
IMDb member since August 2020
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 9 months


Shakespeare Republic

Stunning and breathtaking
It is rare that something comes along from the Shakespeare realm on screen and makes his work feel fresh and totally alive, and yet still deeply rooted in his original worlds. This series is such a thing. Truly beautiful vignettes celebrating all the complicated, joyful and tragic elements of being human, featuring some brilliant actors with a deft hand directing, set in our modern world, while still using the original words of the Bard to their utmost effect. A must watch.

Shakespeare Republic: #AllTheWebsAStage (The Lockdown Chronicles)

Sublime! Shakespeare at it's finest!
I love this new series from the Shakespeare Republic team! Each episode is a perfect gem, beautifully presented and so very relevant to our current times. Each actor unfolds their story, using Shakespeare's original words, with such skill and talent. Kudos to Director, Sally McLean, and her entire team & ensemble. From heartbreaking to hilarious and so powerful. Highly recommended viewing. 10/10.

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