
IMDb member since August 2006
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L'homme qui marche

Marvelous performance
I've seen this movie yesterday in Cologne's film festival, as an award winning title. It's reality, psychical construction, and event sensibility makes this picture a complete art form with a simple and peacefully whimsy style, just as main character's very state. Time passing as heart beats, character's constant absence in the form of resignated being, brings a bit of famous Bresson's atmospheres. The conscience of absurdity of an existence gives no other concept to a poet than the life of a dog: painful, truthful, sincere, free, tragical. No one should understand the amount of his pity and anger, nor the message he announces, because he is simply overwhelmed by the growing system of capitalist society (like the crash of bohemian freedom and spirit)...

While watching this movie you'll find yourself asking a fundamental questions, in the manner which is certainly forgotten.

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