
IMDb member since August 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


The Kingdom

Not Bad ... Try not to be sided next time ..
This movie wasn't anything but Biased.

One and only good Saudi cop and a bunch of Saudi bad cops.

an angry American cursing the prophet Muhammed and asking weather Allah likes what's happening ..

After the FBI discovered the bad guys hideout the Saudi police took all the credit , looks like the FBI solves every crime all over the world .

Bombings everywhere and looks like everyone in Saudi Arabia is after the Americans.

The Woman agent (Jennifer Garner) cant go to the king's palace , it's only for men!.

I guess this movie is very fair, cuz after all women in Saudi Arabia cover their faces , but here in America women show off their A**es , we must be a better country. We just can't respect other peoples cultures, can we ?.

THAT kind of sick thinking is what makes all the world hate us.

3 out of 10 , only because of the touching end of the movie.

Don't get me wrong this movie was good, but it twists some facts in the advantage of America, I feel sorry for that, it really could've been a great movie if it had been seeking more facts.

By the way "The Kingdom" is a much safer place Than the US , just look at the crime ratios in both countries ... so please please MEDIA stop lying!


It's Cool you FOOL !!
Just came back from this one, and I have to tell you it isn't bad at all.

It was very cool seeing all these erotic supercars in one movie, and it doesn't lack a lil bit of action too.

I was very sad to see all these bad comments, I feel like WTF ??!! This movie isn't near bad.

I agree it doesn't have much of a plot, and also predictable but NOT bad.

Most of the racing scenes seem to be made up and not very close to actual life, but still entertaining to watch though.

Don't let bad comments drive you from watching this movie.

I agree with some though, if you watch it and aren't very satisfied you may consider spending an hour or so playing Gran Turismo HD !.

GOOD Movie.

7 out of 10

Half Past Dead 2

Freakin' Awesome !!
Have Just Finished watching this movie , and Boy was it intense. Kurupt is Hilarious ! It's definitely a low budget movie , But Believe me you won't notice. Just don't have too high expectations , but don't have low ones either. The soundtrack is unbelievably HOT !.

An overall cool action movie with no special effects,smoke,explosions,etc... Just Guns and Fights ! And Actually a semi-good plot.

I give this movie a Big 6 out of 10 (wanted to give it more but just couldn't!).

Believe me, you won't regret watching it.

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

A Total Conflict To The Truth ... But Actually interesting !
This movie probably gets you to laugh hard, I definitely did ! ,but yet very interestingly strange !, As The producers Are Jews, you are about to see a movie promoting Jews, not that i have anything against it, but actually it is more than I thought it would be.

The movie stands up for Jews and makes you feel that they are the kindest human beings, and anyone against them is either a fool or a total retard! This is an Anti-Muslim movie, However, they didn't mention that Borat is a Muslim in any way.

And guess what, Muslims in Kazakhstan don't actually F..K their sisters! and they DO know who Jesus (Peace be upon him) is ! I give it a 10 for the laugh.. A Zero for the truth.. But it's definitely worth watching..

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