
IMDb member since August 2020
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 10 months


Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong

Over an hour in and its slow, dragging, grinding and just glossy enough for me to keep plugging away at it. And WHO does Halsey's voice? OMG. REALLY? She sounds completely ridiculous its really throwing off the serious vibe of the game. Makes me want to bust out laughing when she keeps aaying: "Mr. Teddy... where are you Mr. Teddy?" Hahahaha oh god why did I spend 60 bucks on this again? Also, too much READING.

Lovecraft Country

Lovecraft has always been a guilty pleasure of mine but this is a pure, unadulterated cosmic horror masterpiece.

Casting and acting is spot on, creature design is straight out of the books, so excited to see more!!

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