
IMDb member since June 2001
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    23 years


Jason of Star Command

BUCK ROGERS for the younger set..a tv serial
In the tradition of the old 1930's serials CBS hot on the heels of SPACE ACADEMY and ARK 2 and SHAZAM released this program which was similar to BUCK ROGERS and FLASH GORDON. The series featured special effects, daring do all on a tv budget. This show was different from BATTLESTAR GALACTICA and STAR WARS yet capitalized off the craze. The program was the last of a wave of live action shows for CBS that started with KOOKLA FRAN AND OLIE etc. The show ran in a half hour format and was constantly running re runs when fresh episodes were not available. A saturday moring staple for many years..escapist fun for kids. Don't call the JASON the "grey poupon guy" as a kid I liked him like many kids in the 1930's or 1970's reveared ADAM WEST or BUSTER CRABBE.

Soldaat van Oranje

in subtitles a great film about 5 friends fate and the OSS.
SOLDIER OF ORANGE is a dutch film about 5 friends and the roads in life they choose after the nazi blitzkreig tears through holland in 1940. The film is in dutch and german with subtitles yet for the sequences in ENGLAND where RUTGER HAUERS character gets his OSS training all dialogue is in english. The film is an art house film I would like to see again, part espionage thriller, part romance, part bonding and bonding dissintegration tale of five friends the film was a example of good EURPOEAN art films. The film was directed by ROBOCOP director PAUL VERHOEVEN and is different from that genre all together. There is a quality to this film and it's color stock that surpases time, like a rich tapestry of colors in a dream. A good cinematic fable. This film will appeal to espionage drama buffs as well as the art house crowd. 10 stars out of ten.

Space Academy

SPACE ACADEMY was a franchise that was designed to capitalize off of STAR WARS and the late 1970's science fiction explosion. The program was about teens in space training for duty in space only to get caught up with JAMES DOOHAN and the evil Doctor smith from LOST IN SPACE in intergalactic adventures and hijinks. Some of the sets and vehicles would be reused later on JASON OF STAR COMMAND to save money. The show was harmless family adventure fluff and was popular during it's run. The show was live action and not animated spomething no longer done in childrens shows as much anymore. I watched it as a kid, I liked it.


the greek gods and crime fighting meet superhero tripe..great kids show.
Thsi story is the tale of a boy who rides around ina RV with a old guy who looks like RUSS DOUGHTEN, battling evil. The RV has the shazam thunderbolt product placement logo on the front. The show was live action superhero with animated greek gods sequences and secenes of the SHAZAM all grown upon viagra flying behind a rear projection screen in faked aerial shots. The show was CHIPS gone SUPERMAN just on a lOW budget. Not a bad show for kids, not CITIZEN KANE either. yet, everyone on the show got paid so..kudos to them. Great family harmless fluff show.

Doctor Who

One of the longest running science fiction series ever
DOCTOR WHO was a program produced by the BBC and was a well written tongue in cheek space and time science fiction oddessy. The 1970's saw the program experiment with special effects and matte shots..sometimes with success sometimes not but the appeal of the program is the crisp color and LIVE look. The strength of the program were the characters and the wild stories the BBC staff of this program wove. The fun like with the older STAR TREK, was the imagination that went into the show and the story ideas and concepts which lead to audience escapism. Like the AVENGERS and HITCHHIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY this program had class mixed with the low brow sly british wit that is indicitive of english and commonwealth shows....a wit that has arrogance all over it when no arrogance is needed. A great program. Fun to watch. The british answer to BUSTER KRABBE.

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