
IMDb member since July 2020
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    3 years, 10 months


Kus Uçusu

Ridiculously predictable
The most annoying thing about the series is that all these very powerful professional people who have received the top on their own are this much stupid. You expect them to be smart, and cautious, but a very normal unprofessional person can destroy them all. The first episode is fine, but then it starts to get boring and predictable and even in some cases annoying. The CCTV part was really witless. The cast are good, but the series lacks a good script, although the idea is interesting.

Beauty and the Beast

The best version of this fairytale
Comparing to all other versions of this story, this is definitely the best: it's not solely fantastic costumes with beautiful casts but a deeper and more humane story. I'm honestly surprised by those who found Leon's behaviour offensive!; it is actually PLANNED to be offensive, his beastliness is more moral and not simply in his appearance. Alessandro Preziso (as Leon) acts wonderfully which made his character believable, the others are just acceptable. I agree that the character of the cousin is totally unnecessary plus the bad acting of that little girl, particularly when it is dubbed with really bad voices, not only for her, but for all the others; Alessandro has a wonderful voice and Bianca Suarez, too, however, the dubbed voices have damaged the English version noticeably. If you can see the Italian version with English subtitles, go for that.

Passione sinistra

Funny and hilarious
The first time I watched it, I just laughed terribly loud at so many of its scenes. As someone sympathetic to left ideas, I think it is quite successful in making fun of the ideas, behaviours, and approaches of both political sides: left and right; particularly ones that some in lefties try to show off with when they actually don't believe in them, like the character of the left-party candidate. I don't think the left and the right can or even should come to an agreement, so I don't take that purpose of the film seriously (maybe it makes sense in Italy); I looked at it more as a critic to both sides in any country. All in all, you can fully enjoy your time watching a very pleasant, funny romantic comedy with nice performances of Alessandro Preziosi, Valentina Lodovini and Jurji Ferrini, too.

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