
IMDb member since August 2020
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    Poll Taker
    IMDb Member
    3 years, 10 months


Northwood Pie

it delivered
I liked its pacing, how it depicted the flow of everyday life for Crispin. I enjoyed the one on one scenes between characters the most; the combination of dialogue and physical exchange/interaction had the same cadence and feel of real conversations I have every day with my friends. All in all it was fun to watch! The website's pretty nice too.

Zenon: Z3

I wonder if the term viral became negative in the 2050s instead of a more positive term now because of 2020 🤔 Also I had no idea that Jordan from Holiday in the Sun was in this.

Zenon: The Zequel

Macro amazing
Macro amazing that they were off about the 2008 stock market crash by 2 years

Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century

I can't wait
Can't wait for the invention of stress helmets and chill chambers


A riddle...
Wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an escape room wrapped in a Rick and Morty episode

The Witches

it has everything
Hotel setting, Muppets, children's horror, and passes the bechdel test


"Their names are so precise, kinda like IP addresses"

Also I thought it was a little ironic that the website about the movie could use a little design work, but at least it's responsive!

The Lion King

baby pumbaa
Pretty much what I expected but I wasn't prepared for baby Pumbaa


The only movie I've ever wanted to walk out of the theater for.

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