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3 Body Problem

Misses the point
This is like a french fries and hotdog pizza I saw the other day. Brainstorming until the creators brains overheated.

Many disconnected ideas with no point, no tension, no dynamics, no resolution. Dumb and Dumber just got lucky to stumble upon JRR Martin's material. Because from the last season of GOT and this show, you can tell they are good on the superficial aspects of video production, but terrible in terms of depth in transcendental ideas and the essence of form in Art.

The show is pretentious and paints itself smarter, deeper, and more meaningful than any of the people involved had the ability to grasp.

I can't tell what this show is about, but I can tell you what it is NOT about: a plausible interaction with aliens, a strange videogame with philosophical implications, communism and science versus religion, how astronomy supposedly beats iChing, how everything is possibly a simulation Matrix style, or how people who have nothing in common end up being best friends. This series is a failed attempt at mixing all these random ideas in a rather contradictory and prosaic manner. Not to mention the low level of comedy achieved.

Good acting from the Chinese cast, except the Australian one who plays the game.

Love, Death & Robots: Three Robots: Exit Strategies
Episode 1, Season 3

Fit for a Chinese kindergarten.
Ok, this piece portrays robots as oppressed by useless upper classes and libertarians as a means for showcasing that pity is the only way towards development, or even existence. The proof that this is wrong is that I truly pitty these writers, and yet that doesn't make the piece any better. It will be lost in oblivion even for die hard liberals who at least can tell decent writing.

Nothing existential; just points of view on superficial policy options and imaginary lifestyles.

The Matrix Resurrections

Matrix used to have cool characters. Not anymore.
So, no cool characters? No cool villains? Also the classic characters ones from the past movies all seem to have become losers. Starting with No-Superpowers-Neo. Most characters just turned out to be ANNOYING or BORING. The villain in this one is just Neil Patrick Harris as a psychiatrist??? Come on! I feel the whole project got lost in the very brainstorming in this particular episode. The mirrors, the game designing, the new machines... all decent ideas, but nothing out of the ordinary. Dead bodies jumping off the windows is not going to stop anyone in a motorcycle, much less The One. No plot twists, no surprises (except old characters showing up again in their worst versions), no real danger or anxiety. Nothing new to the philosophy of the entire Matrix concept.

Neo lost his mojo, as did the Merovingian, Niobe, Smith.... The Chinese British girl and Morpheus were just nothing new or mind-blowing in any sense, rather just annoying millennials with no story. If Keanu Reeves or Carry Anne Moss weren't in this film, the whole thing would seem like a Nickelodeon low budget series.

Damn! Missed opportunity!

I rate 4 because I liked the conversations between Neo and Trinity at the Café. Also the new human city was dope.

Gone Girl

Crazy female anger with no underlying philosophy
I give it a two because it's overrated, because I hate being disappointed by Fincher, and because the story is plain bad stuff. It's like some angry woman wrote this book when a guy ditched her. I like twists when they are sensible and credible, but this is just LONG. I don't get why even a crazy person would do all that the main character did just to retain a person she hates.


Should have an Oscar
I'm glad to read all negative reviews are from shallow moviegoers who are looking for magic tricks. This is a masterpiece in all aspects. Haunting, interesting, historical, deep, disturbing, sexy. Genius! Good plot, good acting, good music, good timing and pace... Very serious filmmaking.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix

Incoherent: Not an X-Men movie
Where is our wise Professor X? Our noble Beast? The powerful Magneto? Jean Grey? WHY ARE THERE MARTIANS IN THIS MOVIE? Is this a prequel? Because if it is, how come some characters are dead. It makes no sense at all. It has no connection to or coherence with any X-Men universe piece ever made.

Also, this director seems to know nothing about scenes, arches, or storylines or character development for that matter. At the end some fight is going on between characters that nobody has ever seen, while the most powerful mutants of the whole franchise are held captives by regular cops who handcuffed them in a train made entirely of metal. Did no one in Fox actually see the first X-Men movie where Magneto had to be held in a high security plastic prison? Not one mutant in the entire film had a creative or interesting superpower. Too many extras wasting screen time in spare scenes. Everyone was just crying unnecessarily like in a soap opera. Unnecesary flashbacks. Lame superficial dialogs. The whole thing is a bunch of brainstorming ideas that have no connection to anything. A highschool project is better than this!

I mean, this unintentional comedy has nothing to do with the X-men at all. I seriously thought I was being submitted to a television hidden camera practical joke. I think these legendary actors could and should literally sue the studio for costs and damages to their careers. Actually I feel very sad to read bad comments about Sophie Turner's acting, when the director is the one to blame. Actors always end up paying direction mistakes.

I can't even figure out how this whole thing came to be.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Lost opportunity!
The moment I saw the film's title was Bohemian Rhapsody I knew it was going to be shallow. It is not the worst bio pic ever, some good points are, of course, the music and the decent sensible way they portray Mercury's sexuality and the AIDS problematic. The band characters made a good work at lip syncing the shows, the main actor also does a good job with his performances, despite the fact you can tell he's not singing (when you lip sync you have to actually sing with your mic off, because people can tell if you are just moving your lips without air even coming in and out).

The entire first half of the film about the formation and early success of the band feels off. Mercury was quirky, charming and honest. However the film character was a weirdo who already spoke like a super experienced rock star from the get go, but had no charm or attractiveness, to the point of feeling a bit scary. The rest of the band were portrayed as nothing special. They pointed out repeatedly how misfit and rebel they where, but they just looked like 3 nice small town lads.

The second part was more of a typical children's film where there is a villain who lies and confuses the main character and makes him betray his real friends. He eventually finds out, unmasks the villain on a rainy night, and goes back to his friends for forgiveness. That's alright if they wanna play safe, but at least do it in a way where you can actually convince the audience emotionally and show some depth or uniqueness to the piece. One good thing about this part is that Rami Malek is finally on point with a believable character.

The way they come up with the hit songs is just so laughable. It takes away all the weight of those anthems, and turns them into Ohh let's play with the bass and Ohhh all of a sudden we have a hit riff or Yeahhh let's have some audience participation. The only song where one can feel a transcendent connection with the moment of the character is Who wants to live forever. Beautiful part.

Where is Bowie? Where are the naked waiters in lavish parties full of cocaine? Where is the struggle to succeed? Where is the confusion of fame gone out of control? Where are the geographical adventures? Where are the real disjunctives of life? Come on, it's the 21st century and we are still scared of showing some disturbing human rawness? That's what happens when the bio pic has to be authorised by the remaining band memebers...


No depth or professionalism in the development of the story
So, when the first black speech scene started I began to worry about being about to watch a film that was going to feel unrealistic and shallow. And it was. None of it felt professional or smart. How on earth are people supposed to believe that they can talk on the phone with someone and in person with a different man for months and not tell the difference? Not even actors can achieve that, but these cops pulled it through? It seems that in Spike Lee's imaginary world people can't put 2 and 2 together. That happened with every storyline in the film. Even with all the mistakes the cops make in their case, no one finds out it's all a mission. The characters didn't feel believable either.

However, my biggest problem with the film is that so many interesting storylines never went anywhere. What was the point of the first Alec Baldwin part? How did it connect with the story? Never got resolved. The guy started working in the files, but he got nothing from that experience. He was a cop lying to a girl he was going to fall in love with, but the conflict never went anywhere, they never discovered enything interesting or relevant from one another. That relationship in fact happened too easily and with no conflict in spite of all the lies it was built on. What was the point of showing Flip's exceptional shooting skills? Never used that for anything. The racist cop went to jail for being a jerk? And got discovered in a party where everyone was wired in a bar? Come on! The KKK local director stepped off the post for what reason? The post was just left empty? Why did Rob and the National Director of KKK become such good friends and why did he admire Rob when he never said anything too smart or did anything special for him? So is this story about little butter muffin or whatever the kid's name was supposed to mean he was that kid himself? His dad told him he couldn't play with the black kid. Not a great story, really. All the parts where you were expecting closure or surprise or any sort of wit, never went anywhere.

In general, the film doesn't add anything to what people think of the KKK or the black struggle of the... 70s (?)... What can one learn about the film? It shows the racist to be irrelevant and stupid, so why are they a threat to society, if all they do is meet at the bar and use the N word 100 times. The film missed the chance to show a real deep problem with racism.

As a political critique, this film embarrasses itself with nonsense stories and jokes that seem to be made by highschool students. I gave it 2 stars because of the amount of money they spent. Even the music was disappointing for a supposed ode to blackness.

Black Mirror

The whole point of dystopia and sci-fi is to make it believable. The only dystopic thing about BlackMirror is it has a rating of 8,9 on this website which means our population is not getting any smarter.

The writer is very creative, but knows way less about technology or politics or the world than the average teenager. And is probably a hopeless social struggle junkie who blames the problems of the world on consumerism.

The only episode I enjoyed was the prime minister shagging a piggy, but it still lead nowhere. It was just a spark of creativity (the kind that emerges from getting high with your highschool friends), without any decent support.


Stereotyped and pointless.
You can tell they put tons of money into this, and technically it is very appealing. But I don't understand why it has a rating of 8,4!!!! I had to fast fwd the episodes just to get through some of it. Why would they show 8 different cities in the world and then not do any research about the cultures they are portraying? So you get Korean billionaires making jokes that only USA people would make. And the entire population of Mexico City speaking English the way Americans think immigrants at the border would. I guess that's too many corporate decisions influencing the directing of the show (everyone speaking English because little kid viewers won't have interest otherwise?).

Anyway, that just made me a bit mad, but the REAL problem with the show is it is very implausible. And I am not talking about the sci-fi bits, or the general idea. I am talking about the development of simple scenes and story-lines. All hard to believe or engage with. Nothing happens. The conspiracy is too feeble. The point of the show is nowhere to be found. It is 8 soap operas with no connection whatsoever, where nothing relevant happens. Some action films have the same problem, but at least they show lots of action and explosions, but this show is boring even in that way.

The only thing I liked was that everyone turns out to be gay, which is a more fun absurdity than the rest of the whole thing.

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