
IMDb member since May 2020
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Quite good
To sum up the premise of this show it could be said that it is a lower budget take on the Hotel del Luna concept, and for the viewers of that show there will be some familiar elements. That being said this show is its own thing and it has a markedly different dynamic towards the ending.

I think the leads made a good pair, and I liked that unlike many dramas where the plot gets redundant or silly after the main pair is together, here that only really happens at the very end, making it interesting all the way. The other actors were also pretty good.

The writing is mostly very decent, there are in fact some very well earned twists in the plot, and the thriller elements work quite well. Unfortunately towards the climax there are two scenes which felt very forced and implausible - that is characters doing extermely dumb things on both sides, it is really weird because it is trivial to change these scenes in a way to make total sense without affecting anything else, and I suggest to use your headcabon to do so.

Overall I really liked this show and I think it is fairly decent fantasy thriller with some romance thrown in to the mix.


Keeps you watching, but...
...they should stop doing these:
  • resurrecting characters just after tragically murdering them way too many times (first it made sense in the park, which played like a roguelike game, where with each "reset" they would reach further, but they really hurt season 3)
  • skipping important scenes a.k.a. non-linear storytelling so they can shockingly reveal them in the season finale (again, it was fine first, but used too many times for comfort at the point)
  • making things interesting by changing core character motivations several times for many characters so it becomes impossible to know what they do next, are they bad or good, or if they are even characters at all (again this is played way too many times)
  • making seemingly wise characters do stupid things, allying with stupid sides, and generally being insane (seriously if I think about it, more than half of the characters are pretty much insane, especially by season 3, sure again this fits the lore, but played for too long)
  • making the show way too largescale instead of playing it slower and smarter like in the beginning

what they should do instead in my honest opinion:
  • slowly build up characters, avoid sudden changes
  • more about the park and the beginning, more worlds
  • I would love to see some more low profile operations by the machines, instead of this madness
  • it would be also good to see more positive interaction between machines and people as comparing man to machine this way is more interesting than shooting, killing and explosions, just leave that to Michael Bay
  • stick with the dead characters, and avoid resurrection, or make it have some grave price


Great as a show, but more fiction than science
I liked this show, I liked that they have gone far with the idea, although I must admint, I might have not liked the show as much, would I have not seen it in one day.

The idea that you can scan a small object and take a computer to calculate all past and even some of the future is interesting. But even me being a "simple" engineer I can see many problems of this even in smaller scales. I am not saying we cannot attempt to predict the future to a useful degree with large computers and samples, that is how weather forecast and engineering simulations work.

However even if the world is determinictic and there are no random things, I do not think we can do what is being done here. For one, while I could reconstruct my home from memory with CAD software to a degree, I could use cameras and laser sensors to make it accurate, none the less it is impossible to make it perfect. Given the imperfections the future or past cannot be determined perfectly, since the initial conditions are not defined with enough precision.

Second, following ideas of the series we could take a bottle cap, and we could predict not just the bottle's shape, but the history down back to dinosaurs. The idea is interesting, I mean a lot of things would affect the bottle cap, but for example one guy being hit by a car on the other side of the planet probably would not. The bottle might be made of oil, made of dinosaurs, but no it would just not contain the info of their skeleton. Again some prediction we could make, but imperfect.

Third, we could take the scan and use our knowledge of the universe to simulate it. Again this would require us to know all the rules of the universe to an infinite degree of precision, even small deviations would cause massive differences over longer time periods, again imperfection.

Fourth: we cannot expect that we can build a machine which simulates the whole of reality and fit it into a small box, that is just not how it works. For one the state of the universe, or even just the region affecting humanity cannot be stored in a small space, unless we use lossy compression, causing imperfections.

Fifth: even if we could store the state one quantum particle could not calculate the state of many more very quickly, that is we would need a machine the size of the simulated area or more and going to the future or past would take a lot of time. Again simplification and imperfection is unavoidable.

Based on this even if the world is deterministic, it would not be possibly to predict the actual behavior for larger stretches of space and time. We could still make useful and realistic predictions. It just would not be an exact match.

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