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Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

2nd or 3rd best Halloween movie
I liked H20 better, so I'd probably put that at #2, however, Halloween 4 was perfectly made (followed the formula of the 1st movie). It's definitely suspenseful and I thought Danielle Harris was great as Jamie. I came into this movie thinking it would be godawful. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Not only did it blow the pitiful Halloween II out of the water, but it provided for some good entertainment.

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

2nd or 3rd best Halloween movie
I liked H20 better, so I'd probably put that at #2, however, Halloween 4 was perfectly made (followed the formula of the 1st movie). It's definitely suspenseful and I thought Danielle Harris was great as Jamie. I came into this movie thinking it would be godawful. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Not only did it blow the pitiful Halloween II out of the water, but it provided for some good entertainment.

Jason X

Was This Supposed to be a Comedy?
If not, this was the most godawful movie I have ever seen. If so, this was still the most godawful movie I have ever seen. The pitiful thing about the Jason trilogy is he doesn't even bother killing camp counselors anymore, he just kills anybody in sight. At least Halloween and such stick to the original story.......somewhat. However, I must say I was on the floor laughing when Jason decided to kill the two virtual reality camp counselors by pounding them against one another while enclosed in sleeping bags. Now that was entertainment.

The Matrix Reloaded

Bellucci! Bellucci!! Bellucci!!!
First off, I would like to say that Monica Bellucci is an absolute goddess.

I went to the Matrix Reloaded for the action sequences. However, I am a supporter of action sequences that actually have meaning to the overall story, as in the original Matrix. The first 45 minutes of this movie holds nothing but needless action scenes with surprisingly little intrigue. From the point where Neo fights Agent Smith on, this movie is what is should be. The story gets going, and the fight scenes are there to support it. That French dude was a pretty cool character, and the twins were absolutely amazing. I just wish they were in it more. The highway chase scene is one of the best I have ever seen in my life. Agents, Albino Twins, awesome fight name it this scene had it. Therefore, despite the confusing/lackluster story, I gave this movie an 8 out of 10. Not as good as the Matrix, but the awesome action scenes make up for what the movie lacks in character and storyline intrigue. As for Bellucci, she was a tier above gorgeous in this movie. Although her part is relatively small, it is extremely intrical to the storyline. Can't wait to see her in Matrix 3!!!

P.S. be sure to stay after the credits for the very first preview of THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS!!


Just What a Sequel Should Be!! (Pay attention to the end)
X2 is exactly what a sequel should be. It does not get caught up in the hype of audience anticipation or a huge budget to produce a special effect bonanza with no story. Instead, Bryan Singer remains with the excellent formula that made X-Men a great success. X2 remains a plot based movie that includes special effects and fight scenes only when needed. Everything that was established in X-Men is fed off of or improved upon in X2. Mystique plays a much more significant role in this movie compared to the originial. The story of William Stryker basically attemtping to detain and kill all mutants works much better than the original of Magneto attempting to turn humans into mutants. I cannot even begin to describe the amount of excitement I had coming into the movie, and the amount of joy and happiness I had coming out of it. Not only is it superior to the excellent original movie, but it is by far one of the best movies you will see all year. The sequences in between the fight scenes or action scenes are well developed and add a great deal of importance to the movie. Be sure to pay particular attention to the closing monologue, as well as the image emerging from the water. I have been told that that will have a significant impact on the events of X3. Great cast with Hugh Jackman and the absolutely gorgeous Famkee Janssen (more significant in this movie, although not much more screen time) leading the way. The new mutants are fabulous and Colossus and Wolverine's rampage through the Mutant Academy was one of the best scenes I have ever seen. High recommended

10 out of 10


Unbelievable!!!!!! but....
I found Identity to be an absolutely unbelievable movie. The premise behind the film was maybe one of the most innovative things i've ever seen. On top of this, I didn't even see what was coming..which is a plus. However, despite thoroughly enjoying the movie, I was somewhat disappointed by the ending. It just fed off of a common hollywood cliche that is all too evident the last few years. However, it's not as if the ending was out of left actually made perfect sense. AS long as you pay attention to the opening credits and the judicial review session you'll understand what has happened. If you don't you will be lost. I'd recommend this movie to anyone who wants to see something clever and innovative. Plus, you've got to see the great performances by John C. McGinley, Ray Liotta, John Cusack, John Hawkes (who has always been good), and Amanda Peet.

The Real Cancun

Maybe the Worst Movie Ever
This was maybe the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Thank God I did not pay to see it. However, despite how awful it was, I found myself entertained at the characters stupidity. With the exception of Paul and Jorell, pretty much everybody in the movie was a grade A loser. The only reason I did not give this movie a "1" is because of the enjoyment of laughing at these pitiful creations.

The Recruit

Disappointing Conclusion
I am a big fan of both Colin Farrel and Bridget Moynahan. However, even the presence of these two actors is not enough to carry this film over the pitiful conclusion. The first 90 minutes or so are very intriguing and I found myself completely clueless as to how the movie would end. The storyline behind the ending itself is well contrived, however it is very poorly executed. The conclusion is choppy and seems to be extremely rushed; therefore, not giving the audience any time to put any of the surprising information into perspective. The twists either didn't make any sense or were enormously far-fetched as Farrell was basically thinking 5 steps above any normal form of human thought. Overall, it was a good movie that was torn apart by a horrid conclusion (much like Planet of the Apes).

*** out of *****

Tears of the Sun

TEARS OF THE SUN was marketed as a macho action movie, but I would classify it more as a drama. A riveting, and very emotional drama at that. Bruce Willis turns in a magnificent performance as Lt. AK Waters. He perfectly molds the badass persona of his character with the strong emotions and ethical values that he knows must be enforced. Likewise, the beautiful Monica Bellucci (Brotherhood of the Wolf) provides an excellent depiction of refugee doctor. Similarly to Black Hawk Down, TEARS OF THE SUN provides just the right mix of drama and action to make the audience feel as if it is right in the thick of things. While the first 2/3 of the movie is mainly formed around dramatic concepts and stealth warfare, the last 1/3 of the movie is where the action kicks in. A great sequence involving F-16's and a ballsy approach to the fight between the Special-Ops and Nigerian Rebels provides excitement while keeping the dramatic undertone intact. Overall, I would say that TEARS OF THE SUN is better than Black Hawk Down as well as any war movie since Saving Private Ryan. It comes highly recommended. If you don't see it for the riveting dramatic, emotional and action-packed two hours then at least see it for Monica Bellucci. Whew, she's gorgeous.

**10 out of 10**

Old School

Could've been alot better
I really didn't want to see this movie in the first place, but I was dragged to it. After seeing it, I should have just listened to my instincts. While Vince Vaughn turned in another fine comedic performance, the rest of the cast was subpar. Luke Wilson did not have one funny moment, Andy Dick's cameo was insanely stupid, and Will Farrell was below his normally high standards. Farrell actually goes a little too overboard here. Except for Vaughn's ability to make any scene he's in have some sort of comedic value, the rest of the movie rely's on cheap laughs that will soon be forgotten. A man running naked? Someone sleeping with his boss's high school daughter? Andy Dick playing a flamboyant gay man? All of these got laughs from the crowd, but nobody will remember these lame thrills the day after. Other than Vaughn, the only value I obtained from watching this movie was seeing about 8 insanely gorgeous women. Overall, it is a subpar comedy that should only be seen if you love Vince Vaughn's work.

Mr. Deeds

This Movie Sucked!!
This is, by far, the most God awful movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Not once did I laugh at any of the atrocious jokes that are delivered. How many times can one person laugh at Adam Sandler doing stupid things? His last three films, Big Daddy, Little Nicky, and Mr. Deeds, are just terrible movies. Even worse, this movie tries to have some sort of sentimental or emotional value. This, as everything else, fails miserably. Bottom Line: Terrible acting, terrible script, terrible everything. Avoid this at all costs!!

For Your Eyes Only

Was that Blofeld?
The opening was cool where Bond visits Tracy's grave, but was that supposed to be Blofeld in the wheelchair? What the heck was that all about? Last time I checked, Blofeld died in DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER and was finished in the Bond series. But apparently by some wisp of magic, he survives with his cat and all from his aquatic grave and resurfaces 12 years later? Where was he the past 4 movies? This guy is supposed to be Bond's arch villain and they try to pull this crap and kill him even though he was already dead. Stupid, just plain stupid. Other than that, this movie is great. Great ski sequences and is a revisit to the classic Bonds...meaning the first 6, ending with ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE. Despite the beginning, this is a fun movie. Also, Indiana Jones villain Julian Glover is great. Overall, 8 out of 10 stars and maybe the best or 2nd best Moore movie.

Star Trek: Nemesis

This got Mixed Reviews??
After seeing this movie the other night...two thoughts come to mind. 1) This is definitely one of the best Star Trek movies ever, and 2) How the heck did this get any bad reviews. It is highly original, the Reman's are some of the best villains ever created, and Shinzon ranks right up there with the Borg and Khan. Nemesis is right up there with First Contact, the Wrath of Khan, and the Voyage Home as being the best Trek movies to grace the screen. Unfortunately though, it is getting blown out of the water at the box office because of bad advertising and quite simply: Lord of the Rings. Despite this, Nemesis is a fitting way for the Next Generation crew to end their reign. All around great movie with the first moving ending since...well, the Wrath of Khan. Definitely see this whether you are a Star Trek fan or not.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

Extremely Underrated!
This is probably the 4th best Bond movie of all time behind Goldeneye, Goldfinger, and From Russia With Love. Lazenby is extremely underrated as James Bond. He simply had the unfortunate luck of following Connory. However, he rivals Pierce Brosnan for #2, and is far ahead of the pathetic Roger Moore who's movies made a mockery of the series. If you're a Bond fan, definitely check this one out.

Die Another Day

Bond Will Live Another Day
The new James Bond film, DIE ANOTHER DAY does not disappoint by any means. Although not as good as Pierce Brosnan's first Bondian effort, GOLDENEYE, it is definitely one of my favorite Bond movies. Intriguing villains, such as Zao (played by Rick Yune of THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS) and Gustav Graves (Toby Stephens) make the film that much more enjoyable. Plus, you cannot disregard the amazing action scenes that dot the film at various intervals. Of course, one cannot forget the Bond babes. Halle Berry is terrific as Jinx, and has one of the most intrical roles of any Bond girl in history. Not to be outdone, Rosamund Pike makes her film debut as Miranda Frost, and MI-6 agent who refuses to fall under Bond's evident charm. Overall, this movie is excellent and I definitely recommend it to all movie-goers, especially Bond fans!

***** out of *****

Austin Powers in Goldmember

Disgraceful Trash
I had high hopes coming into this movie since Mike Myers is usually a comic genius. The first two movies were hysterically funny, so much so that I could not stop laughing. However, the third installment is a far cry from the first two. I laughed hard about 4 times, and there were about a total of 10 jokes that were funny. On the other hand, 2/3 of the jokes went flat and the plot was extremely choppy and disorganized. The cameos were the best part of the movie, followed closely by the shadow scene. All in all, it was a huge disappoint...even for a diehard Austin Powers fan like myself. (2 out of 10)

Loaded Weapon 1

Hilarious Spoof!
Loaded Weapon 1 definitely ranks up there with Airplane and the Naked Gun Movies as excellent, hilarious spoofs. Everything about this movie made me laugh, whether it was Tim Curry's Wilderness Girl, Emilio Estevez's trailer turned mansion, or Bruce Willis' well scripted cameo. The matter of fact way that the movie spoofs Lethal Weapon and other cop movies makes it even better. I definitely recommend this movie if you need a good laugh or enjoy the work of any of these actors.

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