films, and now we can all compare them to reality. Choose something else to watch.


Lock, Stock, but no smoking barrels
Shows Lithuania and Lithuanians in a poor light. Lots of action and profanity on a limited budget. Probably Vinnie's paycheck cost as much as the rest of the movie. Acting was good, story was good. Amusing film, but you won't want to watch it twice....

Breaking the Bank

Credit where credit is due
This is a funny send-up of British banking and capitalism in general. There were many laugh-out-loud moments. I recognised many of the prime banking locations in London. This film is much better than the 1 out of 10 crowd say.

Just relax, watch it, and enjoy yourself.

Absolute Deception

Pretty, and OK
There were 16 reviews for this film and I read them all. They all have valid points, and I thought the 4.2 rating was fair as well.

The opening credits immediately told me that this was a film with a limited budget, although I hoped for better with one famous actor starring.

I soon got engrossed with the film and lost my low-budget reservations. There were a few little continuity issues. But overall, not too bad.

The Old Guard

Don't believe the bad reviews
This movie will be successful, and there will be sequels - the comics are already out there.

It is an action movie with a decent premise. The acting and set pieces are all fine, as is the music. It won't change your life, but it is 2 hours of good entertainment. And that is all it has to be.

I will be watching the sequel (s).....


Religious promotion masquerading as a film
The religious promotion film makers got some money together and used some actors you have heard of, to dress up their message. Probably the actors were already personally predisposed to get involved for a lower than usual fee.

This is an awful and patronising film. Don't waste your time watching it. There is nothing else to say.


Well worth watching
At the time of writing, there are only 14 reviews of Losers on IMDB, and already it is difficult to add something new and original to the body of work. Well done to the first 14.

I watched the whole series over 2 consecutive days. It was a collection of stories, each about a different sport and sportsperson. The sports were diverse and so were the stories. They were interesting, and we'll worth watching. I know I haven't added much, but sometimes life is like that. Happy viewing.

Shock and Awe

Come back "good old days"
This is an excellent move with an important true-life story to tell. And I bow to the many reviewers who have already written that, better, and with more detail than I can. We can see Bush reading his lines carefully and convincingly - a true professional actor. Compare him with the riffing, comic, toddler, who currently occupies the high office. I think we will have an exciting slew of films, coming our way, in due course. Great film, be sure to watch the credits.

Seattle Superstorm

A superstorm of criticism
This is an entertaining sci-fi movie with a family in two halves sub-plot. As usual, some of the reviews on here are a bit harsh. The plot is ok. The special effects are ok. The acting is capable. It does rely on a few convenient coincidences to keep it bubbling along - but it warrants a rating in the 4 to 6 area. Try it and see what you think.

The Bad Batch

Like concentrated Marmite
This film has split the reviewers. Mostly, they either love it or hate it. Just like Marmite. Me? I think it is the weirdest film I will see this year - at least I hope so. Should you watch it? If you are easily offended, or if you like neat, obvious plots then probably not. My other recommendation? Get your mind into a chemically-altered state before you less "play".

What was the writer/director thinking? Don't ask me, I have no idea, and I did watch the film.


A good workplace comedy
This film is billed as a comedy, and it is a funny film. I didn't think it deserved some of the low ratings it has been given. There were many laugh-out-loud moments for me. I'd say, relax, watch this movie, and enjoy yourself.

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