
IMDb member since September 2006
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    17 years


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

What an absolute dry and dead mess
First of all, it's all dry and dead, it's rare that anyone in this film shows any kind of emotion, with leaving it all just being as dry as a desert. The story itself of course is dry as well, the storyline is all scrambled, with it all being in disarray many a times. The first person thats met on the airstrip, the first accused of being a traitor to the Russians, where was he at through the story other than just a few times, maybe even just a couple occasions really, didn't even have much to say when you saw him. Most of this story was without emotion, all of it really or that's at least how it came across when it finally ended. Even the lighting was either dim or dark. There was nothing in this story that was alive, just bland and bleak, the cast were all like walking dead lifeless corpses. It seems it was all purposefully done, all characters were suppose to display no emotions, I say this because, it's the whole film, there's no excitement, not once. I don't mind serious stories with no explosions or overdrawn hype at times but this film here was dead on arrival, even the soundtrack, dead, slow, and dreary. Even when it's revealed who the spy was, no gotcha, no shock, no surprise or mystery at all. It's none of these things because again, just like the first accused, they weren't in much of the film, a bit more than the one who was first accused on the airstrip though, but not much really. This film was sooo dry, dead, lifeless, and yes, like so many others have already said, "BORING".

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