
IMDb member since June 2020
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    3 years, 11 months


Mr Inbetween

Mad love from America!!!!
This show is so well- written, well-acted, and most of all fun to watch. Ray Shoesmith is a perfect anit-hero. He is a great father, great friend, great brother with a strong moral compass that permits a beatdown on any one who acts like a deeeeekhead.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople

A new approach to the coming of age film. Funny, charming, touching. Sam Neil crushes it (as always. Rhys Darby (Murray Present!) and the entire cast are great. Masterful direction, incredible scenery, great soundtrack. A nearly flawless movie.

¿Quién Mató a Sara?

Pretty entertaining
First season is better then the second. It has enough going to keep the viewer engaged. It has violence, beautiful people acting badly, and twist and turns that makes it a fun escape. If you are the prudish type skip it. If you need a dose of mindless, adult, soapy, binging.. give season 1 a watch.

Snabba cash

Ties too hard
One character is a rip off of Snoop from The Wire. Another is a rip off of Adebsi from Oz. The Female lead is a pathological liar and a bad parent. Maybe it gets better but I stopped after one episode.


Well done low budget slice of life
Very entertaining low budget movie. Very believable characters especially if you have spent time in L. A. Patrick Fabian and Tonya Clarke are both excellent as a couple who are frustrated with each other but still love each other and their daughters. There is definitely an appeal to music lovers as well. Life is a journey and DriverX is a nice metaphor for the ride we are all on. Sometimes go meet people you like, sometimes you meet Karens and Chads, and sometimes you meet nutjobs.

Pawn Shop Chronicles

fun in a low bro sorta way
Looking for a movie to watch an a snowy Saturday afternoon while you nurse a hangover? This is your movie. Put the brain in neutral, lay back on the couch and escape to a funny white trash Tarantino wanna be southern joy ride. No. It not The Godfather, but it will make you laugh and entertain you you with some e twist/tie togethers.

Les misérables

An excellent work of cinema
This is not a remake of the novel. It does draw obvious inspiration from the novel as well as inspiration from Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing, and Antoine Fuqua's Training Day. The movie is a hyper-realistic, gritty, perfectly paced snapshot of the tension that exist in the Parisian suburbs, but are globally generalizable. The subsets of characters are believable and never evolve into cliches or stereotypes. First rate acting and direction. A fantastic full length debut from this director.

Toast of London

Granted I only made it through one episode. It seemed like 25 minutes of being stuck with the theater dorks in high school, who acted like repeating "Just a flesh wound" 20 times a day or making fun of the students who did their homework, or did sports, made them edgy.


The best.
This is why I watch movies. I have watched it 20+ times and have loved it every time. Both ahead off its time and the perfect movie for its era. If you have not seen this and love movies, turn off your phone, get some popcorn and immerse yourself in this true Hollywood masterpiece.

Breakfast at Tiffany's

I don't get it.
Yes, I admit Audrey Hepburn is great. I watched this because I was invited to a B at T's party. No sympathetic characters. I am not one to cry about PC-ness, but holy cow, Mickey Rooney's Asian character is cringe-inducingly racist . Obviously a lot of people love this movie. I did not enjoy it at all.


Low budget gem of a movie.
A movie that starts out as an annoying bourgeoisie dinner party turns into a well -crafted cerebral sci-fi gem. Much off it was semi-improvised which gives the movie-watcher a genuine voyeuristic thrill of shared confusion with the characters. High recommended. We loved the ending.


A fun movie
I am not a regular on the Pixar circuit. I gave this movie a chance on a whim. I really really enjoyed it. Great pace, adventure, at times humorous, all without being preachy.


A masterpiece of American television
First 3 seasons -10/10 some of the most entertaining. well-acted TV of all time. Season 4- 9/10 Still pretty freakin' great, a little different, but still great. Stop reading and watch it.

Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

An excellent documentary
Three episodes is the perfect length for this fascinating true crime doc. We were gripped from beginning to end (except like the last 2 minutes which was superfluous). We resisted watching it for months because of our obvious aversion to animal cruelty, but it is not gratuitous and one can look away for those brief scenes and not miss the intensity. If the topic "How does a genetic predisposition to psychopathy infused with narcissism, a loving but 'out to lunch' mother, celebrity worship and social media produce a new type of serial killer?" interests you, give this a watch.

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Genius political satire!
The phrase, "Give em enough rope to hang themselves", was never more true! At times hilarious, at times disturbing, never boring. SBC does a good job of showing some people who were genuinely kind and compassionate as well, which restores a certain degree of faith in the US of A. Even, at times, some of those who he is lampooning are portrayed with a degree of humanity, not just caricatures. They are shown as misinformed, yet caring and hard-working. The actions of Rudy G, the gold-digger, and others, however, speak for themselves. TBH, If you have more than one Trump sign in your yard and need your daily Sean Hannity fix, you will probably hate it.

Monsterland: Eugene, Oregon
Episode 5, Season 1

Terrific episode
I understand why some reviewers are so negative on this episode. Personally, I thought it was great. Incredibly relevant in our internet misinformation saturated, confirmation bias obsessed nation. The ending was ambiguous, but how we combat misinformation inducing violence while respecting free-speech is a issue with no clear solution. The acting was first rate, the situations the characters found themselves in were believable, as was the need to blame someone/something else for their struggles.

Rocksteady: The Roots of Reggae

I wish I could review this
For some reason every time I try to watch this on Amazon Prime it starts to load then kicks me out back to the Amazon Prime home page. After 35 minutes of this I gave up. This is frustrating because this looks like my kind of musical documentary.

Sharp Objects

Simple great
The acting, pacing, plot and character development are top notch. One of the best mini-series ever.


Pretty decent
Visually stunning with an intriguing story line. The lead actress was not great, but not as bad as some reviews would have you belief. Zach Grenier is awesome as the amoral fixer. Yeah, it could have been 6 episodes instead of 8, but overall an enjoyable sci-fi trip.

Crime Wave

True Noir
Sterling Hayden steals the show. This is a great noir thriller about a n ex-con falling in love and trying to escape his past. I highly recommend.

Low Tide

Simple, effective storytelling and movie making
Spectacular acting from the young actors in this and Shea Whigham is great as always. Many compare this to Kevin McMullin's more violent previous movie, The Guest(which I also enjoyed). I feel he is more disciplined with Low Tide i.e. not using so much background music. The result is a believable, enjoyable, well-paced, heist thriller.


One of the best shows ever made
Just finished season three. WOW! This is a cerebral drama sci-fi classic. It is okay to get lost and be confused that is all part of the nature of the show. The slow unraveling of the mystery is magnificent.

The Valhalla Murders

Really enjoyed this Icelandic gem. It is up there with Bordertown and Fortitude in terms of intensity,high quality acting, and superb direction.

The Five

Not bad but
The Pros- good plot twists and acting The Bad- ultimately succumbs to cliches and burns itself out.

Roadside Prophets

Cult classic gem
Before the Hollywood media fawned over itself by hyping (and sometimes over-hyping) female directors, Abbe Wool directed this gem of a movie. For those that love road trip movies this has a little bit of everything. Charming story line , humanity. quirky characters, and a great soundtrack. The cameos alone : Flea, Dick Rude, Don Cheadle, Arlo Gutherie. Timothy Leary, David Carradine and in quite possibly the greatest cameo ever John Cusack. I hope Abbe Wool gets an opportunity to direct again (it has been like 30 years) because this movie was a blast to watch. When I am with fellow movie geeks, this is one I always recommend.

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