
IMDb member since October 2020
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    3 years, 7 months



What a pile of bologna
There should be disclaimer at the beginning of this movie that it was made with mob money. You can bet that some part of Lansky's hidden $350mil paid for it, because entire film is trying to convince you that this career criminal and mass murderer was in fact Great American Patriot, Antifascist, Greatest Zionist, and.distinguished entrepreneur who single-handedly built industry giving jobs to 2 million Americans.

What a great guy he was...

Wrath of Man

Don't waste 2 hours of your life on this movie
Just don't.

Boring cliche fest. Guy Ritchie is done. Zero creativity.


John Wick wannabe
Starts promising, but faceplants after about 40 minutes.

How to with John Wilson

Awkwardly funny
Very personal, with touch of geekiness and sprinkled with awkwardness. Very different from what you see on TV today. Really enjoyed it.

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