
IMDb member since July 2001
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    22 years


Royal Wives at War

Lady Campbell complete rubbish
Lady Campbell, one of the three speculating, wasn't even born until 1949, so how could she have any insight into what happened behind closed doors. She was so obviously a hater of the Queen Mother and enthralled with Wallis Simpson. She's obviously a gold digger since she was only married to Lord Campbell for a year, obviously wanting a title.

Prime Suspect: The Lost Child

Who's the murder?
One woman kills her unborn child and continues her career, another kills her child and will suffer the consequences for the rest of her life. Where's the justice?

All Summer Long

Not environmentally friendly
I can't believe those sky lantern with candles were released in this movie. They're so dangerous for fish and wildlife!

A Deadly Romance

I can't believe all these women were enthralled by Michael. He must have been the only eligible male in town.

Wrongfully Accused

Wasn't that bad
I didn't think this movie was that bad. I've seen worse on Lifetime!

The Family Stone

Waste of time and money
This is the second-half response from Hicuff. This was one of the most disappointing movies I have seen in a very long time. Probably sinks to the level of "Ground Hog Day" for absurdity. I wanted to see a comedy. Instead, I was assaulted by a "family" of rude, inconsiderate ingrates who took an immediate hatred of the Merideth character without any reason provided by the writer or director. The Diane Keaton "mother" character should have been taken out and shot for her immediate dislike of Merideth and the motherly knowledge that her son's marriage to this woman would ultimately end in disaster. All this without knowing anything about her. Where did that come from? All in all, this is a poorly written movie with an ill-conceived plot line. The plot and character development (what little there was) left me wanting so much more. The only plus was that Merideth stuck it out with these ingrates and didn't flee back the the Big Apple. And then she hooks up and stays with the brother? Come on!!! Anyone in their right mind would have taken the first bus, train or automobile out of town as soon as possible. Oh, yes, there was an up side to this misspent afternoon - free popcorn the theater provided.


Not a bad movie
This movie wasn't as bad as the previous reviewer made it out to be. As a matter of fact, it was better than most airplane disaster movies. I thought the insurance agent was believable, and what she and the airline executive tried to do was pretty disgusting. The movie also showed what kind of crap the government tries to pull with it's drone testing and lack of compassion for people in trouble. The movie also showed the compassion of some people towards others and what can happen when you don't follow directions. The ending was pretty exciting and when the movie was over my husband and Iturned to one another and said "that wasn't a bad movie at all".

A Letter to True

OK Movie but what's with the people mistreating donkeys and horses?
This was an OK movie, but in the scenes with the ranch family, the "boys" are abusing the donkeys and horses by first, carrying the donkey over his shoulders and then riding the horse backwards, with the horse running and bucking to get the guy off and the donkey squirming to get off the guy's shoulders. Where were the animals rights people when this segment was being filmed? I don't see the relevance for this segment at all. There also should have been more stories about the dogs, rather than the people. Also, what did the actor Dirk Bogarde do with his Corgis when he had to move to take care of his lover? There were a lot of unanswered questions in this movie.


Not Too Bad
I saw this movie and liked it -- OK, some of the acting wasn't that great, but the love story between the two secondary actors was really romantic. I go to movies to enjoy them and get away from reality -- I try not to psychoanalyze every single bit of the movie. I thought Gerard Butler did a good job, but what really got on my nerves was when Frances O'Connor kept on inquiring as to the whereabouts of Merick -- that got a little old real quick. The battle sequences were great, and the costumes were true to life. The little bit of mystery at the end of the movie added to the mistique.

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