
IMDb member since May 2020
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    4 years, 1 month


The Wilderness Road

Brutal Hidden History
If you like horror or history, this account of what may be the earliest known serial killers in the US will make for captive viewing. Brutally ravaging innocent people Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois and Mississippi, these murderers, highwaymen and river pirates deceive and destroy their way into history.

Counting Bullets

Traveled Well
The landscape was rugged, beautiful, and made a perfect background for the men who struggled for their lives.

Texas Red

Powerful! Folklore, legend, truth, ?justice?..."You gotta know when to run"
We watched Texas Red play the cards dealt him. So many players were in that game; maybe only Coochie wore a poker face, but Dolly's tears will remind you of what it can cost to love someone. The Oklahoma Kid was his friend to the end, but he couldn't stop Red's fate. Was Red the victim of the hand dealt him? Did he stand or take a card? We'll never know, as the truth and the lore are as a scrambled egg, never to be separated.

Bastard's Crossing

And the DRATSAB is......
Isolation mixed with desperation will lead him to do what he never thought himself capable of. Add insult to injury, greed to need, and you've got the makings of a desperate situation. The need to survive will not break her spirit. And the promise of hope is always welcome. There may be a few predictable moments, but the surprises are sure to entertain you. A pony express rider on a, on a....well, you'll just have to watch it. It's worth watching a second time....at least.

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