
IMDb member since September 2006
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Cheddar Indeed
In it's attempts at horror, unfortunately the most horrific thing in the series is the acting. Everything is so heavy handed, there is no subtlety in any performance. It's as if the producers feel the need to explain every detail, to the point of flashbacks to the previous violence, like they don't expect us to get it. The struggling actor character is so over the top with his maniacal behavior that he's like a cartoon. CheezyAF.... Bulging eyes, quivering lip...Way over the top... Too bad really, some of the story and a lot of the tension is well done until we return to the wannabe actor... The fumbling performance took me right out of the story. The main character's partner is a high point, his character is so unappealing and naturally unlikeable. Great performance, well cast... Over all though, I preferred the first season.....

Very Important People: Denzel
Episode 2, Season 1

After finding the first episode so entertaining I really was looking forward to episode 2.... I needn't have bothered. Everything about this second episode just falls flat. The performer is so unappealing I don't know how he was chosen. Nothing about it was funny, numerous attempts at humor based on race. Even his choice of character name was another racial trope. I was very disappointed, especially after I thoroughly enjoyed the first episode. My recommendation is skip this one. I hope the performer has some skills in a trade, the arts don't seem to be his strength. I don't know whether I will even watch anymore episodes, as Denzel fell flat ...

Evil Lives Here

The Wedding Knife
I just watched Season 14 episode 8 of Evil Lives Here... "Three-and-a-half Hours of Hell... Let me start by saying that I am not a person of faith so I'm not sure what these folks are thinking. The victim/survivor of this marriage claims repeatedly to be a believer but she certainly didn't recognize any heads up that any God may have tried to give her. After being literally warned by a premarriage counselor, his own mother told her to run (after he cut himself with a box opener during an argument) I have the utmost compassion for this woman but when she found that he had written her name, Sara, on his heavy punching bag I think I would have gotten the message. Finally, after finding his attempts to date other women on line she starts to get it. Eventually he stalks her to Arizona and attempts to kill her ...(If I can't have you, etc....) I'm so glad she has survived but if I were to meet her I would have to ask her WTF was she thinking when she gave him a knife that says Hubby Shawn engraved on the handle on their wedding night?! It's the weapon he chose to end her life. Now I thought when they talked about the knife initially that it was one of those big, dull knives used for cutting cake... but oh no, it looks like a weapon, a hunting knife, black engraved handle and all. She is a strong woman to have survived everything he did to her but it seems to me he was broadcasting the breakdown long in advance but she just wasn't picking up what he was laying down. I love this show though, the very worst people at their very worst..... I am amazed at the horrors that people are capable of and how long some people are just not capable of seeing someone for who they are, even when it's right in your face.....

Evil Among Us: Ted Bundy

Smart and Concise
As usual, Tubi originals Evil Among Us: Ted. Bundy is well done. Informative and entertaining it presents the information in a way that is easy to follow, with interviews and historic film clips it captures the mood of the country while Bundy terrorized the west toward his explosion of violence in Florida that ended his blood soaked career. I remember when the press covered every part of his reign of terror, but as slick and greasy as Bundy comes across sadly some of the Florida law officials don't come across much better. From Ken Katsaris, who's petty vindictive behavior destroyed any chance for the state to maintain the high ground, he proceeded to attempt to use the atrocities committed in his part of the state as a springboard for his personal career. I always find it creepy AF when law enforcement calls a criminal evil. Always says more about the police who do it than it does the criminals they use it to describe. Everyone knows what Bundy was, but Ken got down in the mud with him and came away dirty. Even in this documentary you can hear his self congratulatory attitude as he promotes him self. Pathetic at this point. The usual experts provide commentary throughout and as usual, the charming Tristen Engels is captivating. Her insights are brilliant and spot on. She is always a high point in the Evil Among Us series. I hope to see her in any future ideation of the TV show. She is truly outstanding.

Evil Among Us: The Golden State Killer

Smart and Concise
It's well done as with all Evil Among Us entries, it's smart, entertaining and really well presented. Great historical news clips, intriguing first hand witnesses and set at a pace that holds your attention Entertaining and informative Pretty much everything I look for in true crime productios I look forward to future Tubi original "Evil Among Us" features on classic serial offender cases. With that said and as good as it is , it's Tristen Engels that really shines. Thoughtful, well informed and with a natural likeability she is a stand out contributor. I look forward to her in every release of Evil Among Us, she has great insight into the twisted criminal mind.

Very Important People

Ups and Downs
Having only seen the first two episodes so far, it's certainly a mixed bag...the Host is perfect, her dead pan responses and clever wit shine but sadly it not always enough. The first episode is Epic, the guest was spot on, the Euro pop process was extremely well done but unfortunately the second episode, "Denzel" fell flat. Every attempt at humor was lame.... Even the character's name was a poor choice. I hope that going forward they have found sharp and talented comics like the first episode. It's understandable that I have never heard of the guest star of the second episode. Going forward I wouldn't expect much buzz around this performance. That said, the host and first star were hilarious and I can't wait for episode 3.

L'Affaire Fourniret: Dans la tête de Monique Olivier

French Mysogony
The prosecutor is a buffoon, the stunt he orchestrated having the victims family leave the courtroom, with pictures left behind, right as the defense was about to present it's case? Shows a complete lack of respect for the french legal system. He was more interested in winning than serving justice. Disturbing, truly.

The inability of the victims families to see the amount of control the killer had over his wife makes me wonder about the level of Mysogony in France. Sad story on so many levels.

It seemed obvious to me that she was in fear for her own life. In my experience men like him , sexual sadists with issues over power and control, don't limit it to their victims. Really makes me question my dreams of seeing France.

Murder in the Wicked West

Carole Newell Embarrassment of Broken Arrow
The biggest take away from this series for me is the arrogance of small town police departments. The best example is season 1 episode 2 Murder on Main Street We are introduced to Carole Newell, BAPD Detective (retired) From the moment she starts talking it becomes obvious that she is self congratulatory and obsurdly proud of herself as she lays out her "perceptions"... Right away you become aware Newell has a personal issue with the victims wife and she proceeds to display her personal bias right off the bat. Her smug leaps of logic and misinterpretations if clues are almost comical if a man hadn't been murdered. Between the ignorance and personal vendetta it shines an embarrassing spot light on small town police forces , The detective has her 15 minutes of fame but at the expense of the truth She's a Barney Fife for the real world.... Scary really.

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