
IMDb member since October 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years



sh*t sandwich
How can you make a realistic,gritty film about a group of outcast drug taking misfit teenagers? Get a bunch of models to play them obviously! I found myself laughing at this film on several occasions including the acting of the lead role of Marty with his pouty "i'm so messed up" looks.

In my opinion the only good point that this film raises is that of how the teenagers in the real story it is based on could be so flippant and not understanding what so ever the consequences of their actions. One of the answers the film seem to offer to this is that they do a lot of drugs (well pot which can't really be considered a drug) and acid which isn't exactly a sign of being depraved either. Another is that it's in the culture around them of hip hop (and there's nothing that i hate more than watching rich white Americans thinking that they are "gangster"). In the real life case Bobby (the bully) was apparently forcing Marty to have sex with him which is a much more feasible reason for murder.

The "mafia hit-man" who aids them in the murder was another laughing point. Played by the gangly nerd from Kids, he's the most un convincing psycho/hardman in film history.

The stupidity of this film is summed up by the fat kid who wonders if there's some sort of "fine print" that incriminates people for being at the scene of a crime and not reporting it. Idiots. Overall I truly do like the premise of the film and want to read the book however the story is wasted by awful casting and poor character development, I don't know how anyone could claim that this film is too "real" for some people, real compared with mainstream Hollywood maybe, wannabe shock factor otherwise.

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