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Autumn Leaves

I Disagree...This Was a Soap Opera...BIG TIME
It wasn't a bad movie, but it was a typical Joan Crawford movie.

She came across very corny, maybe it was the dialogue, but all I could watch when she was on screen were those eyebrows of hers. Yeowzer! Cliff Robertson's portrayal of a man in philological pain just came across as "whiney", although, he wasn't bad to look at. He was a mighty "hunk" back "in the day" for sure. I've seen both actors in better movies with better dialogue, this was not one of them.

But it was a treat to see ol' "Ben Cartwright" as a dirty old man pawing pretty little Vera Miles. Somehow it was easier to see Vera and Cliff as husband and wife.

Mr. Bean's Holiday

Pure Bean!
My family and just returned from watching "Mr.Bean's Holiday". We didn't stop laughing once and we were still giggling on the way home as we repeated lines and scenes in the car. Rowan Atkinson was not a disappointment at all, in fact we were happily surprised to see that is was really pure "Bean", and nothing bogged down the movie once! It was also a treat indeed to see "Spiderman's" nemesis, Willem Dafoe's, appearance. Mr. Dafoe has great comic timing. We have been "Beaners" since first watching the TV comedy a decade ago and have never been disappointed in a Rowan role....well, okay maybe once...."Rat Race", but he was more or less a cameo in that. I would love to go on, but I would have to put up some "spoilers", and it would be better for you to see it as we did..without too much information.

A Place of One's Own

Unlike Most Mysteries
I just loved this movie. It kept my interest in a most peculiar way, and it took me nearly to the end of the picture before I figured it out. None of the key scenes were ever emphasized with dramatic music swelling up, down, or out....anywhere. In fact, it did not have any music except for the piano playing in one scene. Most unusual. This movie came across almost as "play-like", without the typical "movie" accents. Very different, very good. The only drawback, if you can really call it that, was the distraction of James Mason made up to be a man much older than his original years when he made this. The make up artist utilized a lot of "spirit-gum" that was used around his face, and unfortunately, it is noticeable in many scenes. But don't let that deter you from seeing this wonderful film!


This is a Cute Family Movie
It's not going to be Disney, or anything from Dreamworks....but it's cute. And it's good family fare to boot! The dialogue is clever and funny and has plenty of "inside humor" so parents can also be entertained watching this with their kids. Listening to all of the celebrity voices was really fun, especially when there were voices you wouldn't imagine doing a cartoon such as Jon Stewart, William H. Macy, John Krasinsky, Chevy Chase, and Jimmy Fallon. This was not a waste of time at all, we enjoyed every minute of it! Give it a try, and don't pay any attention to the negative reviews.....those people have no soul.

Alex in Wonderland

NOT the worst movie I ever saw....
.....because I have fond memories around it. is so very dated. But I remember the tender relationship Sutherland's character had with his family, his wife and two daughters, in this movie. I also remember how entranced I was with Donald Sutherland - the actor. He was so charming. This was the first movie I ever saw with him and the first movie I ever saw in the theater without my parents. It was the first time I was able to go to the movies with friends only, and what a time we had. All five of us silly, giggly, girls....and we couldn't take our eyes off of "THE Donald". So when you watch this movie now on cable or DVD, see NOT a movie of no value, but of a wonderful fantasy vehicle that five little girls took one Saturday afternoon in 1970. What a memory!


This Movie Is Great!
Yes. Hollywood gets in the way of history, this is a movie from 1939 after all, but look at the selection of actors who gathered to do this. Muni, Raines, Davis, Aherne, Garfield, Roland, Crisp, Sondergaard!!! Each one as professional as the other, working together as a beautiful ensemble, with this story as a great platform for each of them. I loved the performances of Paul Muni and Brian Aherne. Some have said that these actors were wooden or sluggish, but I disagree! Both of these actors knew step by step of how their characters would act and react to the situations put before them and did it wonderfully. The two gems in this movie are the performances of Gilbert Roland and John Garfield. Their emotional responses, especially to the abdication of, and, subsequent execution of Maximilian are brilliant. Reading the "Trivia" section of this movie convinces me even more of how much thought went into the presentation of this motion picture...even when Hollywood in 1939 would be tempted to cut corners around historical facts. Movies were made with heart and hard work back then. They knew their craft.


The Need Is There to Make More Like This.
Alright, we all know this was a cartoon and not a movie, but this was based on real history making birds that got awarded for being depended on when needed in the throngs of World War Two. At the end of this fine cartoon they acknowledged that not only the pigeons, but dogs and a cat had been awarded medals in helping win the war effort. Have there been any movies made in the past to tell these stories? I can't remember. If anyone could though it should be Disney, they seem to have the wonderful sensitivity to do stories like that. This is stuff that should always be brought up to the forefront to let future generations know the great ingenuity of past generations. What's wrong with that? Keep the past remembered! Honor those who deserved it. Make more movies, yes - even cartoons, like this. Bravo!

The Golden Girls

Gotta Love These Girls!
My favorite line from one of the episodes is from "On Golden Girls". The character of Blanche gasps in horror as Sophia slaps Blanche's ungrateful and undisciplined grandson after he talks back to her. Blanche : "Is that all you people know how to do? Yell and hit??!" Sophia : "No – We know how to make love and sing opera!!" YES! I've used this line more than once. Italians rule! Sophia is so much like many members of my family; loving, strict, goofey,and full of the most wonderful sense of humor.... I don't think too many TV shows bring this out anymore. The only one I can think of recently would be Ray Romano's show. Yet, "Golden Girls" could have done more with Italians and the family humor within them. I wish there could be a great TV show that would bring out the love and humor again. I miss comedies such as "Golden Girls".

Faith of My Fathers

A Most Moving, Heart Wrenching Movie.
This story is a great tribute to those who withstood the horror of being a prisoner of war not only during the Vietnam War, but any conflict. I knew of Senator McCain's story at the time for I was 21 years old when he was released, but did not know the whole story until now. The young man who portrays McCain, Shawn Hatosy, is riveting, he catches every emotion the senator must have gone through during those five years. You can see the touching relationship he had with his career-navy father was the strength he drew from in the years he was imprisoned. It makes you can another human be so utterly unfeeling to another human to think nothing of inflicting such torture and pain. I know the recent photos of our own military inflicting horrible torture upon others makes me see that any human can be inhuman, that it doesn't matter who you are or what country you were brought up in. But that is no excuse and you can see that in this story of how one man stood high and above his captors and never lost his respect for himself or the other prisoners there with him. God bless John McCain.

Table for Five

My Favorite Jon Voight Movie
If you've never seen, or even heard of this movie before you must give it a chance. I saw this movie when it was new and I have never forgotten how it touched me. It is a little dated now, but you forget when you get into the characters and the plot of the story. Without spoiling anything I must say that there is one scene where Mr. Voight absolutely rivets you to your seat with emotion and it is very memorable. Gets me every time. Richard Crenna has a most difficult role as the husband of Jon Voight's ex-wife. You want to keep your sympathy with Voight, but you understand Crenna's point of view as well.. I am not aware if Mr. Voight was ever nominated for any award from his performance this picture, but if not he surly should have been. This is my favorite Jon Voight movie!

The Mystery of Natalie Wood

One Of The Better Bi-ops.
This was a very believable and very well done biographical movie. Reading that Mr. Bogdanovich, the movie's director, personally knew many of the real-life characters I assume the actors chosen for "The Mystery of Natalie Wood" must have been hand picked. Each portrayal was like watching and hearing the real person, I've never come across that before. To me this is what brought the story powerfully to life. Using the technique of having a family member or friend tell part of the story of the life of the celebrity, that the cable show "Biography" uses, was a very nice touch indeed. I grew up with the image of Miss Wood everywhere in my life...movies, TV, magazines, talk shows, and always loved how she carried herself. How she looked. I was 12 years younger...but as a teenager I so wanted to look like her. And now I see how truly strong she was in a life that must have been so much hell at times.

The Great Race

Oh Please...Lighten Up!
No disrespect to the previous summary...but for the love of MIKE!!! This person does not get it........... The Great Race is a wonderful parody of silent film comedies...even further back than the old time style of theater where the audience boo-ed the villain and cheered the hero! Watching this film is like watching a great Bugs Bunny cartoon, only with very famous live-actors! It's a HOOT!!!!! The frame of mind you need to have is just relax and have a "great" time with The Great Race. This is one of the "greats"!

The Time of Their Lives

The best Abbott and Costello feature made!
I have the pleasure of owning this movie on video tape so that my family and I can watch it over and over.

I first saw this movie on television back in the late 50's, early 60's, as a child when local television stations would show old movies at night, and sometimes on Saturday afternoons.

I seemed to know even then how much this A & C movie was so different from all the others. How well Mr. Abbott portrayed both roles as Cuthbert and Dr. Greenway...and how sad that more wasn't done for Mr. Abbott at the studios to show off his obvious talent. Much more than a "straight-man", indeed. It also showed me how absolutely wonderful Mr. Costello could be in a role befitting a polished actor.

I truly believe that these two gentlemen had much more talent to bring forth than the studios had the common-sense to show...

What a sad commentary on the way this business was run back then.

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