
IMDb member since June 2020
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Moon Knight

Waste of time.
This show is definitely a failure for marvel tv series and disney. I mean it had potential to be more cooler but it just drops dead flat since the start.

The performance is great. I would say marvel has come a long way from Willem Dafoe in Spider-Man doing double characters in mirrors. This one's much more confusing and it doesn't answer those questions. Oscar Issac did okay but nothing special. The origin story isn't very detailed or anything. The superhero or so called anti hero are popular now. It's just overused at this point. By this rate you'll find popular villains as heroes and no bad people to fight.

The Egyptian history in the show is also filled with holes. They're as bad as the Mandarin in one scene. The first female Egyptian superhero is also a joke. Since she's not Egyptian she's a arab invasion citizen. She could be the first arab female superhero but not Egypt.

Haseen Dillruba

What a storyline
The whole premise of this movie feels very realistic to indian subcontinent culture. The arranged marriage and the newly wed wife on unknown household. The first half of the movie is all that. Just very normal and hilarious progression. The 2nd half is the disappointed and upsetting couple seeking needs elsewhere. Seduced by another man there's a 3rd person in the relationship. The 3rd half is guilt and realization with clashes in that triangle. The love comes back to life. In the final half the twist comes up with the most thrilling but slightly predictable ending. Overall a great film and amazing performance by the leading cast tapsee and vikrant. Recommended.

Roadside Romeo

My childhood.
When i was 7 or 8 in Disney they showed some snippets or teaser in advertisement in-between programs. Something Romeo because i couldn't spell the full thing it was very fast. It's about dogs and i loved dogs. I've watched bolt for the dog not for the crappy story.

Now it disappeared after release date and year later i couldn't find that new movie shown on TV. I was desperate to watch what it was. I've heard a tease of the song oh Romeo and the voice acting parts. I convinced my mom to buy me a DVD unfortunately it was hall print and i still have that disc. I loved dancing to the songs and the movie was so funny i used to watch it a lot. But then i grew older and forgot about this. Now im 23 and still in love with the movie after watching it back. It has it's flaws and not comparable to Disney animation now or before. But it's memories and childhood for me.

Picture of Beauty

Honestly one of the best representation out there. I'd say it's bad because of male writers trying to market this for male pleasure and audience only. And it backfired as it should. But great performance.

Asking for It

Fresh and current story with a history.
The current world is somewhat men vs women since men having existential crisis when women actually proved themselves to be successful. It's quotes like beta male is more popular idk what it means but the cult shown here is very evident at present.

Feminism helped women get rights, to work paid jobs, to give divorce, to vote and a lot of things men took for granted. Now the women are being successful while men thinks they're taking their jobs and their place. It's same as foreigners thinking immigrants taking their jobs. So they got mad at feminists and started making up false information and highlighted crazy man hating feminism as the actual feminist image. Which cause other men to join their cult. It's hilarious because as a man im not threatened by a women because if you feel women are weak and they threaten your existence then im sorry you're the weak. And weak people will dislike my review here. Highly recommend the movie.

The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild

Well the first ice age movie is finally not the worst.
I was skeptical about this from the start like this doesn't feel right when i heard about it's release. The hype was poor and the concept felt weird. Because the lost world apparently has new characters and space rocks.

The 3rd ice age movie to me was definitely the funniest and 4th one was top tier. The animation in the collision course movie was amazing the visuals and colors were phenomenal. But it lacked character depth. This movie is set in a timeline where Buck exists before the 3rd ice age film where the dinosaur babies and peaches don't exist. The animation is dreadful as the first ice age movie. The sharpness and details are there but the colors are not vibrant.

The story is not very interesting. The villains from the series were more scarier in all of the previous films. The collision course also had better villains. The raptors looks like children's drawing not the same as the 3rd film. So overall a horrible Trainwreck of the series. Even the original voice actors aren't there so it was meant to be.

Shaun of the Dead

Poorly written spoof
I know this movie is not a serious zombie movie. But the fact that there's parody films and spoofs out there which are far better than this is not a surprise. The plot is very boring at times like lethargic. The actors did okay simon pegg shows he's not lead role material more like Benji in mission impossible type guy. The british humor and indians and Pakistanis in every shots are very common. The parts where it should be funny it's not but where it shouldn't be it is.

Not very enjoyable and one time watch film wouldn't recommend if you have better things to watch.

Sing 2

Sequel excels original
I've seen many movies where sequel ruins the original film. Many hit movies have done this out of greed and rushed releases. But this one is very well thought out i haven't heard about sing back in 2016. Just saw the trailers in june so i thought I'll check it out. I loved the first one i never thought Scarlett Johansson, taron egerton and reese can sing so well. It's a beautifully done movie that one i loved the musical numbers. The each characters being explored in any animated or non animated movie is extremely rare because most movies don't have enough time to explore them. Even series episodes can't do it most of the time. But they did it beautifully.

I was excited for this sequel but in the back of my mind i was skeptical due to the trope mentioned earlier. Im happy it was stupid to think that. The forgettable character white mouse of seth macfarlane was missing here which was good. The persistent buster moon's character takes bigger journey and his assistant is the most funniest here. This movie is extremely feel good. Not great musically as the first one, it's much more pop culture music being re pushed which i didn't like. If they did some original numbers then they could've got Oscar nomination this year. Great year for animated films and this movie is no exception. Highly recommended.


A complete film experience
I was skeptical about this. I've seen good reviews when this movie was released but afterwards those became negative. The movie had a fresh and quite simple concept of sci-fi mystery thriller. The action scenes really doesn't count much since it's not relevant. Because it's a story driven plot than just action. Quite an awesome concept of people revisiting their past so often in their mind now they can experience it on a machine. That's how the plot leads into, then romance love and gooey stuff. Then comes heartbreak and pain with doubt to find faults and reason. Then becomes a hunt for truth seeking in a fantasy land of dying planet earth to flood.

I love the acting and performance of lead characters. They've done very well. The dialogues are just extremely captivating with their screentime. You can't take your eyes off in there. A great movie for theatres really. Then you can see well done cinematography and storytelling. It's quite a treat for mystery lovers and sci-fi geeks. Im sure it's worth the watch.

tick, tick...BOOM!

Garfield closed the year 2021 with BOOM
I must say i thought this was another Netflix movie. But due to pandemic people can't watch many exceptional movies in theaters so the filmmakers relies on Netflix and other streaming service. This is a theater level movie on the streaming service.

The concept is familiar, biopics have been popular recently. I've already seen 2 biopics this year about Aretha Franklin done stupendously by Jennifer Hudson. And this one. Im not a fan of musicals because they seem like old people time movie theater when there wasn't giant screens and videos. But it's something that still breathes after decades of technological advancement where this format would've been extinct.

The cinematography is just outstanding the camerawork the production and the choreography of certain parts were just something close to perfection. Didn't really felt forced or robotic. The director is pretty good and captured the raw moments quite beautifully.

The storytelling is also something I've loved here. There's tick tick boom is the story about the person while the person narrates about another story about writing another musical production. It's a musical inside another musical.

The performance is by far the lead roles delivered it. The 3 lead being Johnathan, Susan and Micheal were portrayed well maybe some lackings here and there. And my God Andrew Garfield killed it. I was crying halfway and to the end. His acting skills are beyond versatile like the man perfects everything he does.

The music being the core of the musical the lyrics being the heart and the melody being the blood the merging is just amazing. The lyrics just touched me sometimes the writing process was beautifully portrayed in-between scenes. Jonathan larson a very talented and gifted human being. Worth to tribute his existence. The music was very well done at various scenes the performance and music spoke synonymously.

Overall im fascinated by how cinematography, choreography, performance and music were so beautifully combined and done well in this movie. Just fantastic.


One of the best.
To be honest I've seen Zoe in green in the MCU thought she was thande newton. I thought to myself wow she didn't age. But later found out it was another person. Well she is actually a badass in this movie. I mean seriously the leap from these things to MCU mediocre roles. But i understand because these movies are hate by men they think women in leading action movies are taking a man's job away. Talk about insecurity. So they give terrible reviews so they could get rid of these female leading films. As a man i feel pity for those people who are that backdated in 2021. Amazing film loved to watch this it's amazing and holds up well after 10 years. Saw this as a kid and loved it. Recommended to watch.

The Devil's Advocate

I'd suggest to skip this.
I was expecting much more from a movie where you have Al Pacino, Keanu Reeves, Charlize Theron. But it was a huge disappointment. Now the start of the film was decent. The mystery was there but Al Pacino's devil after introduction becomes this whole rich old playboy to becoming the protagonist's father. Even Charlize going topless wasn't enough for me to say this movie was worth the watch. The only person to save the story was the mother who does nothing at all where she could've done something important. She says nothing when the biological father is right there. She just leaves at the time of need. The whole devil's work is also very vague in the end. The ending was confusing and unfinished showing free will can change time and space. Honestly Keanu Reeves is not a person to show emotions like weird faces and smiling evilly. He tries it here and it's just a pain to see that. Honestly Al Pacino just yells when the movie is going down the drain and he does it here too. So I shall not recommend this at all.


Watched it for Samara weaving but disappointed.
The guy Steven Yuen is a good enough comedian and kind of a serious actor too. But the trope of asian men should all know martial arts and do action movies are just so Hollywood. The whole idea was that. The story starts off like a boring desk job guy is confused about his lawyer job and he doesn't like it or he loves it. Then comes the whole him rejecting samara's character for some bank case. I don't understand laws and their terms like many people so it's definitely not for me cuz it's all over the movie.

Then there's a virus before covid years which looks like a tomato but not rotten (puns). The virus makes you lose inhibitions and do whatever you like. Then comes swat team who are completely useless in this film. Then there's hardcore banter and action scenes which isn't well choreographed neither is the camera work. It's just plain big budget but low quality crew. Then camera is always on steven samara is only there when she's doing it with steve. Which is a shame because they're equally talented enough while one is sexualized and other is overhyped. Inequality and bashing feminism throughout the movie is very clear. Pretty much women hatred is shown too. I'd say it's not worth to watch just plain confusion and underwhelming cinematography and script to waste your time.


I went in without expectations and loved it.
Oh my gosh where do i start? Such an action packed film with amazing visuals and camera work. The color grading is amazing and the lights worked well per shot. The beautiful Mary Elizabeth Winstead is getting her big break now as an action superstar. She's been my crush in sky high and i didn't cared if she was villain. Then she got famous after braindead series now getting good breaks like birds of prey now a lead role in this movie. Im very excited for her.

The graphic action and killing scenes are quite realistic they did quite better than most gore scenes in other movies. Big thumbs up. The surprising bits and moments which can catch you off guard sometimes and comedy bits too. I also love the progression of boom boom lemon joke. Overall quite an amazing film definitely worth to watch i highly recommend this.

Web Cam Girls

Really great
Full of mystery and suspense and thrill. The visuals are okay just not bad but story is little off at the middle. But overall good to watch, recommended.

Fear Street: 1994

A great introduction
I went to this without any expectations and it's really good to see a start of a promising trilogy. First time im seeing 3 movies of a trilogy released at once. It's also written by goosebumps series writer i didn't knew that until the end. Definitely a great cinematography and lighting. The environment matches the 90s era and a little modern touch too. The whole story and even the graphic scenes are well done.

A start of a promising horror project and im looking forward to the others. Recommended heavily.

Fear Street: 1978

I was interested for the 2nd part and it delivered
I went to this not expecting much and it's really a better trilogy from the others. The cinematography and the premise is very beautiful to watch. The color grading according to the late 70s and early 80s really shows here. It's quite accurate depiction of the era.

The acting however is not the best from lead cast but sadie sink did a good job not the other. The secondary cast did quite great and the tommy guy was phenomenal villain. Definitely a thrilling experience but a little goofs here and there overall pretty well done and looking forward to the 3rd sequel.

Fear Street: 1666

Really good
Definitely loved the setup the color grading here in the 3rd part it's really something to look out for. And the lead actress shine better than the first part. I loved the incorporation of the previous cast to fit in the old timeline and they did fit very well. The ending and the whole death of nick changed everything was a little too rushed but loved the journey of it. Definitely recommended.

Vice Versa: Chyna

Amazing documentary
Such a great insider story about an iconic wrestling legend so ahed of her time. But she really was attacked by heartless people who just cared for money. It's so sad and painful to see a great person being unappreciated and hated for no reason. Highly recommended.

13 Reasons Why

Really just utter nonsense.
It's like a great movie which doesn't need a sequel but money hungry people just tried milking it and ruining the first movie. That's the case here. Netflix is definitely confused like the plot kf this series.

Great start and terrific story progression even though long and hard to watch. Very confusing at times while intriguing. But suddenly it stops and promises to be better but eventually just goes downhill. They even tried to justify rape and a rapist by showing reasons which doesn't even make sense. Graphic scenes too and just great performance from unknown cast even though some of the actors lack versatility. I also think people who are suicidal will also be provoked by this because they tried to justify the suicidal aspects. Very very hard to watch after season 2. Not recommended.

Privorot. Chernoe venchanie

Quite awesome
The cinematography and lighting with the thriller parts are so good. Very very underrated work of art and the performance of actors were awesome. Quite a good movie.


By far the worst movie from great cast.
It's like an episode of some family series like the bad one of the season. The plot was so dumb and just nonsense it's a pain to watch. It didn't make a single ounce of sense at each scene. Waste of time thought this was going to be great because of the cast. But really disappointed from the overall movie.

The Babysitter

Im really surprised
This movie is like a huge plot twist start like wow. The chemistry of the lead characters at first is just so captivating and then you think you know what this movie might be, your ground moves beneath your feet and you ask yourself oh my god what just happened. It's so so unexpected and just grabs your attention for the rest of the film.

The story is so simple yet scary and cinematography is top notch. The thriller elements are just wow. Samara is such a talented actress i genuinely admire her skills. This movie is underrated like ready ot not and i find this extremely frustrating. Worth the watch for sure.

Ready or Not

excellent movie at the top 10 for me
Where do i begin the premises and storyline is just so captivating and amazing. I didn't know what to expect and they blew me away. It's such a good mix thriller comedy and horror. Samara weaving is a wonderful actress and this movie is extremely underrated. I mean such a well done cinematography and directions. Definitely the best movie if you go without expectations.

Who Am I Now?

A little different but very intimate setup
I'd say it's a piece of a life kind of story and shows the moments in that specific timeline. The movie has a very intimate setting of few characters and the chemistry between them is present. The friendship and beautiful moments are there and also the romantic parts are also presented beautifully. A little unnecessary explicit scenes for me but they have to sell it to men viewers cuz they love girl stuff. But definitely worth the watch.

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