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Princess Cut

Absolutely beautiful!!!
Absolutely beautiful!!!! Those words don't even begin to describe this heart warming christian love story. The way it is suppose to be. Love the courting as apposed to dating. Getting to know the whole person and their family verses only know that one person. Knowing how the whole family is and their dynamic will help you understand the person. Our families and experiences with our families determine who we are as adults. And if your husband/wife can see why you maybe the way you are would go a long way to help you understand them. Love is not a word that you just throw around, it has deep meaning. When I say I love you, then you know I love you no matter what. Wonderful to have a good clean christian movie to watch. We don't need cussing to get a point across.


Absolutely perfect?
This show from season 1 to half way through season 3 was absolutely perfect. The cast was awesome. They had chemistry like we see on shows that last 20+ years. When George Eads left it when down hill. They tried to push this Desi character and Mac together so forcefully that we were gagging. Russ was a good add in, we can tolerate him. He had some good comedic chops that paired well with Bozzer. But Desi was nauseating and we cringed every time she had to interact with Mac. Absolutely no chemistry between the two. Mac, Riley, Bozzer, Jack, Maddie, and Russ were great. Best chemistry I have seen since the days of ER and Friends. Chould have went to 20 seasons easily if you had only got rid of Desi and put Mac and Riley together like you intended to do. I watch it all the time on Paramount + and re-watch it and re-watch it, etc. I do however skip over scenes with a huge Desi presence. Please bring our team back together. We need some kind of closure. If Criminal Minds can do it so can MacGyver. If you pushed MacGyver as much as you pushed other shows with advertising and all then it would still be on the air.

Night Court: Mama Was a Rollin' Stone
Episode 15, Season 8

Full circle
In this episode we learn that Bull's mom's name is Henrietta. Marsha ( Roz ) now plays on 911 on Fox. Her daughter on 911 her name is Henrietta ( Hen ) for short. Funny how not knowing then what would happen now. Absolutely love this show. It was the best. They don't make shows like this anymore. Everyone is so worried that they may offend someone that there is no show left to watch. So sad that we have lost Harry, Charles, and Markie. It is nice to see that John is now taking Night Court to another generation. Just hope it isn't some kind of woke fest. Can't wait to see what the next chapter holds.

Leverage: Redemption

Great but miss Timothy Hutton
Love the new reboot and absolutely love Noah Wyle. That being said it is in desperate need of Timothy Hutton. It's good but still missing something. Timothy has been cleared of all charges and should have never been let go just because someone claimed he did something 30 years ago. Dean Delvin needs to bite the bullet apologize to Timothy and bring him back(but also keep Harry). There has never been anything said about how Nate died. There are still ways to bring him back(in tv no one stays dead). Damien Moreau is still in jail. He could have made a hit on Sophie and Nate had to disappear to save her. Sterling could have helped fake his death. And now must come back to save Sophie cause Moreau is coming after the rest of the team now. Make things right between Timothy Hutton and make this reboot 20x better.

Almost Paradise

It's Christain Kane!!!!!
Not sure why this has only a rating of 7.5 right now, but this is Christain freaking Kane people. This show is absolutely awesome!!! Absolutely love it and I am ready for a second season. A definite must watch. It has it all. 1st - it has Christian Kane (that's enough), 2nd - action all day long, 3rd - some sexy scenes (it is Christian Kane need I say more). Well if that is not enough it also has your good verses evil type stuff. There is nothing that Christian Kane does that is less than amazing!! I can not say anything else, just watch it and see for yourself. And of course there is always a chance he may take his shirt off(we can hope)

9-1-1: Dosed
Episode 6, Season 2

Awesome episode
This has to be the most hilarious episode so far and most heart wrenching at the same time. To hear Booby talk about his family that he losted is heartbreaking. The idea of the fire fighters being dosed is scary but they make is a little lighter. 911 is the best.

9-1-1: Awful People
Episode 5, Season 2

Love the episode
Absolutely love the episode but hate the reference to Christians. Those stupid Westboro church people are NOT Christians. Do NOT lumps all together. Other than that this episode is a 10. Love that they pull emergency calls from all over the US.

9-1-1: Stuck
Episode 4, Season 2

Great show!
911 is great!! This episode is proof. People think these stories are far fetched but they are not really. They may change a few things around for tv but alot of these are real life calls that have been collected from all over the US. My son is a paramedic and he has some wild stories.

9-1-1: First Responders
Episode 11, Season 4

The Amazing Sue!!
Absolutely love this episode. Sue; Debra; was great. Absolutely love when one of them is hurt or down they all ban together and get the help they need and catch a bad guy. Taylor and Buck are good together but she is no Abby that's for sure. Love the brother friendship that Buck amd Eddie have. I do not now or have I ever felt like it was anything more the beat buds. They do NOT need to "make " them gay and pair them as a couple, just wouldn't work and would be the Absolutely most horrible thing they could do. Buck needs a more mature woman like Abby.

Clifford the Big Red Dog

A great movie for the whole family
Reading some of theses other reviews is absolutely hilarious. It is a made up story for kids. So guess what....anything is possible. It doesn't matter if the cubic feet is larger than what a dog's bones are and couldn't support his weight. It's made up! Use your imagination! Absolutely delightful movie that my almost 3 year absolutely loves to watch. We need more movies like this that the whole family can watch together.

Star Trek: Insurrection

Absolutely great!!!
This is amazing. True TNG. Emotional and dramatic. See Troi and Riker back together is wonderful. What we all wanted from the beginning. Sometimes it's just good that there is a happily ever after.


Maddy and Chimney!!!
Absolutely love the series! We are in desperate need of a return of Maddy and Chimney. Chimney needs a little happiness for a little while, he has been through so much and Maddy too. Would love to see Buck with a down to earth country type girl. And maybe May having a boyfriend.

9-1-1: Parenthood
Episode 10, Season 4

Tissues Tissues
This was a Rollercoaster ride. Crying at several moments. This was a tissue grabber. So emotional thrrough out this whole episode. Hit home with me, my cousin killed herself at 14, so this was a touchy subject.

9-1-1: Jinx
Episode 6, Season 4

The Best
This is the best. Love this episode. Absolutely hilarious!!! I'm a nurse and the whole "don't say the q word" and also never say "it's not too busy", that's all real folks all real. Lol!!!

Leverage: Redemption: The Harry Wilson Job
Episode 16, Season 1

The best, need more!!
Such a good series! Noah Wyle is phenomenal!! Would absolutely love more seasons and episodes only if Noah is part of them. Noah's addition to this series was the best decision they have made. Love Christian as well. When you put Noah and Christian together, it will always be a hit.

Falling Skies: Molon Labe
Episode 7, Season 2

Grab a tissue
I have never cried at an alien show. But when Tom/Noah was saying goodbye to his son Ben and he was telling the story of Ben's first day at preK and him crying and screaming "don't leave me, don't leave me". I was so ugly crying. Noah can pull you in and make you feel what he is speaking. Love Noah.


Wyle, need not say more!
Wow! Just wow! Noah Wyle can bring magic to anything he touches. Amazing actor and person. To watch the events unfold in real time is absolutely great. Wyle had to spend most of the movie on his back either on a concrete sidewalk or a gurney, which is Amazing acting. The emotions in his eyes and face bring you into the harshness of the moments and debilitating outcome from what happens when illegal guns are in hands of folks that don't know how to use them. Another grand slam for Noah Wyle!

Leverage: Redemption: The Mastermind Job
Episode 8, Season 1

On the edge of my seat
Probably the best one yet, no i can't choose they are all great. I kept wondering great "what next". Oh please be more soon. Please have like 10 seasons of this or more. Everyone is great but Noah is fantastic!

Leverage: Redemption: The Double-Edged Sword Job
Episode 7, Season 1

Tech savvy?
The way this system ran everyone amd anyone in a facial recognizing system is actual being done in real life but not to the extent it was here. Great story telling and hitting on real life things. Not just pulling something out of the air.

Leverage: Redemption: The Paranormal Hacktivity Job
Episode 5, Season 1

Missing the guys
Great episode, but I really missed Noah and Christian. I love all the little paranormal stories. Love a little scare now and then.

Leverage: Redemption: The Tower Job
Episode 4, Season 1

Great show
Please tell me there will be more than one season of this?!?!?!? So good. Not sure how good the original was but wow! This great.

Leverage: Redemption: The Rollin' on the River Job
Episode 3, Season 1

Where has this kind of story telling been my whole life. Love love love it.

Leverage: Redemption: The Panamanian Monkey Job
Episode 2, Season 1

So much in love with this series and its oy the 2nd episode. Binge watching. Can't wait for more.

Leverage: Redemption: The Card Game Job
Episode 6, Season 1

Easter eggs? (Who knows)
Seems to be some ER references in this episode. The boss walks in and yells "CARTER!" (Which if you are an ER fan like I am, Benton did this in almost every episode several time each episode). And then the boss ask "where is lucy?" (Which again if you are a fan of ER then you know that Carter's relationship and what happened to him and Lucy was pivotal moment for Dr. Carter). Maybe just wishful thinking on my part, buuuutt..........

Leverage: Redemption: The Too Many Rembrandts Job
Episode 1, Season 1

Noah, great!
Absolutely great! Wonderful to see Noah Wyle back in a series as a regular. He is at the top of his game. And about 12 minutes in Noah does his famous eye roll! Been awhile, love the eye roll. Everyone was great. Haven't seen the original series but if it is anything like these, I will be watching it soon. I am very much ready for more episodes, the first 8 are amazing. I will be re-watching them again tomorrow.

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