Reviews (27)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watch a lot of Netflix moves and, this isn't the worst acting I've ever seen as most of the reviews suggest.

    It had a good amount of suspense, it felt real...HOWEVER, I gathered some red flags in the beginning of the film. The relationship began to move quite quickly, and I was kinda like "Well, that's nothing new for a Netflix film." So, I dismissed that and continued to enjoy the film. Annnd then starts the trainwreck.

    1. What the heck do they mean by "based on a true story"? I beg to differ. Loosely based at most.

    2. Some of the characters they added, I thought they would have a big impact later on. Like the dude that worked at the diner. I guess they didn't want him to be the "knight in shining armor," but why make their relationship tight if you're not going to use that later on to your advantage, writers? Sheesh.

    ^Best friend character could've been booted. Another character introduced and not used properly.

    3. Weird message? I thought they were going to say something about racism as they sort of teased it, but in the end they never used that. So it made no sense for that one comment by the guest sargent said to be put in the film. Once again, untied ends, a recurring pattern in this film.

    4. That sun thing near the end. This is a spoiler review, but I won't give away too much. All imma say is this, unnecessary. Stupid to say the least. Thought I was watching a fantasy movie for a moment. Could've made it realistic by dragging out the suspense. The mom having a dream? The "changing woman" and the spider? Just, what?

    Anyways that's all I've gotta say. *Cons* are all of those listed above, and *Pros* are that the storyline was briefly okay and had potential, and the acting wasn't garbage.
  • In the first few minutes of this film I started to assume this'd be just another Inside Out... Absolutely not. This movie is almost eye opening, and reminding us especially this particular Christmas that we should be thankful for life, and the simple things. Couldn't have been released at a better time than December. I personally don't think this movie is for little kids, because I don't know they would understand a lot of the philosophy, and also the struggles that the characters face in this movie. And there's some language as well. But overall, I recommend this movie to adults and teens, This movie goes beyond jazz... Just watch it!
  • This one wasn't terrible, but it wasn't the best, either. It has a pet-peeve of mine: forced love story. I was shocked when Quinn admitted she has been in love with Jack for her whole life. (Not a spoiler, it's obvious.) She didn't seem in love with him at all. This movie thought it could use words and that would register in our minds as chemistry. It doesn't work like that. As for this whole radio show thing, what even..? Who on earth would be interested in a meet the parents segment... ON NYE? Not I, said the cat.

    The acting coming from the side characters is horrendous. When they made an announcement that was supposedly really big, the wows coming from the family was not convincing at all.

    As for the positives, I thought that Jack was a model love interest for these types of films. He wasn't a deplorable male character just there for staring at, I actually thought he was an okay guy. I have more to say on this film, but I believe I don't have much more description for it. I say just watch it for yourself and see If you like it.
  • This show is a nice easy watch, and I appreciate how the competitors were very friendly to each other. Thankfully this doesn't take on the "reality TV unnecessary drama" formula. Just good old, pure cooking and fair judging. I do have a few complaints, though. Number one: the two accompanying hosts probably said what, no more than 100 lines throughout the whole show? I think it would've been fine with just the judges. Seemed like they just picked two random celebrity folks that didn't really have any chemistry with the contestants, they were just...there. I'm not being picky, but others would agree. Number two: Future reference for season 2, give everyone a change of clothes. It's not that big of an issue, but when you imagine that they're there for 8 days and probably not enough time to wash those clothes in between challenges, it is a bit disturbing. So, overall, it's a good watch and easy to binge, but keep in mind the 2 extra hosts and what little they add, and also the clothes thing.
  • I normally make very long detailed reviews, but this with this show there isn't much to say. I should've been warned by the TV-MA title, but it's way too much nudity(and the whole shabang) in this for me. As for the plot, I didn't even realize this was supposed to be based off any type of book at all. Excuse my lack of knowledge in the literature world, but I thought this was a continuation of the journalist/was she also a nurse? in AHS freakshow. I have no idea why I assumed that, but that's what I thought it was. Which is saying a lot, the fact that it didn't contain that much in reference to the book, based on the reviews. I'm not saying this show is terrible, it's just confusing as to what it is. It isn't really an easy watch either. I've been skipping (bed) scenes and I'm also afraid I've more than likely missed a lot of dialogue. Sarah Paulson is a great actress though, and while I haven't finished the whole show quite yet, I'm enjoying a few of the other actors' performances as well. I'm a young lady and even with some TV-MA shows I'm not bothered by them, but Ryan Murphy's work manages to disturb you even without there being any horror. Way too much "romantic" things involved. And you know I mean more than just being romantic.
  • This is a great show if you like sci-fi but nothing that will make you have to think. That's what I loved about this show that everyone else hated. It requires just a little bit of brain power, but nothing crazy.

    I think the acting is pretty good. Most of these actors I've never heard of, but because of their "freshness" I think it adds to the "new character" experience.

    The storyline is of a typical Netflix original. If you want to watch a show that's mainly about Space, this isn't the show for you. I'd say this show is a more adult-y version of a teen drama/pick a fight show, but in space. It's for people who like space but don't care about the technical/science part of it. I really enjoyed the romance aspect of this show. I hate a show with romance consuming every scene of each episode. This has a good balance of a Husband and Wife who love each other when near, but still love each other whilst far apart. There's way more I could say about the romance and the characters, but then that would be spoiling it. So, if you're okay with any of the things I've mentioned, I suggest you go and give this show a watch.

    2 stars deducted for the following reasons, 1. Profanity. 2. the CGI is pretty meh.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Okay, I will admit, I like a nice cringe-fest every once in a while by watching a Netflix rom-com. But this, was just unenjoyable. The scenes attempting to create drama (for example, the court parts) were lacking terribly. When they start to fall in "love," get ready for one of the most *cringe* realization moments. Of course, I knew what I was getting into. So if you enjoy "no real connection, but hey, they're attractive!" romance, and terribly written annoying jokes and pestering unnecessary character additions, then this movie is for you. I will say, I did enjoy the special touch on the credits.
  • This TV show is the first show I've ever watched in it's original language. It has such a rich plot, that English dubbing doesn't do it justice. The acting is superb! There was a scene where one of the characters were yelling at another character, and I could feel the yelling through my bones. This is one of the best, most immersing shows on Netflix that I've watched in a really long time. I can't wait for season 2. I deducted two stars for the following reasons: I didn't like the usage of cuss words in this show that didn't seem necessary. One of the cuss words in this show is a word that I despise. And, also the special FX are kind of cringey. They definitely need to work on the effects and making them more realistic.
  • I know nothing about Rubik's Cubes or the art of speed-cubing, but I thoroughly enjoyed this documentary. I just clicked on this randomly expecting it to be forgettable, but I felt so much emotion during this docu, so if you're like me and you know nothing about cubing, you'll still learn something: the power of friendship.
  • Woah.... This game is amazing. Emotion, good graphics, and great gameplay all wrapped in one. You can't go wrong with buying this game. I play on easy mode, and I experienced something VERY rare in a video game. Even on easy mode, it's still beautifully balanced and not TOO easy to where it's not enjoyable. And the side quests actually build the characters, it's not like (my personal favorite open world game) Horizon Zero dawn, where you do the side quests and that's it. You did a service for the characters and you never have any idea what it had to do with the stories. None of that on here, it all seems to tie in with the story. This game is emotional, there were a few times where I felt like I was punched in the gut with my own feelings. Should I even say more? Buy this game!
  • It's certainly not the best show on Netflix, but then again I'm not into fashion like that. The host is funny but I cringe when he attempts to flirt. He seems a little too into the guys though, and you can tell the guys feel uncomfortable with that. Only a few makeovers actually looked good. A true stylist would bring out your true style, NOT demote it. Some of them have really unique styles and they just water it down, which I get is the point, but maybe someone likes wearing a ton of colors, instead of reducing and balancing it they completely wash it out.
  • I loved this show. I am on episode 3 right now, but so far I'm really enjoying it. It shows the realism of dating on the spectrum, and if you're neurotypical this gives you a whole different point of view. There were funny moments, cringey moments, and happy moments and I just love the emotion in this show. It shows what dating is, sometimes it's imperfect but it takes a while to hit a gold mine. I hope they make more shows like this, well done.
  • I watched all of the episodes in less than a 24 hour time span, that's how addictive this show is. Yes, you won't get "grade A" acting per-se, but it makes up for it with the plot that pulls you in. It does have one thing that I hate to see in teen dramas, they cast people who clearly are over 18 and make them act like they're 16. At least make them 17 or something. The villain was well done, she was so evil that you as the viewer start to develop hatred, which us absolutely necessary in order for you to feel immersed. I loved it and I'm giving it 10 stars because I never felt like there were any plot holes.
  • Okay, go ahead make a show about plastic surgery. But don't talk about their bodies like it's garbage. They kept referring to their flaws as such, "They had a horrible scar on their torso" or seeming insensitive about their stories. I didn't like that at all. It is an okay show and I'll probably keep watching, but be forewarned of the trash talking by the doctor and nurse at times. (Not a spoiler, more like a warning or heads-up)
  • This show is so good. I don't understand all the hate because I personally loved it. It is well worth the wait of one season per year. If you like drama and you're also a space nerd you will absoloutely LOVE this show. From the first episode you will start to immerse yourself into the plot and it will be hard to break away. I will say this though, and I don't consider this a spoiler, just a heads up. Will the main character is an annoying kid, and I'll leave it at that so I don't spoil it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show is great! It features a main character with autism without it being some sort of obstacle. I love how Sam is just a regular kid who happens to be atypical. Honestly I couldn't stop watching. I cannot wait for season 4 as I finished all 3 of the seasons in a week. I wouldn't reccomend this for kids, and I'm shocked this wasn't TV MA, it features the s word quite frequently, and mature terms are used often. I get this show is about relationships but yeah, even 14 is too young to watch this show. I appreciate how real and raw the relationships are. I would reccomend. It's got certain things in it that I didn't like though. Not sure why the affair with Casey and izzie was romanticized but when Elsa cheated with that bartender she was painted as a bad guy. Didn't like that. Otherwise a good show.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I thoroughly enjoyed this show! Keeps you on the edge of your seat. The ending has tons and tons of plot holes, though. Like how the heck could another character kill someone If that character is already in jail? Malbec40 scenes could've been skipped altogether because we got no answers or resolutions out of that. Other then that it kept me watching without boredom which is rare for me and my short attentiveness. 2 stars deducted because of the excessive and unnecessary amount of language used, and the things that went unanswered.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I turned this on gearing myself up for terrible acting and unfunny jokes. But, I was actually wrong. It made me laugh which is crazy hard to do from a comedy movie, and I wasn't impressed with the acting but it wasn't terrible. Now, what I was upset about, the ending. The ending was so confusing and we don't even know what happened with Tyrell and if he ever got the money back from Fake Mtumbe. There are tons of plot holes and filled with my ultimate movie and book pet peeve, introducing conflict without resolution. So summary, it was funny and I liked it. I didn't feel chemistry between the two characters and it seemed like they were only "in love" because the movie told as they were and not because the viewers felt it.
  • This movie isn't terrible at all. Acting isn't bad, and the story feels you in right from the beginning. Has a plot and a subplot. It is a good watch if you're surfing through Netflix. Yes the ending is a little strange but overall I enjoyed this movie.
  • Okay so, this show is actually not that bad. Yes, the acting is less than great. It's a bit predictable and from the first episode you can kind of see where it's going. I also have another complaint, there is really no relationship between anyone. Everyone is just friendly with each other but I don't get that sense of a close bond. No one really has a personality. Kymara was a great character and I wanted to see more of her. She had spunk and could actually act. Gemma, Rose, and Jacob were all alike. They had weak traits and nothing made them stand apart. I also liked Regan and although her being snooty, I enjoyed her snootiness because it set her apart from everyone else who had pretty much the same personality. I liked the plot. Although predictable, I've personally never seen a show about solely mind control so it has a nice touch.
  • I could probably be more entertained watching a pot of water boil. It's quite the bore of a film. 50 minutes in and I will at least give it this, at least the romance doesn't go at a scarily unrealistic rate, because for a movie an hour in for a relationship is a good pacing that is not overdoing it. The only thing keeping me watching it is being hopeful of a good romantic story. I love romance, not so much "Rom-Coms" but I like clean romance, and that's the only reason I'm still watching. The acting is okay, fine actually. For what it's worth, the acting is way better than hallmark.
  • I knew I wouldn't like this show, simply because I don't like medieval shows and prefer a more modern approach to shows. But I gave it a chance. It had potential to be ok based off of the trailer. But I'm a little over halfway with the episode and I don't think I'll be finishing it. It's boring, mediocre acting with no emotion, and worst part of all is the repetitive scenes. I get it's supposed to be a knight based show, but does every other scene have to be at the games with the exact same can't get along characters? It's not very good to say the least. And I'm the type to give shows a chance. This one? I'm not going to be finishing it. Too bad I already wasted around 30 minutes of my time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Okay, so here's the real tea if you're looking to watch this show. I know it's entirely tempting to skip through and maybe even stop watching the show altogether. I have some things that I liked about this show, and some that I didn't. Starting with the first thing I don't like, the first few episodes are unnervingly slow, dare I say slightly boring. It took all the way to around episode 3-4 for the show to catch my attention. Anything before those episodes, it was meh. The next thing that was cringe inducing were the accents...If you watch this just expect the accents to not be all that great. As a person from the state this is based off of, I can say these accents sound NOTHING like a SC accent. None of the accents are coherent, mind you. Each actor and actress has a different southern accent which makes no sense at all. Lots of people had dirt on the acting, but I must say the acting is alright. It's not oscar worthy sure, but it is not terrible. As you watch the show you can see who acts the worst, but I'll leave that to you. Once the pace started to pick up, it wasn't all bad.

    Although, I do have another complaint. The "Sweet Magnolias" are pictured to have this sort of bond, but for me I didn't feel that chemistry through the screen. They seemed cozy but as I watched the show more I began to see their lives be more separate besides those little drinking tidbits of theirs. The romantic relationships were good. They were heartfelt and I like that they didn't show... stuff. Except in episode 8 where there's a little act that happens, so beware for the tweens who watch this show. I go into more detail about my livings of this show in the spoiler section below. So come back to my review when you've seen it more! Okay so for those of you who are a little further along in the series, * *STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS. SPOILERS AHEAD** Let's talk the relationships. I absolutely loved how relationships are portrayed in this show. A lot of shows could take note. This is where I actually began to appreciate the slow pacing of the show. First of, Ryan and Helen's relationship was great. It was a guy coming back to a girl, and she loved him all along and didn't even know it. The chem was there, with out showing to much. I was really disappointed to see how that relationship went but that's all I'll say there as to not spoil too much. Maddie and Coach Cal? It felt forced. I expected them to get together the minute the camera stayed on his face while he was gazing at her. It was a super cliché love story and I wasn't feeling it. I kept clicking the 10 seconds ahead button every time they kissed because it grossed me out. I like how even though this show is in the Romance category, with Dana Sue she craved love but before the script even touched that it made sure she got to know and love herself which I really liked. I really liked getting a glimpse into the teenagers' lives and not just focusing on the magnolias. Overall, I liked this show. It's just sad that just as it was getting good it ended on a massive cliffhanger. And not just one, but several cliffhangers. Will Maddie take Cal or Bill? Who was in the car with Kyle? We'll have to find out in season 2!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I actually quite like this show. I heard about it but all I saw was the cheesy, typical, sitcom-set and I expected a laughing track (which I hate). But one day I was bored enough and I gave it a chance. At first, it was what I expected. Laughing track, character breathes extra hard when getting frustrated, and all that sitcom jazz. But as It went on, I noticed something else, no "aww" track or "ooh, wooh!" Which I dislike even more than the laughing, so I was quite pleased.

    It's got a great storyline and the best part of it is, there is no romanticization of the character Alexa's cancer. Matter of fact, they really make sure the delve into the negative things she goes through, without it being a downer. Which is why I say this show is a great way to educate children on different conditions and issues that happen in life without it taking over the good parts of the show and creating fear in your child.

    I appreciate how they showed the different mental issues, such as Alexa having PTSD and fear any time she was the center of a conversation about her condition, and with Spencer who she didn't want to get close to at first because of not wanting to be reminded. How Alexa and Katie had bald heads and they embraced it, instead of the show covering that up and just making them conventionally attractive for the whole show. The way that they portrayed Katie's anxiety was very realistic and her going through the denial stage at first. The panic attack was very realistic in nature so much that I had to skip it because it was a bit triggering if you suffer from bouts of nervousness. So definitely keep that in mind she has 2 panic attacks throughout the show and just be sure if you or your child want to see that before going on through the show.

    I like how not everyone on this show is rich and how Katie's mom is single and struggles with money. It's refreshing to see real life portrayed in a show. You must be warned, the relationships are slightly cheesy at times. Ryan and Katie's to be specific. But as to not give too many spoilers, I'll just leave that there. So far great show and I would recommend 10 to 16 year olds watch this show. Any younger and some things they wouldn't understand, such as the money struggles, anxiety issues and etc, but any older and it may be a 17-18 year old watching a kid's show they might be embarrassed about. But as someone in between, I thoroughly enjoyed all 4 seasons.
  • This movie is pretty good. I've seen it so many times and have always thought this movie was among the best "O.G" disney movies. Now that I've seen it again as someone who is older now, it' It's got the generic disney channel flick vibes. The mean clique, the "cute" boy, and many more. It's worth a watch but just know it is a bit cliché. But I love that the plot will go on to be unique. You don't see too many movies where the main character accidentally becomes a best-selling author. So summary, it's got some overused tropes in it, but it's got a good message at the end and it's a great movie that lots of teens might relate to.
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