
IMDb member since September 2006
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Complotul Bonelor

One of the worst ever Romanian movies.
The Nanny Plot is so weak that even the IMDB Top 10 of the worst movies wouldn't dare put it in first place. Because it would make the others look like masterpieces.

The first thing I noticed was the sound. I couldn't believe how execrable the audio part is, with an annoying echo that sounds like it was recorded with the jar and sounds like when you scream into an empty barrel. Absolutely nothing happens in the film, just an endless stream of characters wandering aimlessly through the landscape, like a fashion show, but without fashion.

Needless to say, it's incredibly predictable and exasperatingly unfunny.

Also, the product placement here is the peak of aggressiveness, it couldn't be more ostentatious.

As for acting, what acting? There isn't such thing as acting in here, except Iacob, all the others are not actors, just someone's kid or just paid to be cast in the movie.

It is among the worst Romanian films I've seen.

Don't believe the other reviews that hype the movie, it is obvious they're paid ones since all 5 of them are from 1st time reviewers.


Worst movie ever made
This must be the worst movie ever put to screen.

It makes zero sense, the acting is terrible, the script is all over the place, the pace is terrible.

Nothing happens, every scene is twice as long as should be.

This is a waste of public money.

This is not a cult classic.

This is not a game changer.

This is the worst movie that saw the light in Romania.

Dont listen to the 10's.

Well, dont listen to my 1.

Go watch it and make up your mind but I am 100% sure you will come to the same conclusion as me.

I cant believe this hot piece of garbage was greenlit by someone sane.

Oh my god, what a useless, pointless and incoherent movie this is.

Bahay na pula

A mediocre retelling of the haunted house
Bahay ba pula brings nothing new to the table, the same old house haunted by a ghost, the same jumpscares, the same Been there, done that. It is more a mystery thriller than a horror, because the scares, even if predictable, are not that many and the story focuses more on the history of the ghost instead of it actually haunting the people inside it.

So, bottom line, Bahay na pula, ain't a great movie, but not a terrible one, just not that interesting because it's all a deja vu.

Santa Inc.

Hilarious show
This is a hilarious show making fun of hot topics and I see why the ratings and reviews are so low. People are so sensitive these days and dont have the common sense to understand this is a comedy show and it is not to be take seriously.

Survivor: A New Era
Episode 1, Season 41

Another American Show I am done with ti
Well, nice going USA with your wokeness. Another show ruined by your political agenda and social propaganda. Good riddance, keep going and no sane person would watch your shows anymore. So lame, I cant even believe someone thought this would be a good idea. So goodbye Survivor, I refuse to watch a show that is pandering to us instead of entertaining us.

Ci sha xiao shuo jia

For skywalker_2003, the movie does not copy Sucker punch
Dear @skywalker_2003, inform yourself, this movie does not copy Sucker punch, the movie is based on a book of the same name.

Law Abiding Citizen

What if the ending is brilliant?
I see most people blame the ending. But what if that was all planned by Clyde? What if he achieved his final goal and he did want to punish him for killing all those people? I refuse to believe that he, a genius, would do those terrible mistakes without intention. So I chose to believe he still was 3 steps in front of his competitors and his audience and the end was exactly what he wanted. And that's why I think the movie is brilliant.

La nuée

Interesting idea, meh execution
The movie has a good and interesting idea, but the execution is kinda poor, some of the decisions didnt made a lot of sense. But the metaphor is there.

And for Movi3DO, the movie is French, not Spanish.

6 Underground

Who are the 6 billionaires?
Dont waste your time with this movie. It is so bad that even the synopsis they couldnt get right. What 6 billionaires? There is only one billionaire, the rest of 5 are not. The usual non-sense of explosions and no coherent story in Michael Bay style. Everything explodes without any trace of logic. Wacth the car chase scene in Florence, especially the green car. The mirrors and scratches appear and disappear like magic every 2-3 frames. Michael Bay doesnt care at all for a cohesive script, just throws a bunch of explosions and that's it.

Nikki Glaser: Bangin'

Just not funny
The whole show is about sucking d...s and fingering p....s. That's it. One of the worst stand-ups ever. Not even remotely funny.

Magic for Humans

What magic? There is no magic here.
This is not a magic show, this is a show that considers its viewers to be stupid. In the first episode the magician says the magic is not made using camera tricks. Well, ALL THE MAGIC TRICKS used camera tricks. I do love a good magic show but this is not such a show. Just a poorly scripted, poorly acted, poorly directed show who thinks its viewers are not smart to know all the episodes lack any magic and there are only editing tricks. And most of the editing is so bad that it hurts. Were are the days when you really wondered how they did a trick? All this show does it makes you wonder if the producers are so stupid that they can't see what garbage are producing because, frankly, this is the worst magic show that comes to mind. How people enjoy this, I truly don't know. You need only an ounce of brain to see all is fake and the tricks are so obvious that all the fun is sucked out. But maybe there are a lot of people who lack that ounce of brain

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Self Control
Episode 15, Season 4

The writing is getting boring
One of the most bland and generic episode despite all the praises it gets. This android switch has become extremely boring and predictable, a proof of lazy writing, when they have no ideas, lets throw in another android switch. Probably in the final episode we find out that the whole season has taken place in the Architecture and all of them were replicants. This seasons sucks big time, absolutely nothing memorable, nothing original. I don't get it why some people like it so much, it's a big step down from the third season.

The Dark Knight

Possible plot hole?
I have a problem. If Harvey Dent burns his face and becomes Two-Face in Dark knight and dies at the end, then how come he is alive in Batman forever? Maybe I am wrong. Please, someone could help me? Is this a plot hole? I believe that the action in Dark knight takes place before the one from Batman forever, because Harvey Dent is still a good person and perfectly normal. The how come if he is dead at the end of Dark knight, he reappears in Batman forever? Dark knight is a good movie, but if I am right, then all I can say is shame for the writers of the script. I hope someone can help me with an answer because i really don't know if I am wrong or I am right.

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