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One of the worst Christmas movie ever !!
As an Indian I can only hope that the makers exaggerated the character of Jashan in the movie . If that is how Jashan behaved in real too , then on behalf of all Indians I truly apologize.

The Character arc of Jashan truly made me feel bad because Jashan represents my country and that is not how all the people from my country behave , there are a lot of people in our country who are non judge mental and respects other traditions and knows how to behave when they are a guest in some other place .

The other shocker from the movie for me is that how the makers made the Norwegian family apologies and win back Jashan in the climax when in my opinion most of it was Jashan's fault . This movie really made me feel the opposition of how a Christmas movie usually makes me feel . Request people to please avoid watching this movie .

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Unconvincing But Entertaining.
Two of the biggest disappointments in this movie are 1: The writing is lazy, convenient, cliched, and even stupid in places.

It's hard to understand whether Wanda's character was weak and arbitrary Or if the writing was so mediocre that the character turned out to be that way? I would like to think that it's a combination of both.

In a particular scene, Wanda Refers to Dr. Strange giving the time stone to Thanos and says when you break the rules you become a hero and when I do it I become the enemy, and it's not fair. To me, this scene is an example of poor dialogue writing Because Dr. Strange did what he did to save half the universe and Wanda is breaking the rules for selfish reasons. It's okay for Wanda to have said that, she was delusional after all but what was not acceptable to me was the blank expression that Strange gives as a response as though Wanda was right, he does not even try to reason with her and that was not fair to the character that we have been seeing in the MCU for a few years now. The dialogue exchanges should have been smarter, We have seen 20 Plus films in the MCU and the dialogues just cannot be one-sided just for the sake of a character to make a point. Dr. Strange was made to shut up in this scene so that we can feel empathy for Wanda but I only felt annoyed and was left unconvinced at the way the scene played out. There were a few other scenes too which were cliched and lazy but I wanted to emphasize this specific scene as the laziness in the writing emphatically stood out.

2: The illuminates are also superheroes, Just to show Wanda's might one cannot simply make a mockery out of the Illuminati, The way Wanda kills the Illuminati in less than 10 mins was not at all convincing.

If it were the original Avengers instead of the Illuminatis, Would the writers have dared to kill them in under 10 mins?

All said and done this is an MCU movie. Although there are a lot of disappointments there are some high moments in the film as well.

The Cinematography and the Background score are amazing and the movie never fails to entertain.

Yes, The movie did not live up to what I had expected but it's a decent watch after all.

Stay Close

A Flawed yet watchable whodunnit !!
I would like to start by mentioning How dumb the premise of this show is... Usually, when a person wants to run away from their old life and start a new life with a new identity the person will go as far away as possible from wherever they are running from... Here in this show "Stay Close" Megan is someone who has run away from her past life as a stripper named Cassie and after 17 years of living her new one would naturally assume that her previous life as cassie took place somewhere very far from where she currently is, But no !! 17 Years ago Cassie ran away leaving her Life, Friends, and Fiancee behind, and has started off a new life in the same town or somewhere close to the town where she ran away from ... I mean how Ridiculous is this? Who would run away leaving everything behind and start a new life in the same town or close by where ever they ran away from? This is my opinion is amature writing, the writing lacked smartness.

Secondly, Except for Broome none of the other characters in this show were likable, Characterisation was very weak as none of the characters in this left a mark. Would like to specifically mention how annoying the character of the Serial Killers was, Dancing around before murdering their victims like they are auditioning for some "Got Talent" show ...They gave me the impression of a pair of Jokers rather than of Bonnie and Clyde.

Would also like to mention how out of sync the intro song of this show was, the loudness of the intro song had absolutely no connection with the theme of this show, and putting all this together it seems that this show was made by a team of people who wanted to do it for the sake of it rather than having any concern of giving wholehearted quality output.

Having ranted this much, The show is definitely not all bad... There are a few good things here and there ... The show somehow manages to keep the suspense on throughout all 8 episodes and the screenplay is good enough for you to want to watch the subsequent episodes.

Personally, This show acted as a filler whenever I was bored during the day and I was able to pass time for 3 days by using this show as a filler.

Of course, the show is far from being great but at the same time it is not so bad that one can't sit through it either, If you are a fan of whodunnits, you can give this show a shot to pass your time.

Halloween Kills

It is Entertaining for sure ... But ...
It's entertaining, Fun, Thrilling, and all that for sure but isn't s it getting a tad too repetitive? The movie tries something a little different by giving us a deeper view into the Town's past and also a few new characters that were added in this movie ends up being interesting... But for how long will this keep going on? How many more people should we watch Michael Kill? How many more times should we Watch people Shoot him, Stab Him, Burn him but somehow Michael ends up surviving and goes on to kill more people? This entire franchise is starting to feel like one big loop now.

I onde dager

Bang On !!
This Movie from Start to Finish is on point, Acting is brilliant and the characterization is perfect.

The entertainment quotient is so high and there is not even a single dull moment in this 100mins Movie.

The Dark Humour and the Background score go so well together and this is the first time I laughed when blood went splattering all over in the movie.

Vacation Friends

Enjoyable Outing..
Just the perfect movie to watch with your friends on a Friday night with a few drinks in your hand.

It's best not to think too much about the plot, Of course, some scenes are dumb but it's not so dumb that you start feeling cringe instead it's just borderline dumb that you end up laughing it off, John Cena in this comedy is so adorable, I never thought ill like John Cena as an actor but in this movie, he was just perfect.

Just have the right company and expectations while watching this movie, surely you will have a few good laughs.


Too Slow !!
The narration in this movie reminds me of the narration from Willem Dafoe's movie "The Playback Time" From Mr. Beans Holiday.

The Movie did arouse my interest when it started but just within 10-15 mins into the movie I started losing interest, The screenplay is too slow and as the movie kept going I just couldn't wait for the movie to end.

As I kept watching the movie everything felt familiar and then I realized that only the circumstances and the context in the story are tweaked otherwise it's just another usual sci-fi drama.

Just another movie that can be skipped.

The Suicide Squad

Best Movie of DC so far !!
By far this movie is much better than any movie DC has made so far. This movie provide full fun and entertainment from start to finish and that is exactly what people like me expect from a DC/MCU movie. The Characterisation is amazing, All actors did 100% justice to their roles, King Shark and Ratcatcher 2 being my personal favourites. Hope DC makes more such films for us to enjoy ..

Jungle Cruise

Felt Tedious !!
Trust me , I really wanted to enjoy this movie but as the movie kept going i just couldn't ... The movie had its moments , there are some solid scenes but the movie didn't feel fresh. Inspite of a solid cast and amazing visuals i personally couldn't stop yawing after a certain point. This movie is very similar to Pirates of the Caribbean, if Johnny depp had acted in the place of Dwayne Johnson this movie Would have been Pirates of the Caribbean 6. To me this movie was a big disappointment.

Midnight in the Switchgrass

Mundane !!
There is absolutely nothing that this movie has to offer, It is so boring from start to finish.

There is no suspense, thrill, action, drama or entertainment.

Kindly skip this and pick something else to watch.

Friends: The Reunion

DVD extras in the Disguise of a reunion
How many of us know people who are overly interested in a celebrity's life? I believe we all do ... Some of these people will be overly keen on knowing what's happening in a celebrity's personal life than taking some interest in knowing about their friend's or relative's life.

And Also, Some of them wouldn't seem to care much even if their cousin brother is getting married to the love of his life but will jump up and down on knowing that David and Jennifer had a crush on each other.

To me, the cast of any show are just actors, Just like all of us have our different professions, acting is one of theirs. I do respect them of course but I don't take any interest in knowing in detail about what is happening in the personal lives. I enjoy cinema for the story, content, and entertainment factor so I was more curious about how the characters of Friends had developed after these many years than I was interested in watching the cast of FRIENDS reminiscing their days by going through the sets and scripts again and I was so not interested in knowing how other popular celebrities and fans felt about the show either.

So, if you are someone like me, you will not enjoy Friends Reunion at all but if you are someone who takes interest in the personal life of the actors of your favorite show, then you might enjoy it.

November Story

Promising series let down by the finale !
This series is a perfect example of how 1 bad episode at the end can change your entire opinion on the show.

In case you are wondering which episode am referring to its the last one "The Truth"

The first 6 episodes were too good ... The character development, The performances, The suspense, The music, The screenplay made me binge this show and I was indeed enjoying it.

However, My opinion on this show started to change as I was watching the last episode .. all I could think about while watching the episode was "why did Tamannah come to the house without calling the police?" This episode is filled with an overdose of drama and unnecessary heroism to the protagonist and this killed whatever the show had previously developed.

I hope that the movie/series makers change their mentality going forward, Drama and Heroism need not be a mandate and they should be used only whenever it's deemed necessary. If the last episode hadn't deviated from its preceding episodes this series could have been one of the best in India in this genre, However, that is not the case here.

To summarise, The November Story is a very promising show let down by a poor finale.

Army of the Dead

Except for the plot-induced cliches the movie turns out to be just good enough !!
Cliche No:1 - No matter how well planned the mission is there will always be a character who secretly takes a detour from the original plan to fulfill their own goal despite the life or death circumstances. This character thinks that the value of 1 person's life is much more than the value of everyone else's lives combined.

Ironically this Character ends up being the sole survivor of the Movie.

Cliche No:2 - There will always be a sociopath who is separately employed by the boss to be along with the team, Now this person will be Told to bolster the team to complete the mission smoothly but he will be secretly given an evil agenda to be fulfilled for the boss. This guy will be so evil that he will purposely let 1 or 2 people on the team die because they questioned him at some point in the movie and hurt his ego.

Cliche No:3 - There will always be people who when comes close to death will decide to play the sacrificing act, even if this person has a window of opportunity to escape along with the others will not take it, they just will decide to be the bigger person for no reason and others will also happily watch this person sacrifice his/her live with emotion in their eyes.

Cliche No:4 - The last scene of the movie will always make room for a few sequels to release a few years down the road.

Apart from these cliches, the movie does have its moments .. Some action sequences seemed fresh for a Zombie movie and the movie is indeed a decent enough weekend Netflix watch.

The Devil All the Time

Intersting Story with strong performances. Worth It !!
From Watching Tom Holland and Sebastian Stan together in avengers to watching them in this movie you can't help but notice how versatile their acting has become. Every character whether the role is big or small has tremendous significance and ever actor has played their respective parts Brilliantly.

GOD is indeed a sensitive subject but a true believer of God is someone who knows where to draw the line, I am a true believer in god myself but just like me, we all know that certain people around us misuse the belief of god for fulling their personal agendas and some credulous people coexist for all of it to happen. The movie revolves around the same subject so what could be the Ramifications when God is Misunderstood and Misused? This subject with a touch of Karma is what makes the storytelling of this movie very intriguing.

The movie starts slowly and I honestly felt that the movie could have been trimmed a little bit. 2 Hours 20 Minutes is probably a little too long for this movie. Nevertheless, The Devil All The Time is one of the best movies that Netflix has added in recent times, and it's worth it.

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