
IMDb member since August 2006
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    17 years


Soviet Strike

Soviet Strike puts you in the driver's seat
When it comes to cinematography, Soviet Strike is top of the line. It has a style that is heavy on cuts and always gets to the point. But more importantly, almost every video is watched from the perspective of you, the Apache commander, and every line of speech is spoken as if heard on your radio. The game really lets you feel like you're in the middle of a war, and the story unfolds around you. Amazingly, in a game that's rather simple in design, this effective storytelling technique is enough to keep the excitement and tension high. The actors are tremendously good, and very convincing.

Unfortunately, the game tends to be a little unforgiving in its challenges, and the graphics are a little on the weak side during game play. The targeting system is a bit shaky as well. As a whole, this game gets a 7. But from a film perspective, this game deserves praise, for if it were graded only on its plot and shooting techniques, a higher score could easily be given.

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