
IMDb member since May 2001
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Excellent work with amazingly intimate footage pieced together to preserve the through line and themes. Really good. urto b
This documentary was one of the best I've seen. I was particularly impressed with the filmmakers' ability to get intimate shots of the two main characters talking about each other separately. The two characters' relationship -- the main story of the film -- is inherently interesting from a dramatic perspective because they have known each other since their teen-age years and are both smart, aggressive and goal-oriented but in most other ways (e.g., emotionally), completely different. One (the ex-Goldman guy) is focused, aware of what's going on around him and understands the importance of appearances and playing the game while the other (the more technical guy) is focused on loyalty and less able to change(sort of a classic nerd).

I would love to see the unused footage for this. The filmmakers must have had a helluva time figuring out what to use. But what they have done works structurally and thematically. I will say no more so I don't ruin the story for those of you who haven't seen it.

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