
IMDb member since August 2020
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 10 months


Doomsday Gun

Well said everyone
The only thing I can add is that as a Canadian, I continue to be disappointed in our Government protection of our fellow citizens. RIP Gerald Bull and William Sampson and all of you have been left behind.

2020 Nostradamus

Surprised by negative reaction
I thought the film was OK and a helpful addition to the debate on the accuracy of Nostradamus' predictions. I care more about the information than Production Values and Presentation. I personally find Nostradamus very interesting. I don't think the film tried to debunk Nostradamus as much as it questioned those that have tried to interpret his works. I'm in the camp of questioning those interpreters motivations. Where I do differ from the film is in it's advocacy for Science. I'm unconvinced that Science knows what it is doing or of it's motives. You can't argue that Science will lead the way because it has never taken responsibility for the "Blow-back" of it's discoveries. What I do know is this: We are in the "End Times" This "Satan's Time" the 6,000 years from the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden is coming to an end very soon (Newton probably got the timeline right) and that Nostradamus and others have allowed us to glimpse the horrors that are about to unfold.

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