
IMDb member since August 2020
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2 Broke Girls: And the Three Boys with Wood
Episode 7, Season 2

Too old to play a young kid
The episode is funny with Caroline and Andy. I still find Caroline funny due to her trying to show she's ghetto to turn on Andy at the end. Unfortunately there are two dudes that supposed to be on rumspringa but only one of them can play young and the other looks like he's in his early 30s. Dudes are cute but I mean come on casting director. You seriously couldn't find someone who looks younger. Rumspringa dudes are supposed to be like under 21 and the taller dude def doesn't not look under 21. It's weird to see Max try to act like a cougar with him when they look the same age. I kinda laughed at that situation.

My Wife and Kids: Not So Hostile Takeover
Episode 25, Season 3

The most selfish, sad, pathetic and hypocritical parents
Two sad and pathetic people who had sex in highschool and got pregnant ruin their daughters prom. Then the dad tries to guilt trip his daughter by saying give your mom a break, she wasn't at prom cause she was giving birth. Who's fault was that? I would have told them that's the consequences for having sex and having it unprotected. Sorry not sorry she didn't go to prom. So The daughter who's a good girl has a crap prom for the old as pathetic people trying to relive the past. The daughter deserves better parents than these two horrible people. But props to the actress that plays the mom cause she is hilarious when she wins the crown.

The Orville

So I get that Seth is dating Anne Winters (ensign Charly)
Season 1 and 2 was awesome but I'm done with season 3.

So I get that Seth is dating Anne Winters (ensign Charly) and giving her way more screen time (wonder why she is getting more screen time ;-) than needs too. Her character is hella annoying AF! She is a pilot who is a genius in all aspects to everything involving the Orville to be in all episodes, plus she knows all about archaeology, lol.

Season 1 and 2 had amazing characters and was hella funny. It was a great escape from what was happening in life. All other shows were mirroring real life and season 1 and 2 did not and made it awesome af! Now its serious and def not an escape.


Pathetically sad story lines.
Omg does this series suck! I love the Scream franchise but wtf is this. For two seasons none of the main characters get killed off. Its always the secondary characters that die. I mean seriously I thought that maybe at least 2 or 3 of the 5 maim characters from the first season would get killed off but nope. It is actually quite hilarious acting (not all actors where bad but def most) Then to top it off the all the main white kids live in both seasons then it just goes to another set of completely new characters. Also the story li es are pathetic. Many of them include the killer being able to kill off the some of the main characters but he decides not to and just goes off to kill some other random people. This series is pathetically sad and disappointing. They could have let the main girl in the first season live but have her friends being murdered to feel the torture and loneliness of her friends dying because of her but nope....let's kill some randos that are really part of the revenge plot.

Pikovaya dama. Zazerkale

It does not make any sense
I will try to make this quick. The acting is ok. When u have a lil kid in a movie be sure to make him less annoying and more adorable. The whole time that kid is getting on your nerves and at the end when he finally gets killed by drowning he miraculously comes back to life after his sister specifically talked about being sure to revive her after drowning before seven minutes or else she dies like her mother who died on minute after. The boy has been dead for way more than 7 minutes so how does he come back all normal. Plus they are trapped in another realm yet the sister only rescues her brother but not her friends. She just sees them there asking for help but she just walks away. Another thing the queen of spades didnt die she got transferred to another realm? WTF! LOL The last third of this movie is a huge joke and had horrible writers. When u make a movie where u want the kid to be taken already.. well thats not a good thing, thats how annoying he was. Plus forgot the lil kid looks and sounds insane and then he stabs another kid through the cheek and nothing happens, lol. WTF! Put that kid in an insane asylum. He cray , lol.

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