
IMDb member since September 2006
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Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever wasn't at all what I expected based on the title. I thought it would be a slasher movie. I would have rated this movie higher if it didn't go overkill on the gore. Movie has sort of a nostalgic feel to it. Especially when the movie sets up the story. It has a 70's exploitation flick feel to it including the gore. Not a slasher flick at all. The water is tainted with a nasty bacteria. Anyone that comes in contact with it winds up losing their skin literally. They also spit up blood which can infect more people. Very well done movie even with the gore factor. I'm not sure I like the set up for a sequel though. You see a lot of people get killed by this stuff and no one really understands what caused this so you get the idea that there may be plans for another movie.

Jeepers Creepers

Good Scary Movie
Jeeper's Creeper's is a much better movie than I expected. It has a good set up. A Brother and Sister take a trip to go see their mother. They travel for miles on a long empty country road and are driven off the road by a maniac in a truck. This entity is able to sense their fear and continues to pursue them. The thing chasing them is not human well not completely. It's a modern day monster flick. Not as graphic as some of the movies of it's ilk which is one of the movies stronger suits.A Good scary date movie.Movie has a enough scares to make it worthwhile So snuggle up and turn out the lights. You'll enjoy this ride.

Stay Alive

A Thrill Ride
Stay Alive is a pretty good movie using a commonly used theme. Friends get an underground video game that manage to kill a couple of their friends after playing it. It scores pretty well as an atmosphere piece. Before a person falls victim the entity involved appears. Very creepy movie does this universally used theme very well. No one has a chance against this evil force. You can survive for awhile as long as you have roses. They seem to thwart off the woman for awhile. The woman is pretty creepy too. A good scary movie not as violent as some of it's ilk. I just upped the rating from a 6 to a 7. I recently watched the Special Edition of this movie. It is a much better movie because it gives us some back story. Ironically it was based on a real person. Some clever additions make the Special Edition the superior movie. Compare them, the changes are subtle but really work.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Hey Bud, Let's Party
Like Office Space, Fast Times deserves a spot in a time capsule. Great comedy-drama sympathizes with it's characters plights. Great Characters especially Mr. Hand. Sean Penn will be most remembered for his role as Jeff Spicolli the forever stoned surfer dude. For the most part a great soundtrack. Early stop for future stars Forest Whitaker and Nicolas Cage. The edited television version makes no sense removing key scenes and replacing them with cutting room floor footage. A lame short lived TV series followed. Television couldn't be as edgy as this movie is. Nonetheless a great movie all around. Better than most of the teen movies of it's time or any other.

Halloween H20: 20 Years Later

Better than the "Curse"
Movie has the distinction of being Better than the "Curse" of Michael Myers.Some clever in joke references to Psycho was a nice touch. I expected this to be a better movie though. Directed By Steve Miner of Friday the 13th fame. Steve Miner has directed some good movies, Friday the 13th wasn't one of them. This movie is better than some of the sequels. You can't escape getting the feeling of deja vu when you see this. It offers no real good scares and it's probably not the directors fault. There is a cool chase sequence in a banquet hall. The movie doesn't use shadows to it's advantage though. And Michael Myers coming down from the ceiling didn't really work for me.

It is a better movie than part 5 and the Curse of Michael Myers so it couldn't be all bad,right?

Office Space

This movie should be put in a time capsule!!
This movie should be put in a time capsule!! This is a great movie with a universal theme. A lot of people hate their jobs and this movie proves it. It was rumored that Mike Judge himself played Jennifer Aniston's boss. There was some talk of a sequel but, this movie is too great!! I hope that doesn't happen. This movie of course has all the trappings of a great story. An average Joe gets a second lease on life from his boss from hell. And even worse a girlfriend from hell. This movie should become required viewing for every CEO and corporate President out there. One of the best comedies since Fast Times at Ridgemont High, with a different theme though.

I, Madman

You feel it, more than you see it.
This review is assuming you've seen the movie. In case you haven't a woman releases a murderer through reading his books. The killer becomes infatuated with the woman. This movie has a nice simple feel to it, it is graphic at times. There is a creepy atmosphere created with shadows. It's like a Grimm's fairy tale to the nth degree. There is some really good transitions to what she thinks she is seeing versus what she is really seeing. A small simple scary movie, no big name actors but, has a good story to pull it all together. Interesting idea that the killer fuses his victims facial features to his own face. The story uses the familiar police don't believe the woman scenario.

Black Christmas

Another one from a studio that has pumped out more garbage in the last few years than any other studio in recent memory. Like the Halloween remake we get a lot of back story as to why this person kills. Loosely based around the original story and plot line.

Excessive gore and atmosphere sink this one. I like the original because it weaves a chilling story. This is really just uses the title and is less of a remake. The studio put a lot of money behind the ad campaign and should of put it into making this a better movie. One of the worst movies I've ever seen. No good leading stars or a worthwhile soundtrack. This movie is a train wreck. Seeing is Believing.


I was hopeful that Rob Zombie was on the right path. I like some of his music so I raised the bar a little on this movie. Like other Zombie films this one is Excessive in every sense of the word. A loose re-make of the 1978 film with less style and a higher body count than it's predecessor. Gives us a background of Michael Myers as a screwed up kid. Which makes the movie not as scary, because not knowing what makes Michael Myers tick is more frightening than giving him a Ted Bundy/Jeffrey Dahmer style background. I thought Devil's Rejects was a decent movie so I thought this would be better than it was.

Movie scores a higher mark because it is slightly better than the "Curse of Michael Myers" Also, I liked that some rock music was added to the soundtrack. I'm a fan of the original film and maybe 3 of the sequels, this one made me feel like I was beaten over the head with a sledgehammer for 90 or so minutes.

I think it's all subjective agree to disagree. Halloween has a lot of fans on both sides. In my opinion this wasn't a very good movie and a lot of people disagree with me and that's cool. Whether it's a remake or a prequel it lacks the style and simplicity that made the original and a couple of the sequels so good. Even some of John Carpenters later films lacked these two elements style and simplicity. For what it's worth this Halloween is for a different generation. For those of you who commented that you can't compare this one with the original.If you call Your movie Halloween and use the title character in your movie you are subject to comparisons to the original movie and any or all of the films that preceded your version.

Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers

Curse is right!!
Not withstanding the other persons comments on the producer's cut version of this movie(I have not seen that version) This movie is a mess and makes no sense. Halloween 5 gave us the set up for this movie that Michael Myers was under a Celtic curse(thorn) . Furthermore this hooded assistant to Michael Myers is a Doctor at the mental hospital where he was once a patient. The Doctor gets some crazy notion that this evil can be controlled. Michael of course murders all the doctors and nurses at the asylum. Most of the characters in this movie you could care less about so you don't have a real issue with Michael knocking them off.

As I may have commented before Michael pursues his victims at a break neck pace. In the earlier films he moved more slowly and still caught up with his would be victims. Which I think is scarier than him just killing them with no rhythm just a fast pace. This marks the first entry under a different studio. Finally a sequel worse than Halloween III.

Halloween: Resurrection

Halloween Overkill
Resurrection is an improvement over the last 2 or 3 entries in the franchise. It has a clever theme using the reality show idea. A few problems I have with this movie is they changed the ending in H20 to make this movie work and this movie keeps tripping over itself because of it. Laurie Strode didn't actually behead her brother it was actually a paramedic gagged and wearing a mask. When Michael is on the roof hanging upside down Laurie wants to unmask him and says "This Time I have to be sure" before she kills him. Did he not break into her room just minutes before and try to kill her, C'mon. And this film further deviates as many of the sequels do, Michaels sole purpose was to kill his sisters, he killed the older sister in the original and kills his other sister in the opening of this movie further undermining the original story. Nonetheless this movie is a fun ride with overkill in the graphic violence department.

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

Halloween re-energized
Of the Halloween sequels Halloween II, 4 and Resurrection are the most well done with a few flaws. 4 opens continuing where 2 left off. I like this movie because most of the murders aren't all blood and guts, being Subtle is this movies strength. This movie is simplistic like the original. The only problems I have are trivial but worth mentioning. For example the masks in 1 & 2 are scarier or maybe it doesn't fit the actor as well, you'll know it when you see it. The other problem is that Michael Myers pacing is faster. In the first 2 movies he walked very slow and still was able to catch up with who he was pursuing which was more chilling.

Halloween II

Halloween II delivers the Scares
Clearly in my opinion better than most of the sub-standard sequels that followed. I have seen an alternate version which technically is a "director's cut", It has all the scares but is less graphic and has some subtle differences. It was rumored that John Carpenter was brought in to re-shoot many of the sequences to make studio execs happy. This is the version we have all seen many times. The original version I like better because it's more true to the original Halloween less graphic but delivers the goods. This rarely seen version I'd rate an 8 and would love to buy it on video if it becomes available. This version also has a slightly different ending.

The 30 Foot Bride of Candy Rock

A Sad Farewell
"May contain spoilers" Sadly Lou Costellos' last film has the distinction of being slightly better than Abbott & Costello's last movie together "Dance With Me Henry". This movie isn't all in all outright terrible it is an amusing career misfire. Dorothy Provine is nice to look at and makes the movie somewhat bearable. You can't blame Lou Costello for this because a major studio released it which meant somebody had to give it the "green" light. In my opinion Lou Costello was getting over problems of his own losing his son a few years earlier and the unwarranted attacks from the IRS. If you look at the last 3-4 Abbott & Costello movies you can notice the magic was gone. Check out "Dance With Me Henry" now that's a painful movie to watch.

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