
IMDb member since July 2020
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No Hard Feelings

good movie but...
I enjoy this movie was funny and good performance from the actors, especially Jenifer Lawrence she beautiful in my book and she made her character believable, she was hilarious and antic. I didn't like the man lead character.... he seem plain and boring... I like the fact movie point out real life events especially you really don't own your house if you don't pay those taxes and every day struggles to get by.

Only thing that annoyed me if was the opposite sex doing it to a female, would have been weird. It's ok for women groom but not for men ? Would have been seen as creepy etc... you get my drift.

Life Like

good movie but...
I enjoy this movie but his girlfriend character got on my last nerves with the needy attitude and controlling ... if you can look beyond that than the movie is good.


the movie is good.
I was very skeptical about this movie I was holding off my review of it until I watch it. .. Well I enjoy it and kept me hooked. I'm a fan of comic books and this type of genres. Give the movie a chance you be the judge of it.

Beyond Impossible

I enjoy this film
I love my meat and veggies I don't need someone telling me what to eat when to eat, how to eat. I'm glad this film point that out...less ingredient has better for you, look for your self on vegan plant based product tons of ingredient, and search the ingredient you be surprised all bad crap in it.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

good sequel...
I was not fan young cast being lead but they play their part well. I was left with wanting more, some scene were corny some were good. I crew up with the original Ghostbuster films and watched multiple times through the decades, this movie came close to being epic.


loki is awesome!
I gotta admit I was very skeptical of this show but I was wrong! I love it, it didn't disappointed.


i love it
This show caught me off guard I'm very picky when comes to TV shows.. This show very fun to watch and I love sarcasm and smartass remarks.

Mortal Kombat

I love it! I want more!
I wasn't any good playing the games, I was more into street fighter games. I do enjoy first mortal kombat and this one, kano is hilarious in this movie.

Kano at raiden "what about me, gandalf, where's my fortune cookie jar"

The Movies That Made Us

always wanted to know how was made
Great documentary, and in depth how was my favorites movies growing were made. I want more!!!! Narrator was funny and kept things entertaining.

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