
IMDb member since May 2020
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    IMDb Member
    4 years



Worth watching movie
Dhamaka is worth watching movie on Netflix .it's full to paisa wasool movie with running time of 104 minutes only...this movie is highly recommended for suspence lovers.

Bhoot Police

Best thrilling experience
This movie me feel so excited to watch best dramatic and experience of thriller in this movie and all actors are perfectly doing their act ..

Metro Park: Run Kannan Run!
Episode 9, Season 2

Magical story
What a simple Series! It is very simple but it has magic which holds you to watch till the end.

Metro Park: Payal Do All
Episode 5, Season 2

Good performance
The cast is rarest of the rare. They have given some stellar performances in the Series. Great job!

Metro Park: Parenting
Episode 2, Season 2

Extraordinary performance
An extraordinary one! Stellar performances and an intense Series with such talented actors. Good work!


Original story
This is a fantastic Film. So original and brilliant, stellar performances all around. I really appreciate the hard work put into this.


Glimpses about story
Gradually we begin to get the glimpes of what abhay hides within him.

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