
IMDb member since September 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


The Great New Wonderful

what is everyone smoking?
This movie was freakin' incomprehensible. It's five separate stories. I get it. But, uh, is it a story when nothing really happens? When you don't know where someone is starting from and where they get to? When it's completely unclear what any of their motivations are, or what we're supposed to think about the choices they make, if they're choices at all? When two of the main characters seem to do something heartless and reprehensible and we're clearly supposed to be enormously happy for them? This movie was like some haiku from a drunk guy that everyone in your freshman dorm thought was deep, but only because they were swimming in a cloud of marijuana smoke so thick that you could use it for building material.

Maggie Gyllenhal is pretty, though. And those Indian guys were good actors. Hope they find better scripts.

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