
IMDb member since June 2020
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The WORST movie ever...NOT funny at ALL
I love both of the actors in this movie, so I was interested to see how they were together playing as husband and wife. It wasn't that the acting was necessarily bad, they were just given a REALLY dull script to work with. First of all, this is listed as a "Comedy" movie, but there was not one single funny thing in the entire movie...the actors didn't laugh once, and there were no jokes for the audience either. I wish I could take back the time I spent watching this painfully dull movie.

The Boy Downstairs

Love this movie!
Honest, heartbreaking, yet also heartwarming. I loved the indie feel of this movie. Even though her living in a beautiful brownstone when she only worked at a bridal shop (and was also an unpaid aspiring author) was a tad unrealistic, it made for some great scenery. I loved the acting, the dry humor, and the chemistry between the two. Would definitely recommend.

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