
IMDb member since May 2020
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 11 months


Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

By far the best DLC ever
I, like many people, had a bad experience with Cyberpunk 2077 during it's initial launch, but after these last three years, it's become one of my top favorite games, and Phantom Liberty takes everything I liked, and maxes it out. I can't explain how much I loved it, so try it for yourself if you're interested, there's so much fun to be had. Idris Elba is absolutely fantastic, possibly one of my favorite video game characters that I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. He's so multidimensional, and it truly adds to the realistic feelings and relationship V has with him. Phantom Liberty has so much side content as well, but I never felt overwhelmed by it, because it was always so much fun.


Deadpool did it amazingly. Saints Row does it well. Being meta is a talent. A superpower only being able to be used by the best of actors and media. Velma (2023) tries... and fails so miserably! It's not funny when every five seconds there's some reference to a movie or movie tropes, but the characters continue to be the most idiotic when it comes to the mysteries. I honestly forgot what the first episode was about halfway through because the show was too busy shoveling jokes about "in a TV show, the pilot..." etc. I truly believe that this voice cast could do so much better if they legitimately just focused on making it a Scooby-Doo show.

Jumanji: The Video Game

Completely honest
I found this included in my game catalogue on PlayStation, so I decided to give it a try. Definitely disappointing, considering it had so much potential, but it was in no way a bad game by itself. It's a basic shoot 'em up multiplayer, with light Jumanji elements. The entire premise consists of running around, shooting and punching enemies to get the four 'Jumanji pieces' to exit the level. There are a couple trap rooms throughout where you have to dodge axes and ground spikes that can be honestly challenging at points early in the game. All in all, I'd say try it for yourself before you write it off as a bad game.

Road 96

Near perfect!
I saw this game on sale for about $10 and figured it was worth it to try. I wasn't expecting much story, just 'try to get from here to there' but what I got was so much more interesting. The in-depth character arcs of side characters, the interweaving interactions of your faceless teenaged character and their experiences, and the overarching story that ties every single character together during the war in Petria. If I had known how much this game had to offer, I would've payed full price. If you are having second thoughts, don't. Pick it up. See what difference you can make that other people haven't encountered. Every adventure is unique.

Threat Level Midnight: The Movie

Perfect movie
This movie is quite possibly the best action movie since Die Hard. It's short, but it's sweet.

That's what she said.

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