
IMDb member since September 2006
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    17 years


Three Sons

favorable film
I saw this film twice on T.V., both times I was still living with my parents on our first B/W T.V.. I enjoyed it then as did my Mother, who consistently was pulling for Freddie to rejoin the family. With Abe buying up the stock that the rest of the family was selling, to which I believe was to keep the dept. store in the family which he,Abe,put in more time to build the stores size than did the the rest of the family.

I saw this a very long time ago, somewhere in the mid-50's, I thought it was a good film as it dealt with in-family conflicts when it comes to heirs keeping a family business in tact, the same conflicts are in place today as it was depicted in the film.

Thank You: W.B.Redmond

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