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i quit on the first 18 minutes
I quit on the first 18 minutes. The lead male, not th3 Hannibal, the instinctive one has no charms. Also the black guy's personality is too paim in the neck. Why can't male beings speak without screaming and being emotional and hysterical? So annoying and don't match this type of story. What a disappointment.

I quit on the first 18 minutes. The lead male, not th3 Hannibal, the instinctive one has no charms. Also the black guy's personality is too paim in the neck. Why can't male beings speak without screaming and being emotional and hysterical? So annoying and don't match this type of story. What a disappointment.

Don't Tell a Soul

want my time back
I have never ever wanted anyone to die more than Matt ehen watching a movie. Do the people who made this movie expect us to forgive this garbage and take that the last scene as ''redemption'' or something? Is this a joke? He'll definitely do the same, he's an abuser he's a killer he's a piece of garbage just like his dad, he deserves anything but death. Why didn't they kill him off, if they did this movie would've got way higher rates. But they didn't so now i feel awful, i have never should have watched this. At least they should've ended with him being still a piece of garbage instead of trying to make him look like he's a ''good biy in his core'' in the last three minutes after he almost he killed his own brother. This makes ZERO sense.

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

I just wanted to give it a try because i saw finn wolfhard was one of the voice actors but Unfortunately i couldn't watch more than five minutes because when the characters' profiles show up why in the world are a seven year old girl and a twenty three year old male being dating? That was beyond disgusting. Is this because the animated show is made to be like ''japanese anime? But do you have to take that part of all to make it accurate? Also is the cheasy opening song sung in japanese the factor too? Everything is cringe and was hard to keep watching. Maybe for japanese otaku it's a ''good'' show but not for me as a japanese who's already sick of them.

The Peripheral

Why do they always have to make a couple with so much age gap in shows and movies. They always cast way younger women and way older women, i mean their roles and also actual age. Chloe is only 26 and the black guys is 10 years apart. So disgusting. Also the grandpa looking guy literally have a wife that just look like she could be his granddaughter. So disgusting. And what's more disgusting is that they never do the same in opposite gender. They always only apply age standard toward women, they always only do ageshaming toward women. No matter how interesting story is if this happenes i immediately lose my interest.

Black Mirror: Mazey Day
Episode 4, Season 6

too realistic
So doesn't feel like this is an episode of Black Mirror.

Everyone's saying this is about paparazzi but not about them, neither is in real life, it's all about male beings, always. They trying to take a picture inside skirts of women, even teen girl celebrities. This actually happens a lot in real life. Also they insult them with name calling. In this episode the disgusting male paparazzis called the female celeb ''slut'' when HER boyfriend is the one who cheated. Paparazzi isn'tthe problem male beings are. Thank you for reminding me of this but as an episode of Black Mirror this was pretty mich boring.

Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea
Episode 3, Season 6

Cliff is the worst husband ever. Why was even yelling at his wife for what he caused? She said she didn't want the other guy to use the replica anymore yet he forced her to accept it again and then found the paining and got furious about it? What a selfish prick. The way male beings get hysterical and emotional easily is already annoying enough and plus they always put blame on women for what they have caused. What disgusting inferior stupid creatures. And the mediocre ending.... Cliff and the other pilot should've died instead of the innocent wives and kids. You call this ''dark''? No it's mediocre.

The Meg

Mediocre C grade shark movie so don't waste your time!

In these kinds of movies, no even love romance movie, where people's lookings have nothing to do with the story, people cast male beings based on nothing, how old ugly fat and less attractive no matter what they cast them just like the main character in this movie but they don't do that for women casts. They cast them based on how young beautiful thin and attractive they are, it's too obvious and disgusting. Did they seriously try to make Jonas Suyin's love interest? The male actor and female actor's age gap is literally 16, SIXTEEN, too disgusting. I threw up. They never do the same in opposite gender.

Avatar: The Way of Water

enjoy the CGI!
Another empty movie you can only enjoy the beauty of CGI.

Navi is literally the symbol of chauvinism. Male beings are always in charge. Male beings decide everything even though all males are depicted way less intelligent, so emotional and violent not ''strong''. Wifes and kids have to follow whatever the fathers say. Women and girls are just there being forced to take care of males. And of course Jake and Sally's biggest kids are males, so convenient.

Jake, this useless jerk is not even originally Navi but could conveniently become clan's leader just because the dandelions liked him, what a joke lol He acts like a ''king'' yet he can't even handle arrows he just randomly keep shooting so hilarious. He didn't even kill the biggest villain before, it's Sally, but kids talk like it's Jake and Colonel's fight, glorifying them just like real world, awesome.

Jake always gives Sally order and makes her listen to him like master-slave relationship. It's not family at all. He even makes his kids call him ''sir''. The decision the family leave the clan was Jake's idea too but then later he even blame Sally on this. I can't stand this garbage. And because of his idiotic decision so many animals and navis and even his family die AGAIN. He could've just gone far away to hide not joining another clan, too stupid. The story just repeated first movie.

''Father protects that's what gives him meaning''? Huh to me it seems like Sally does protect her family more and kids do very good to protect family too. The old male being who made this movie really needs update himself. Giving gener role to this term or any term is so ridiculous, out of ear and disgusting.

I was kind of even rooting for human's side at this point.


just enjoy the beautyof CGI
The way Jake didn't listen to people who kept telling him to stop right after the transition rubbed me the wrong way at first and this was just a start. Why is he acting reckless and stupid throughout the movie? He's old not teenage kid. He's so annoying. If this stupid couldget easily accepted by the clan, why hadn't other people done thsi before? Lol

Most humans, navy astronauts scientists etc. Are male beings. Disgusting. A navy guy said ''ladies'' to the fresh members like he implied ladies are weak untrained and useless. He even said ''you're man'' to a middle age woman in Avatar body who's in charge. How gender biased. So disgusting.

Even the one who's in charge among Navi is male being. The successor and the past ones too. And what? Women are just there to get chosen and be a belonging of male beings? Male beings are the ones who get to choose and women can't? Also why they keep calling the creatures whose gender they're NOT sure? Assuming basis of any creatures are male or something? Really no difference from the people's society.

The way they destroyed the other species, this just reminded me again of stupidity of male beings in the real history.


can't with these three main characters
Sorry but do these male beings have Dyslexia or something? Why do they act like this all the time? I like other shows with ''a someone suddenly gets super power kind of story and i am usually able to like the main character but these three... the first things they do after having the powers are just sexually harassing women and violently assaulting random innocent people? Yeah of course, that is soooo male beings. Make sense. So less intelligent so hysterical so emotional so annoying so cringe. Also the way they describe women/ girls are so biased and stereotypical and disgusting. I just couldn't keep watching these animals and just felt sorry for the people who they encountered.

The Sandman: 24/7
Episode 5, Season 1

This episode is not only so much boring but also disgusting. Why the disgusting male being in suits assumed HE is the CEO and asked what HIS name was? Why the stupid disgusting male being immediately thought the guy was the CEO? And why no one told him to stop the gender biased discriminating messed up disgusting mind to use? Men hate taking orders from women? So thinking women ''like'' taking orders from male beings?never but mape beings have been forcing women to take orders from male beings entire the history, male beings are inferior creatures so they can look superior without force and discriminations. But now suddenly male beings are talking like victims and they don't like talking orders from women? Even they are in charge in the company? How selfish creatures.

The Black Phone

The story was interesting enough to watch till the end of the movie but then what's the purpose of all killings? Why did he do this? What's the meaning of the horn? Balloons? Magician? And yes i get the powders of these two kids sister and brother have are not religious clap but they are inherited from their mother but the backstory was unclear too. And was the science of father beating kid necessary? Yes he's s male being he's an animal he would do it just like they do in real life but the way they showed hime later as a ''descent'' dad and glorifying and justifying the motive and the act of beating, the abuse, is disgusting. Also ''a mAn nEvER leAvE fRienD bEhInD'' yeah? So women do? Another glorification of male beings done by using sexism? There're tons of betrayals by male beings in the world just like they been killing and hurting each other throughout the history and thought who fought against them are always women yet it's called ''bEAutIfuL mAlE bOndINg''? Lamo what a joke.


The way it's trying to go looks similar to Dark and I expected something different yet interesting story. But so many frustrating scenes. Like unnecessary and way too long rape scene. If they thought adding rape scene is what makes a show ''darker'', what an amateur move. It's not dark essence it's just disgusting and disturbing. How would possibly they thought 15 can watch this? Rapes scene isn't appropriate for anyone. The storyline is solid enough and why was it necessary? Another negative aspect is that why male beings here can't just talk without pushing the person especially women against the wall violently and hysterically? Who got these creatures out of the cage? What emotional animals. They've never actually evolved, just the shape shifted. So much for ''not emotional ones''.


Why did they turn the Adam's family's dad into this one unlike the original one? Why didn't they do the same with the mother? The actors' age difference is even 13. Why do they always have to do this? They always cast way younger skinnier beautiful woman and way older uglier fatter male beings as a ''couple'' in every single movie and show now and before. And they never do the opposite in gender or never do the same with women as they do with male beings. Lookism and age standard are always only applied for women never for male beings. And people never even wonder and do normalize it. Some descent ones have found out and been raising their voice but still this happenes even in the newest massive hit series? So disgusting. Nothing's changed. I almost threw up. Also mayor sheriff doctor everyone's male being? Gross. Only motherr are the toxic ones? Useless invisible fathers who don't raise kids? Gross.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

cool CGI that's it
Why is everyone in this series of movies male being? Why every born kid is male being? Always male dominant, even the apes. Why only male beings have guns? Why only male beings fight? And women are always there to ''sUppOrT'' the male beings and make dinner? And always treated as male beings' scapegoat. And mother died daughter died? And even call people ''mAn mAn mAn hIm'' like an idiot. I'm not a male being and i don't wanna categorized same as that creatures. DISGUSTING. It's remarkable it's been 40 years and it's still the same. I'm used to current movies and shows so It's disgusting. Wherever women dominance in a show there's definitely one or more people wonder about it, point it out saying ''wHy'' but when it's all male beings they don't. What's funny is no matter what form they take male beings are always same, they get emotional, hysterical, and violent easily. No matter ''human'' or apes it's always male beings that start wars. They just act like monkeys like they've never evolved. What hopeless creatures. In that perspective what a great representation this show is.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

feel like it's still 1968
Why is everyone in this series of movies male being? Why every born kid is male being? Always male dominant, even the apes. Why only male beings have guns? Why only male beings fight? And women are always there to ''sUppOrT'' the male beings and make dinner? And always treated as male beings' scapegoat. And mother died daughter died DISGUSTING. It's remarkable it's been 40 years and it's still the same. I'm used to current movies and shows so It's disgusting. Wherever women dominance in a show there's definitely one or more people wonder about it, point it out saying ''wHy'' but when it's all male beings they don't. What's funny is no matter what form they take male beings are always same, they get emotional, hysterical, and violent easily. No matter ''human'' or apes it's always male beings that start wars. They just act like monkeys like they've never evolved. What hopeless creatures. In that perspective what a great representation this show is.

Ocean's Eight

Ignore excessively low reviews and tons of bad buttons to good reviews, they're all just by miserable male beings who are always so desperate to find any flaws and show hate when the movie is women dominant, trying to prove they're ''superior'' or somethig lol They're just like stalkers, they hate it yet show up at every movie with women leads and watch and leave those pathetic ''reviews''. These creatures are so helpless. And if this review gets a lot of bad buttons it just provess it so I'll just laugh at how they are typical and sharing one brain sell lol Like the way when the characters all male beings and male dominant they don't care with no question but when it's all women people 100% mention about it and wonder is just crazy and so gross.

Of course there're some flaws with plot just like the other movies from the same series with male leads and except for that it's enjoyabld enough, so don't worry.

There's Something Wrong with the Children

so dumb
They made the woman of the couple say i have an expiration date. Do they think male beings do have it? Lmfao male beings get old and their sperm get worse too, infertility problem isn't always women's. Whoever made this movie is so stupid and sexist and yeah of course male being. Also the way male the characters casual talk like as if male beings have right to decide if they have a kid or not is nuts. It's only women's decision to make nor male beings' unless they cane be the ones that will suffer any sickness from being pregnant and pain and even sometimes risking their life from giving a damn birth. Male beings, and even some women naturally assume male beings have all the right to decide what to do with women's bodies are crazy.

Black Friday

Why do they always do this? They always make a couple of a way older male being and way younger woman. Like the age gap of the old male being's actor and the woman's actor here is 24, TWENTY FOUR, this is ridiculous and unbelievably gross. What's wrong with people who make movies? Do they think it's ''ok''? Do they think it's not ''obvious''? Because it is. I double watched when they implied their relationship. Or can't they even calculate? They literally look like daughter and father. And you know what? They never do the same in opposite sex, never. Yeah of course. It's part of sexism and age shaming only towards women as always. People think it's ''normal'' when an old male sexualize his daughter's age girl. Because it seems like no one wonders about it except for me but i'm sure the older one was a women, even though i think it never happen, people would mention about it a lot. And of course the manger is a male being as always. And manger potential one is also a male being? Cliche cliche cliche. Same old smae old same old. Yeah perfect.

La Brea

I only watched season 1 and I don't think i'll continue. This is my kind of show, at first i thought. A hole that leads to mammoth ear? I was so excited to watch! But then where's a mammoth? Where's thrilling running scene or fighting scene? I don't wanna see a cow. The story is so dull. No excitement at all. What's the purpose of choosing this background if you don't fully use it and just keep doing boring human dramas instead?

Also the actings are so bad so so bad, it's rare to see most actors in one show act so badly like this. It was painful to watch.

Does this show wanna be another The 100? Yes that's my favorite show but this show isn't nearly as good as it was. When they say ''sky people'' I laughed. And the people who seem to live in the past world are like grounders? But why are their costumes so clean? And so are sky people's. The details are so badly done. Everything looks so cheesy.

The Mist

Only thing i like about this show is they write the religious fanatics ( the father? Lol and the nameless follower guy) very very well.

So your god aka the long hair homophobe male wants everyone to obey no matter what even with violence, is that it? Like, the poor spider nature woman literally hasn'tt done anything wrong. No pushing no preaching she's just minding her own business. This is exactly why I stay away from these religious people in real lice. It's ok to live in your fairytales with massive chauvinism and do whatever the hell you want but why the force? What's the obsession with who does what? So crazy. I laughed so hard the nameless guy got killed after what he did.

The Mist: The Devil You Know
Episode 6, Season 1

Only thing i like about this show is they write the religious fanatics ( the ''father'' and the nameless follower guy) very very well.

So is your ''god'' aka long hair homophobe male wants everyone to obey no matter what even with violence, is that it? Like, the poor spider nature woman literally hasn't done anything wrong. No pushing no preaching she's just minding her own business. This is exactly why I stay away from these religious people. It's ok to live in your fairytales with massive chauvinism and do whatever the hell you want but why the force? What's the obsession with who does what? So crazy.

The Midnight Club

the story is fine
I've watched Hill House and Bly Manor and loved them. Some of the kids story and the base storyline are enjoyable in Midnight Club too but the religious fanatical girl keeps grossing me out. I thought Anya was annoying at first but thatwas nothing compared to Annarah. Her constant creepy preach things seem really necessary and irrelevant to the show. This is why I always wanna keep away from these people, like it's fine you have a fun playing your imaginary friend from fairy tales bur why the force? It's funny they think everyone in the world believes in the crap. I thought ''god'' is something that is way beyond us humans but it's just a male being who has once lived on earth? Wow how disappointing. And the way those fanatics act like we all believe in the crap, pray for it and care what the jerk thinks and tells right and wrong? Lmao what a joke. And why don't they just call god instead of the ridiculously long term ''gOddEsS'' assuming ''god'' is only a male being? Like they always use different term for women and the basis of everything is male. Even bringing chauvinism into those god things and fairy tales is exactly the most human things ever lol i'm glad i was born in country where I can grow up not being brainwashed by those religions (cults, no difference to me).


true story
This is the true story based show thats again lets me know again how evil crazy useless messed up creatures male beings are. Jeff's dad is a totally abusive cheating douchebag but it's very common as male beings. The cops who didn't listen to and looked down to the woman from the apartment and was totally useless but it's also common as male beings. Lastly Jeff, it's sold fact there're more girls and women who get traumatized and abused but those that turn psycho and serial killers are always males. People really should do research about them because there's definitely something wrong with the creatures. Plus people claim ''black lives matter'' and just focus on the victims but the truth is i've never seen a non black women attack black people it's always male beings too.

Motherland: Fort Salem

good shows with disgusting reviews
Yeah obviously there are many female characters and they stand out more than male characters but so what? In most movies that's opposite but women never say I'm a female viewer but it was great! Or something, but male beings do. What's wrong with them? When there're things that women have something to do with, it always has to be judged because of that?? What a crazy world and disgusting creatures.

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