
IMDb member since August 2006
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    17 years


Men Against the Sky

Use of Hughes H-1 Racer in RKO movie
I just saw Men Against the Sky on TCM. Has anyone ever commented on the use of the Hughes H-1 racer as the experimental plane in that picture? Hughes broke the land speed record with it in 1935, reaching the amazing, for that time, speed of 350+ mph. The movie was made in 1940. I assume the shots in the film were taken during the testing of the H-1 five years earlier. That plane is now in the Smithsonian. I was surprised that no mention of this use ever came out during the publicity for the Hughes Biopic, The Aviator. Men Against the Sky was an RKO picture, and I think Howard Hughes was connected the that studio. There was no mention of Hughes in the closing credits of the film. Paul Mantz, noted movie pilot was the aviation consultant on the film.

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