
IMDb member since September 2020
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Clifton Hill

Very good for a Netflix
I like this movie a lot. I like thrillers and sometimes horror movies, but I watched this with the expectation that it would be mysterious. The movie has a lot of twist and turns that kept me interested throughout the whole movie. The main character, she did a good job acting And I felt that the characters were all important and played their roles very well. The ending was kind of the really big twist which kinda makes you reevaluate everything that you've watched before, but after googling the ending explained, it made sense. This movie is more to me a cautionary tail About minding your business, searching for truth, a curious mind, and that things are not always black and white and straightforward and obvious.

Soft & Quiet

Birth of a Nation
A bunch of Karen's instigate and execute a hate crime breaking numerous laws, including murder. The ending leaves you hanging ... putting you in the shoes of the powerless who do not believe in the justice system, because perpetrators of violence against minorities often escape punishment. The ending, rather than offer hope for a future comeuppance, is a dog whistle to leave no loose strings. This movie just stirs up the pot and leaves a mess for the audience to clean up. It's shocking, agitating, and unbalanced. The way it was filmed, as if you were a fly on a wall, watching the events unfold, immerses you into the film, but it's a ride you wish you sat out half way through.


Supernatural thriller
The movie is better than the 4.3 collective rating. However, I understand why it received this rating. The movie is based on a supernatural twist. The twist is a stretch of the imagination, that employs misleading characters to achieve this aim. The visuals are nice, the music is fitting, and overall it is better than a lot of movies that have a 4.3 rating. It's very amateurish to use superstition mixed with truth to develop a movie. A lot of the religious themes have no weight other than to mislead the audience to be surprised by the supernatural twist. It would have been better to make it a movie about mental health, but to connect the dots it had to make up stuff. The writers tried to be clever, but didn't connect the dots with enough meaning and substance to make an impact. The actors faked it enough to make it to the end.


8.7 😂😂😂
This movie is bad ... Netflix bad.... Lighting, editing, music, plot, sequencing, acting, everything is bad! The movie makes no sense. Everything is just like whoever put this together. Just like did this on the spur of the moment I don't even know how this movie got funded wireless movie got funded. This movie is terrible. The lighting is bad everything is white washed it's just terrible. It doesn't make any sense like the characters do things that just don't make any sense if I could take it back I wouldn't even the rent this movie. It's that bad I try to support this movie and the 8.7 review and the five star review on Amazon let me to think this movie was good, but it is not. .

Jeepers Creepers: Reborn

This was a good movie. I don't understand the low ratings at all. I think the lower ratings are very misleading. This movie is good. While it isn't as good as the first and second movie in terms of development and plot and and storyline, it is a jeepers creepers movie. I like the angle that they use based on the location being in Louisiana they do stay true to that area and I like the lead characters I like the supporting characters I think it works well. I did like the jeepers creepers with the high school team in the bus and then getting picked off one by one that was cool. This one was kind of in the same vein, but it had a lot of modern elements to it. And included cosplay and included raves I guess and it was kind of you know around the Halloween dress up theme. I think if you're looking for something entertaining to watch and you have a little bit of time to watch it because the movie is not that long. I think the movie could have been another 30 minutes longer but That's not really a big deal. There was something at the end of the movie that I have questions about which wasn't answered and I think that's the only flaw that I really found but you know it has elements of Sex appeal in there which is nice, and the creeper is pretty much the same as he was in the first couple movies. It is definitely better than the third one in my opinion , so don't not watch this movie based on the bad reviews see it for yourself have fun with it because it's better than a bunch of horror movies that are out there on Amazon, prime and Netflix.


Crazy good!
This movie is insane. The music really sets the atmosphere and makes it really unnerving and you know it's probably one of the best horror movies I've seen in a long time. I liked everything about the scenes the colors the sounds everything the actors fit well everything was really good. This movie has a ton of jump scares and and you really can't tell when they're coming you can but they are still pretty scary when they do happen and the ending is bazaar but if you can look at the movie without looking away, it's really really good. Another thing I found I like about this movie is that it was pretty original that's pretty original. I recommend seeing this movie. I recommend people watch it with out flinching without looking away and really take everything in you will be happy you did.

The Invitation

This movie right here ... starts out with a bang. I thought it would continue to deliver emotionally raw cinema, but it quickly fizzled out. It suddenly became a nonsensical soap opera that became increasingly painful to watch. While the movie has some nice visuals, that's the best I can say about this movie. The people are gullible to the point of being laughable, but I guess that's how most horror movies are for some reason. But his movie right here ... is like an episode from the vampire diaries, cliche after cliche after cliche. Nothing about this movie is great, nothing! I'm definitely getting a refund.


NOT a horror or thriller movie
This is NOT a horror or a thriller movie. It's more like a slow burn mystery. People who move somewhere and feel out of place might find this move relatable. Everything is unknown and suspicious. It turns out something is wrong, but it's totally unrealistic. It's like the typical horror movie where people do the exact opposite thing that a reasonable person would do. Hitchcock made a movie like this 100x better, because he developed the characters backstory and it was more realistic. This movie is banks on a shocking ending to seal the deal, but it fails miserably. I'm just gonna say that I spent too long watching this movie and I hope you don't not waste your time or your money and watch some football instead.

Tales: Hot in Here
Episode 4, Season 3

Lost Boyz!
Good episode! I want to know what happened to Renee? This show is not like Hollywood, where it always has a bad ending. It shows mercy, compassion and intelligence that black people all possess, but holllywood never shows!

The Devil You Know

Based on a true story
What I liked: Realistic ending. Not all things have a happy ending and justice doesn't always catch up with everyone. Maybe because it's based on a real events, but I like it that it didn't have that hollyweird vibe.

What I didn't like: looked like a Tyler Perry soap opera ... some scenes were alittle cheesy

Overall: Good movie, with a couple of surprises. Realistic.


Decent action/drama
What I liked - The visuals were amazing! The movie takes off fast and doesn't let up until the very end.

What I didn't like - the story was cheesy, confusing and full of Hollywood cliches and stereotypes. There wasn't really any closure at the end of the movie, except for one character who dies.

Overall - I think the storyline ruined this movie toward the end. It tried but fell short.


Hidden Gem
This movie is great! The way it was edited - the sequences, landscapes - were phenomenal. It's 2022, and I found this movie on Netflix and im glad I watched it. Movies from back then just seemed to be better, more original. Samuel gives one of the best performances, I've ever seen him give.

Grand Crew

The black Seinfeld
I love the shoes dry humor and brisk pace! Don't listen to the bias, critical reviews. What did the haters expect? I believe the show will find a place among the funniest sitcoms given more time to develop.

The Shack

21st century book of Job
This movie tries to answer the age old question - if God exist, why is there evil in the world? They choose the most morbid theme to do it, about a man who's daughter is kidnapped, raped and murdered after he left her unsupervised. God, the triune, tries to help the man resolve from his trauma in what appears to be a shack in heaven.

Colin in Black and White

Class is in session!
This miniseries brings to light racist behavior Kaepernick experienced growing up and the impact it had on shaping his childhood, identity and ego. It's a revelation to some, a confirmation to others, and highlights many of the frustrations that blacks deal with living in America. It's a great production that should be enjoyed with family and friends.


Typical Hollywood crap
Typical Hollywood movie that typecast the poor and week as minorities, with the white savior figure ... it starts fast , but slows down and gets real boring, melodramatic. I laughed at them using swords in the year 10,083.

There's Someone Inside Your House

Decent thriller
I like the visuals of the movie. The suspense is palpable. If you consider each person you can come to the conclusion of who the killer is. The movie leaves bread crumbs that lead from one person to the next. It's a pretty simple movie but you'll enjoy the suspense the visuals the storyline however it's not a real shock in the end who is to blame. It's worth a look but it's not the best movie ever made. It is what it is, A decent cinematic experience for your home viewing from Netflix.

Crime Story

Worst movie ever!
This movie is bad. The people responsible for everything kiss and make up at the end, but the black and brown people are left for dead... racist script, Uncle Tom's making bad movies.

The Night House

I give the movie this, it's original and very eerie, but the main character is super annoying. The ending was weak!

You Belong to Me

Nice Rainy Day Movie!
I don't know with all the bad reviews are about. The movie is good. I liked the scenery, the tone. The movie was bright, the acting was decent. I liked the movie. It is the perfect movie to watch on a rainy day when you want to relax and watch something a little edgy but not too crazy.

The Underground Railroad

Feels real!
I am always hesitant to watch movies depicting slavery because they bring up negative/unpleasant feelings. This movie however is not just a movie about slavery. It is about different peoples lives and it doesn't feel like a movie it feels more real if you can get my drift.

Those Who Wish Me Dead

The title is clickbait
Pretty good movie. I liked the firefighter angle, but the plot was hard to follow. Tyler Perry was in the movie less than a minute.

In the Drift

Where my dogs at?
DMX is a good actor and a joy to watch. He's authentic and is the ONLY reason to watch this movie.


This movie lacks all common sense. It's a dream ... the producer/directors fantasy. It full of subtle stereotypes. It deserves a Oscar the grouch award ... a gold plated garbage can!

Bad Hair

Better than I expected
I love the 80's so this movie was fun to watch. I like how the movie addresses an important issue such as self esteem, beauty and culture. It blends them together very well and it features many good black actors.

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