
IMDb member since August 2006
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The Return of Dracula

Dracula visits the Cleavers
One almost expects Ward, June, Wally and the Beav to visit too...Yes, this is an underrated masterpiece. "What? What did you say?" In the main title Dracula is shown standing still behind a three-stick candle...the "scene" reminds me of an icon in a Byzantine Catholic or Orthodox church...and what happens when Jennie is staked...Cousin Bellac temporarily reels and almost faints...reminds me of "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me"...and that line, "You will arise reborn in ME!"...there's a discernible anti-theology here and I hope whoever was responsible for it didn't believe it. But I'd not be surprised if there were a cult-especially in CA-which worships Dracula. The most chilling scene in the film is the scene in which Rachel is primping at the downstairs mirror, but-to me-the most chilling line of dialogue is the interchange between the pastor and Cousin Bellac concerning Rachel's charm, when Cousin Bellac says, "Why yes...I daresay she'd even charm the devil himself." Lederer-may he rest in peace-may have hated this film, but he turned in a truly great performance. Pity this film is so little credited.


"Conspiracy" as a "done deal"
I think Branagh captured Heydrich. Heydrich was charming as well as ruthless. The "Final Solution" had been decided upon before the conference. The purpose of the conference was to "entangle" high ranking officials of all the departments involved, get their statement of co-operation, and get their advice as to means of effecting. It was the same as the "conference in the Imperial Presence" at which the attack on Pearl Harbor was "decided" had already been decided. Note that none of the participants was of the highest rank in his department; he was always a subordinate, eg, Stuckart instead of Frick, the Interior Minister. Deniers of the "catastrophe"-for that is what "Shoah" means, not "holocaust"-say there is no paper trail. Of course there isn't! It was like the Mafia! Always buffers.Tucci looked nothing like Eichman but, I think, captured the essence of "the banality of evil". I respectfully disagree with the comment that Tucci's Eichman dominates the action. From before his entrance Heydrich is present. Branagh's performance reminds me of Robert Shaw's Henry VIII in "A Man for all Seasons"-the full spectrum.

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