
IMDb member since August 2020
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 10 months


Pretty Problems

No depth, no story, no humor
Wealthy people 'adopt' a struggling(financially and emotionally) couple and show them how the wealthy live(terribly) . The non rich couple are entralled by the lavish living until they realize how miserable the wealthy really are and happily escape back to their normal lives, which at the beginning of the movie are mired in mediocracy, at best. The lesson, I guess, is that living a lavish life is no better than living a life of mediocracy This theme is old, predictable, and limp as an over cooked noodle. There is no joy in this tedious movie, that is supposed to be funnny, I guess.

Humor...forget it. There isn't any.

None of the characters are interesting enough to pick this movie off the floor and give it any resonance. It just plods along, with most of the characters either openly or secretly, reviling the other characters, though even that emotion is so muted as to be meaningless....which should be the title.

I have sympathy for the actors who are given nothing to work with.

Don't Worry Darling

Intrigue turns into a mismash of nothing
After establishing the 50'as era and style quite well, this thing goes nowhere. Still, we know something is a miss, so there's a willingness to stick with it to find out what's really going on... except for the two main characters having sex every five minutes.

It seems like the directer either conciously or not, has thrown together a potpourri of scenes from other, better movies.

The ending is a mess, trying somehow, to explain what has gone on before. Men willingly subected their wives to some kind of process that makes the women happy robots with no memory...that is, until Alice remembers their crappy lives before becoming robots.

But are they real people or just some kind of holograms, or duplicates or ...who knows what... while their real selves live outside Victoryville?

Alice is abducted because she knows something is bad, bad bad,and forced to go through the 'procedure' again... but wait, after she's turned back into a robot, she remembers again, and explodes a bunch of lightpoles(who knows why), escapes in her vintage corvette that is quickly overtaken by some bad guys in 50's chevy sedans(talk about unbelievable), and finally presses hereslf against a building of mirrors and goes 'poof' with a sigh of relief. Then the wife of the bad guy stabs him,for no apparent reason, and chaos reigns. Indeed... as does the whole movie.

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