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Sigeuneol: If You Don't Give Up
Episode 16, Season 1

It's ended. But...
Signal was very good drama. It made me cry in almost every episode in second half. Especially Jae-han's duty and justice of police touched my heart very badly.

But the last episode was not good. Of course, it could be season 2, but the story shouldn't last for next season. I think the last episode should give me satisfied. But even after watching this, I didn't feel happy.

Sigeuneol: Is It Really You?
Episode 15, Season 1

brothers are dead in two different ages
There are two scenes in my mind. One of them is after Seon-woo dead, Jae-han quarreled with Beom-ju talking about how much Seon-woo is kind, why he wanted to reveal the truth out of anger. I could see his guiltiness about Seon-woo's death.

Next one is after Hae-young heard about Jae-han's death from Seong-beom, Hae-young alse felt guilty about Jae-han's death, after his brother dead, who is one of special people for him. I think he thought Jae-han died because of his ambitiousness for his brother.

As a result, the men who were feeling guilty are stuck in my head, their performance was great.

Sigeuneol: Not Now, But Maybe In The Past
Episode 14, Season 1

secrets are being revealed
The secrets which runs through the whole story of Signal, why Seonwoo had been dead, "the walkie-talkie", were being revealed.

I could see Jae-han's just mind anyone can't break. When he talked about his feeling or how we would live afterwards, I had been inspired to live more passionately by then.

Sigeuneol: The Real Assailant
Episode 13, Season 1

The episode for characters.
Before this episode, Signal was centered by cold cases Jae-han, Soo-hyeon and Hae-young involved. But in this, it was centered by main characters' narrative. Their past scene made me nostalgic. Especially after Jae-han watching Hae-young when he had been young, talking to each other wishing happiness with the walkie-talkie, I couldn't help crying.

Sigeuneol: The Case Was Manipulated
Episode 12, Season 1

manipulated case
This episode could be cliche, but the actors' performance and camera work made it so great. Especially the scene Hye-seung made a statement accusing Seon-woo, Beom-ju's shameless saying and Jae-han's rage hearing that was the example of it. Jae-han struggling to settle the case in small society which involve the person who has big power alone impressed me. I love who struggle for something which is thought impossible, because watching who is working hard makes me passionate.

Sigeuneol: The One Last Case
Episode 11, Season 1

The start of the end
The ending of the Hongwondong case Jae-han had made other ex-victims to live and the scene suggesting Jin-woo and the last ex-victim's reunion.

Soo-hyeon's crushing scene made me smile in 1999 but in the contrast of it, the one in 2015 made me sad. I hope they would meet again soon.

Sigeuneol: Someone Has to Stop the Bad Guys
Episode 10, Season 1

finding clues of the killer
While the cops finding clues, the way Soo-hyeon reflecting when she had been kidnapped, what Jae-han told her to catch the killer and soothe her touched me.

In last scene, Soo-hyeon fixed errors looking around the alley and Hae-young found the convenience store so neat and clean which is the same with the killer's expected workplace was made me anxious and nervous, so it was impressive.

Sigeuneol: Hongwon Dong Case
Episode 9, Season 1

Sang-Yeob's act was creepy.
The serial killer Sang-yeob played was so creepy so I could empathize with Soo-Hyeon, of course the background music and camera working made me concentrate on the episode.

And another one I seemed good was that Soo-hyeon and Jae-han's got closer by going through the incidents together. But I wonder Seong-beom's case ended in 1995, even though Jae-han pursued it.

Sigeuneol: How Are You Alive?
Episode 8, Season 1

Love lasted 20 years
For 20 years, they can't meet each other. Finally when they met, their weeping and Soo-hyeon watching them, almost crying touched me.

The process of catching se-kyu was somewhat disappointing, almost same with first case. The villains had confidence, but they didn't have as much information, so eventually making mistakes to be catched.

I'm wondering the reason why Jae-han had had to die, the evidence he had, the case he pursue, the secret they wanted to hide, when and how the secret of the walkie-talkie reveal.

Sigeuneol: We Must Dig Deeper
Episode 7, Season 1

digging into the truth
It's nice to find secrets of the burgling case, discovering secret over secret makes me expect next episode. Until this, every case ended only 2 episodes, but this case last longer which made me satisfied. I'm wondering how the truth of Jae-han's death discovered with handling "real" cases.

Sigeuneol: Catch Him by All Means
Episode 6, Season 1

sad episode
It's too sad watching Soo-hyun and Eun-ji died by explosion at other time. Dong-hun and Yoe-jin's story was very good, in Dong-hun's shoes, almost everyone would do like him.

It's satisfied that Hae-young and Jae-han hadn't been too sad to do nothing. I like people who do whatever they can, in hard circumstances.

Sigeuneol: Changing the Past Alters the Present
Episode 5, Season 1

changing past was dangerous
It's too sad that Eun-Ji died by bridge collapse. Jae-han realized catching criminals with walkie-talkie. Was dangerous. It would hurt him and people around the crimes.

Soo-hyun was doubting Hae-young's behavior, I think she might know him from Jae-han.

Sigeuneol: We Found the Killer
Episode 4, Season 1

sadness of people who left
I could feel the emotions of people who left, like Won-Kyung's mother Jae-Han and sharing their feelings with protagonists in 2015, Hae-young and Soo-hyun.

Sigeuneol: We Can Prevent the Killings
Episode 3, Season 1

looking for the murderer
I'm looking forward to see politics in police office, and watching how catch the serial killer. I want to see Won-Kyung Kim survived, but I think she couldn't make it, too sad.

Shinseiki Evangelion: Sekai no Chuushin de Ai o Sakenda Kemono
Episode 26, Season 1

Shinji's mind
Final episode was for Shinji. I could see his thought and psychological growth in the episode. The fact that I couldn't understand how human instrumentality project began and ended was not good, but I think it was the best to end the story in such a restricted time and budget.

Shinseiki Evangelion: Owaru Sekai
Episode 25, Season 1

episode for characters' mind
This episode was necessary to understand characters' mind so far, especially Shinji, Misato, and Asuka. How their mind expressed was very nice. But except that, I couldn't understand what was happened and what is happening.

Shinseiki Evangelion: Saigo no Shisha
Episode 24, Season 1

Nagisa Kaoru
Kaoru's appearance was short, but he influences Shinji a lot. I was impressed about him, but his talk including Lilim, Lilith was too hard to understand. And the music "Ode to Joy" was fantastic choice. It made me excited and afraid at the same time.

Shinseiki Evangelion: Namida
Episode 23, Season 1

Rei's secret
Previous episode was Asuka's story, and this was Rei's story. So far, I could know Rei was not a normal human. But her parts that Ritsko broke were disgusting. When Rei said "I am third", I feel uncomfortable because she admitted that she is not a human. By the way, I'm curious about what the bowl of soul what Ritsko said about Rei means.

Shinseiki Evangelion: Semete, Ningen Rashiku
Episode 22, Season 1

Asuka's secret
While watching this episode, I could understand Asuka further. Hatred of Rei, joke toward Shinji, lots of her actions came from her history and family.

Shinseiki Evangelion: NERV, Tanjou
Episode 21, Season 1

history so far
I could see second impact, Ikari family's history, Nerv's history with Ritsko's mother, Misato and Kaji's past story that I want to see while watching previous stories. But I'm "dizzy" to take lots of information. Although I watch this episode, I couldn't know what the real plan was. I expect that in next stories.

Shinseiki Evangelion: Kokoro no Katachi, Hito no Katachi
Episode 20, Season 1

return of Shinji and...
It's nice to Shinji returning reality. Before that, in the middle of the episode, we could see Shinji's unconscious mind. It was rather artistic direction. After the episode, I want to see Shinji's past stories and Commander Ikari's real scenario.

Shinseiki Evangelion: Otoko no Tatakai
Episode 19, Season 1

Asuka, Rei, and Nerv's soldiers struggling against Shito, Shinji's decision, and revealing Evangelion's truth. EVA-01's action was so impressive that I couldn't find how to explain the feeling. By the way, very impressive story and direction.

Shinseiki Evangelion: Inochi no Sentaku o
Episode 18, Season 1

4th children, 13th shito
Of course, we could guess the 4th children in the last episode, but I couldn't guess how 3rd Evangelion show up in the episode. By seeing the brutal actions, I was horrified. Evangelion with dummy flag was literally beyond the control. The horrifying scene and Shinji's action(doing nothing), this episode made me heartbeat.

Shinseiki Evangelion: Yonin Me no Tekikakusha
Episode 17, Season 1

4th children
I wanted to know who is the 4th children. It should be Touzi, if there wouldn't be a twist, but whoever know. By the way, the relationship between the class leader and Touzi was rather surprising.

Shinseiki Evangelion: Shi ni Itaru Yamai, Soshite
Episode 16, Season 1

the episode was showing minds of characters
I could see minds of characters deeper than past episodes, Shinji's mind when he was captured, and Rei's mind(she didn't show her mind much). There was implication of the relationship between Shinji's mother and Eva, I'm wondering what is the secret of Eva.

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