
IMDb member since October 2020
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    3 years, 8 months


Last Shift

Super creepy
The whole time I had a bad feeling in my gut. This movie was intense. As the minutes ticked by, I found myself repeatedly glancing at the clock bc I wanted to know how much more of the tension I had to endure, and this is coming from someone who laughed the entire time while watching the "Terrifier 2" movie in theaters (while others who watched The Terrifier had fainted or puked).

Throughout the movie, I couldn't help but shake my head at the protagonist's choices. I kept thinking she was sooo dumb for not leaving sooner. There's a line between courageous and stupid & she was definitely the latter. This film delved into the depths of psychological terror, exploring the darkest corners of the human psyche. A must-watch for sure.

Into the Dark: They Come Knocking
Episode 9, Season 1

Major disappointment
I was so excited to watch this movie bc the black eyed kids are the paranormal monsters that creep me out THE MOST. However, this movie had a lot of unnecessary family drama with the dead mother and stupid characters (I was so happy when Maggie supposedly died bc she was annoying af), and the ending made no sense whatsoever. So the black eyed kids were tied to the mom or grief? I didn't understand how they could just all go away immediately after pouring the ashes... How would that explain all the dead missing children prior to the main characters? Idk. Either way, the movie was a huge let down.

Life to AfterLife: I Died, Now What

Super informative & life-changing
Speaking as a suicide attempt survivor, I think everyone should be shown this movie. It shows evidence of what happens in the afterlife, such as heaven and the fact that there's no fiery hell. Trusted and vetted mediums speak to the dead and the dead tell them exactly what's on the other side. I don't think you can get much more to the truth than that-- information being passed down firsthand. I can see this getting under Christian skin. For me it gave me a huge new sense of inner peace that has prevailed for the past over half year since I've watched this movie. I can't see this documentary doing well in the Christian dominated west however.

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