
IMDb member since September 2020
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Snatched from Mommy

I really don't understand what happened to the movies on lifetime? These movies are embarrassing, woman and men who cannot act the storyline is ridiculous, cheesy and embarrassing. Lifetime used to have some of the best murder mysteries so many movies from the 90s early 2000s I love and still watch to this day. I can't believe this network is still even on TV considering how bad these movies are. This movie is ridiculous. I don't understand who reads the script and says this sounds like something I want to do. It's so cheesy. I'm pretty sure my 10 year-old niece could do a better job , do yourself a favor and don't bother.

Keep Breathing

I thought it was beautiful
I really thought this was a beautiful story. The flash backs tell the whole history. She is a strong woman who grows and discovers herself also, identifies all her trauma.

It was really nicely done.........

Made me sad and happy. The scenery was beautiful. Melissa is a beautiful actress and was so believable.

Unfortunately our childhoods we carry with us.

Liv was always chasing her mother even in the plane. The way she evolves is truly beautiful. I'm sadden by all the bad reviews. I can see how this wasn't everyone's cup of tea.

Worth the watch for me.

Season two please. I would love to watch!

Audrie & Daisy

Everyone should watch this!
Horrifying that man is a sheriff. Horrific to hear his words and rationalization of the situation.

Daisy and each girl had my heart. We are taking about very young girls.

Made me so sad.

The damage this caused to each family and not one kid steps in to say right from wrong.

Truly sad and tragic

I went down the rabbit hole of Daisy and her life story.

Beautiful and torn soul. I was so sad to hear of her passing.... Then her mom. Her brother previously.

Very sad and I hope the boys live with what they did forever.

Show this to schools everywhere

Get the word out. Right from wrong......


Never Seen Again

This show is excellent. So informative, interesting and well put together. I hope many people are found. I've even been doing some googling to find out if there's any updates. This is a great way to bring the light to cases people like myself we're not aware of. I feel complete agony for the families, I can't imagine your loved loved one being out there and you have no idea whatever happened to them. I would think that would be the worst torture.

I'm hoping for many more seasons to get more people out there and more people aware. I highly recommend the show if something like this interest you. Of course I wish it was different circumstances.

The Tutor

Honestly, it's not that bad
I feel like maybe I watched a different movie than the other reviewers? It's not the best movie I've ever seen, but it's definitely not the worst. I've seen other Netflix movies that are horrid. It definitely kept me intrigued. Nice little twist at the end.

At first, I didn't know what was going on. I was like oh OK I can see why people don't like this. But once I got into it. I did kind of enjoy it. It was nice to see Victoria Justice in a movie.

My biggest complaint would be the haircut of the main character... I get you're trying to make him look older, but the receding hairline was ridiculous.


Not as bad as other reviews say
This reminds me of a low budget movie. The characters are unknown to me, they lack chemistry- I assume because of what happened on the plane.

The whole point of the movie is they are unprepared. They make poor choices. Yes at times we called them idiots. But we finished it.

Did the urine save her life thanks to him .......probably. He carded deeply for her.

I would I check out the outback the way they did. Absolutely not. But I can see how easy I would just say.. we can grab more water at the next stop It's not great but it's not awful either.

The true story part kept me focused... Good luck.


Ok hear me out!
I am a huge fan of the show! I was hooked from the first episode. Beck is by far my favorite girl. Season one is the best. Season two is good. Season three started to get a little shaky for me, but I made it through. I started season four, I was bored out of my mind absolutely hated it, but if you get to season seven just about at the end, the show turns around and becomes the You I once loved. I was actually pleasantly surprised. I almost jumped ship, but I'm glad that I didn't.

I think ending it next season is a good idea. But I'm a Joe fan- believe it or not.

Kate is charming. I liked her.

The Girl on the Train

I loved it
Personally, I loved this movie. I like movies you have to pay attention, but they make you think in question yourself.

Main character did such a great job acting this role. It's not an easy role and I believed her based on her acting all the way through.

Call three woman acted so great! I love the detective. Tough little cookie.

I've never I've never really seen anything that Justin has acted in. I really thought he did a great job. His character has no remorse for women, and only thinks with his head from down below.

I couldn't imagine being married to that guy. But what a great mind twist.

Wolf Creek

Its not the best but its a great flick
Right off the top for me was the fact the ladies DO NOT make sure Mick is dead when hes on the ground! They would both be alive by now... makes me crazy ( I know just a movie) great catchy tune in the beginning Eagle Rock. This guy Mick was sick and twisted based off a real life killer.

Ben gets free and cant find they location... makes sense sounds like it was in the middle of know where ...

I so badly wanted Liz to keep kicking butt.... Mick had a good scheme going for him... sick not as bad as some of these reviews, reminds me of a low budget film. Characters did great performances.......


Loved it when it came out and love it now
Do you to the great world that we live in, I was able to stream this many times. I think I've watched it four times all over again. 1998 the early years when things were a lot easier. I just enjoy the show so much. It's not cheesy because there are plenty of times. Felicity is up to no good. I love all the characters they are hysterical.

Keep in mind the time frame is clearly different from nowadays.

These reviews need to be way too long!

Felicity is a doll. I love Ben and Noel.

Javier is the best.

I think you should watch it. You'll enjoy it. Imagine having no technology like we do now..

The Fallout

This hits home
I think they did a really good job, not an easy topic. I myself, as an adult, when I hear a loud bang at any public outing, the mall, a concert etc. My heart pounds. Complete fear of a shooting. It's the disgusting times we live in. No one should ever have to fear this. We so often forget about the survivors. The PTSD, anxiety, fear. I thought everything V went through, was realistic. I did not love the ending, but it was realistic, considering.

Mia is a doll face. She was very enjoyable to watch.

The little sister is so cute, emotional and funny. She's a star. It's a heavy realization the effects this has.

Mr. Harrigan's Phone

Watch the first hour
The first half was really good! I was absolutely loving it. It's one of those movies at the end where you say seriously? That's the ending?!

It was just missing some explanation, some reasoning of why. Great acting. I love Craig. He's sweet and a good kid. I just had a lot of questions, I spent my evening googling what the ending even meant.... I personally do not love a movie like that.

True about smartphones being a marriage... possibly not a good marriage.

Worth a watch I guess. Maybe you can't make sense of it better than I could. Still love Steven King. So many charters for a review- ridiculous.


For the time it's a decent movie
I am a huge Stephen King fan. This movie is not a bad movie. The concept is kind of interesting. I thought the mother and the son did a great job. Acting these roles.

I was a little conflicted, considering the husband drives a fancy nice car and she drives this old piece of junk that leaves her stranded.

I got to thinking about the early 80s, how easy it would be for us nowadays to just call for help on our cell phones... Or how much nicer most cars are inside if you were stranded

I was very happy they get rescued at the end! And I damn well hope the wife is done cheating at this point.

It's not awful.

The Gabby Petito Story

Horribly done
I think this could have been put together so much better. This was a sad story. I could not stop watching the news I just felt the movie was too rushed.. no chemistry between characters .... Any of them.

The best friend was beyond cheesy. She seemed more into herself than the role. What's up with the eyelashes There was no lead up, I didn't have any connection with anyone Gabby deserved so much better

How do we know what their last words were? I know this isn't 100% accurate. But we don't know what was going on.

Brian and his family are absolutely horrible people Karma has its way of working around.

Infinite Storm

Loved this
Hi thought this movie was really good! It's a little slow, you might find yourself a little confused with the flashbacks. It's an excellent story of life loss, and how hard it can be.

I thought Naomi Watts did an excellent job. I even loved John. I read some of the bad reviews. I just think you have to go into this movie with more of an emotional mindset.

Pam was a strong woman, hiking in the mountains, trying to get back to her soul. I do really wish they actually filmed this at Mount Washington.

I love this is a true story. Give it a shot and go into it with an open mind. It's not crazy action.


Compelling, disturbing, amazing
What an absolute excellent job this entire cast did. They also did an amazing job educating us on the families and the victims. Evan Peters does such an amazing job on such a tricky and disturbing character. So well, in fact that you're conflicted with almost liking or feeling bad for him... when you realize you've just been manipulated by the very dangerous Dahmer.

Excellent job- so so sad for the victim's. So sorry for each and everyone of them and their loved ones.

I highly recommend this. The content makes your stomach turn but it's a good show

Jeffrey is where he should be. I think he wanted to be killed.

Murder on the Cape

The worst acting by far!
First off Mike is a vile human- I am not even sure where to start. I saw this movie on Amazon looked decent. I was horribly wrong. The acting is so cheesy it's not even funny. I've never seen such a lack of chemistry between everyone. It's like they were fed lines and this was the first time ever acting. The story is a kinda a joke. Maybe it could have been better with better acting but yikes!

The ending? What even was that..... Who puts groceries away and leaves your kid in the car alone ?

I can't even- so many issues and such poor acting.

The lady is very pretty but that's about it.

I still can't stand Mike. Selfish, just a cheating man.

The Town

Love this movie but......
OK, right off the top I'm a huge huge fan of this movie. I've probably seen it 1000 times. My biggest problem is Rebecca ... She does nothing for me and I have a hard time believing the relationship. I just wish they would've used a different woman for this role. I am not sure if it's Rebecca 's looks, or just the way she acts in general. I just didn't see the connection

I do wish they had shown a little bit more scenes with them to show them falling in love.

I think everyone does a great job! If you haven't seen the uncut version yet I suggest you do.

Blake lively plays trashy girls so well.


Loved it!!
I absolutely loved this movie. To be fair I never read the book so I came into it having no idea I thought Dakota did a great job.

She's so cute acting. It made me smile, it made me sad, it made me laugh.


Honestly it's OK, it's not award-winning.
Honestly it's OK, it's not award-winning. I watched it till the end because I was definitely curious about what happens. The ending blew my mind literally......

Leave No Trace

I loved it!
I went into this thinking it was a crime movie, I had no idea what it was about. Tom is the cutest sweetest kid ever. Excellent story. I started doing research on PTSD. I never realized what these poor people go through. Definitely worth a watch.


I like it!
Great little story. Lucy Hale is a beauty to watch.

I do not understand the bad reviews. It's worth a watch definitely.

Out in the desert alone not the best idea.

The Night House

Seriously with the good reviews
This was awful. What a waste of time. A demon made me do it? Come on and why does she still see him at the end? Confusing and pain and simple a mess. Don't waste your time.

Deep Water

I liked it!
I'm a little confused on the bad reviews!

I actually really liked it. They did a great job. Ana is the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on. Plus hello Ben is worth watching. Trixy is the best character.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Very Gen Z/woke
I'll take Jessica Biel 2003! The best in my opinion. This is a very woke version and lost me right away. Very disappointing. I was so excited to watch but very disappointed.

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