
IMDb member since September 2006
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    17 years


Everything You Want

Sweet romantic film with lots of laughs
This movie was fun to watch. I was so surprised to find out that Sy was surreal. The writers were very clever to give hints before letting us know for sure, it really added to the drama. The actors were believable and funny and the movie had a classic romance with a very different twist. Will Friedle was absolutely hilarious. Abby's parents were so comical too which made the movie more lighthearted than if they had only been represented as the mean people who left her with Aunt Edna while vacationing. Abby's roommate's penchant for dating only guys named Ryan was another original comedic element. This is not a deep movie but a light diversion for those who want to be amused and relaxed. This is not an intense drama but a clever comedy with lots of unique style. Fans of A Cinderella Story and The Princess Diaries will enjoy this one although you should be warned that, unlike those family features, some dialogue in Everything You Want is inappropriate for a family viewing.


Horrible movie and not at all funny.....got any drying paint? Watch it instead!
This totally unfunny movie should be called a black drama....it is surely not worthy to be called a romantic comedy. It is weird and boring and I have no clue why anyone would want to make this movie. Don't waste your time or movie rental. Every minute you continue to watch you will loathe it more. There is no plot. The characters are horrid examples of human beings and no example at all of relationships. Ray Porter is a perverted "sugar daddy" trying to justify his cradle-robbing with philanthropic moments but it comes off more as a "kept woman" scenario. Mirabelle Buttersfield seems a nice girl but then chooses to be a sleazy doormat with, as she stated herself in the beginning of the movie, poor judgment when it comes to character. Jeremy is such a loser and he is too weird to explain. I couldn't believe it when Mirabelle searched through the trash to find his number and called him over to sleep with her and I was rooting for Mirabelle's cat when she subsequently attacked him. After 50 minutes, my husband and I could take no more inane and pointless stupidity and we shut it off and went to bed. Thanks a lot, Steve, for ruining our romantic evening!

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