
IMDb member since September 2020
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Melissa delivers. But what was casting thinking?
Melissa works for her paycheck while the rest of the cast is beyond terrible.

Whoooo signed off on the actors of Bernard and Julie?! Why?!

This proves that the best actor doesn't always get the job. Flat. Flat. Beyond flat.

I'm all for supporting less than "star" names but these two dragged every scene down. What a shame.

Production value is good. Cinematography is solid. Music fits.

I can only fault casting as well as the director.

The heartfelt ending made it worth the watch- that'll I'll also thank Melissa for.

Give new, unknown actors jobs- please- based on talent.

We want that. We support that.


Watched this film since the same team made another film with an actress I adore. She wasn't in this one, unfortunately. SHE would have elevated it, no doubt.

Man, was this worse than expected.

Script was all over the place. Lighting who? DAY/NIGHT? Light poured through windows when it was night outside.

Costumes were straight out of a high school performance of Oklahoma, along with the acting performances. Aside from the plethora of non-actors all whom paid for their few lines, the leads were all over the place. No one seemed to be in the same movie- tone ranged from over the top stage musical-like theatrics to barely-there performing. Tough to find any real substance in the muck.

Finding Love in Big Sky, Montana

Bad Casting
Zero, I mean... zero chemistry between the actors.

The female lead was... well.. not believable. Not particularly a good fit to lead a movie, let alone a rom-com.

Meanwhile... Where's the ruggedness, the big sky energy?!errr.. in a cowboy hat? The draw of the title seemed lost here.

I know it's difficult to make a move, especially a movie with next to no budget- but this is why it's CRUCIAL to spend the money needed on a superior actor.

Production design and script issues will be more forgiven.

Okay camera work, with a propensity for golden hour shots.

Shame, it could have been something memorable.

Killer Design

God Awful
Terrible- on all fronts. Embarrassingly bad. Poor directing, script, and the acting was perhaps the WORST I've ever seen. Who, WHO on earth cast this?

Clearly shot on the cheapest of cheap budget, the photography is elementary. The scenes dull. The lighting-without any nuance or skill. Sure, let's just stick a soft light right in front of the "actor", who cares how obvious that is.

Music, dreadful.

Pacing, snore.

The entire film was void of any real emotion.

How does LMN keep this charade going?

The actress playing villain has no idea what she's doing, and was clearly given no direction.

Another laughably bad film from Mr D level.

Selling the OC

Literally- this show is beyond "trash Tv". It's just TRASH.

The women- horrified that one of them tried to kiss the LOSER husband agent, only to take their clothes off in front of them and canoodle them on the beach. The one "lead"'(who is clearly lying about her age) actually put her lips around is nose while he was lying in her arms!!!

What the actual hell does Netflix think is entertaining?

Beyond stupid. Terrible casting. Filtered lenses galore. Lame- everything.

A story line around cheating with a married man is cringy AF. And below the belt.

Women are once again painted with the same idiotic, blow up doll, bimbo cliche we have working to change in entertainment.


Resisting Roots

This is clearly a film for extremely GREEN actors. Yikes. Being "attractive" won't cut it in Hollywood. If you want to be taken seriously, please cast attractive actors that can actually act. I watch them all the time on Lifetime and Hallmark.

Making a film is tough- making a film that's entertaining? Pretty low hanging fruit. Making a film that hits in an emotional level, as well as entertaining? Cast talent.

Pay for talent.

Sinister Stalker

Female lead is... yaaaaawn
That's it. Take a shot anytime there's a sloooooow line delivery. (Translates to.. Every. Single. Line) Wooden, boring, inauthentic- fits all the acting and the script.

Sorry guys- I know making movies isn't easy. I get it.

But this was a DUD.

Sister of the Groom

Horrendous and offensive
This film is a beyond difficult watch. A drunk, painful to watch performance turned in my Alicia, along with a narrative around shaming the age of 40, body after babies, and multiple abortions.

The rest of the cast isn't compelling. The script, scenes, and music choices are tough to actually get through.

Cheers to the crew that probably had a though time shooting this.

The Deep End

Arrest this woman!
This woman is without a doubt dealing with several severe psychosis. She's abusive, dangerous, and deranged. She's sick. Very, very sick.

She has several "followers" abused to the post of suicide.

This is heartbreaking and horrific. She should be in jail.

I don't doubt she will be- soon.

Secret Lives of Housewives

Boring & Bland
Hardly any riveting emotion throughout, bland in tone and formulaic. Mellow drama without much drama... is just mellow.

Put in the effort! These films no doubt make money and take money to make- but doing the bare minimum isn't gonna cut it any more with all the competing content.

Most Wanted Santa

A Christmas twist that could use more squeeze
It has an interesting plot, but we just needed more of it! I love an art heist plot. It's such a high society wild world. Kate Watson was brilliantly hilarious and stunning! Donnell did make for a handsome Santa!

It just needed more pizazz and FUN!

Red Notice

Terrible script, terrible direction, terrible CGI, terrible art and costume design, and Gal Godot is... I'm sorry to say this... terrible.

Netflix, please don't make this mistake again. You can do much better than overpaid name actors in a late- nineties-wanna-be-blockbuster.

The White Lotus

Trust me, I have a sense of humor- but this is SO problematic. It's deeply offensive to women and to the culture of Hawaii. I won't waste my time on the details... If you think this is revolutionary, study filmmaking.

Hostage House

Poorly Executed
What happened?!! Poorly directed and photographed. Poorly edited. Poorly scored. Not ONE moment of actual believable gravitas to the movies unremarkable, undeserving stakes. NONE of the actors had any compelling qualities to their performances. They played every predictable, flat, uninteresting beat. Nothing was nuanced or truthful.

I've seen other films from this production team, and this one doesn't come close. What a shame.

Bad Education

Excellent Character Study. Powerful.
There's a reason this is EMMY nominated. Extraordinary performance from HUGH. Nuanced and uncomfortable. This film speaks to the power a story has when it's well directed, edited, and driven by characters- not plot. Greed is a humanistic quality, not a plot line, and they delivered that message loud and clear. Back to the basics of filmmaking, but elevated with clever writing. More films need to heed the attention to story structure and performance and less on gimmicks.

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