
IMDb member since September 2020
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Hide and Seek

I've tried to ignore other people's ratings after wasting too much of my life watching Gerry which currently has a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 61% (at the time I think is was closer to 80%). After watching the trailer, I gave into Hide and Seek with fingers crossed. I wasn't disappointed. I'm often times the slowest person in the room but I was easily able to follow along until the very last scene at which I think we were all supposed to wonder a little bit. Besides being a little addled I also one who gets annoyed and anxious when a movie passes too slowly. I'm quick to fast forward through those movies and don't see that I missed anything I shouldn't have. For those who didn't know what happened to the brother, there is a scene in which the other brother does find him. Also, for those who wondered, the rich brother owned the building Soo Mi and the poor brother had been living in when the owner decided to throw them out in order to convert the property for more money. Also, he wasn't looking to "connect" with his brother. His only concern was what his reaction would be upon learning he left out of the father's will. Some of reviews made me think some of you were using my fast forward trick which wouldn't have worked for this movie. It was a good length and said what it needed to in the time allowed and I wasn't forced to spend long periods of people just traveling from one place to the next without any dialogue.

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