
IMDb member since October 2020
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Unrealistic levels of incompetence.
The show is good in and of itself, but one thing that kept bothering me over and over again was the foreign settlers: gosh these people are portrayed as total idiots with life-skills of a 7 year old child - they drink contaminated still water and then kick the bucket, they get bitten by snakes trying to use the toilet, get eaten by coyotes while others form a circle and watch; and they've brought into the deserts of the Wild West - not provisions and supplies - but furniture.. and from Europe no less!!!!

I'm surprised these people made it to America at the first place, I would've expected each and everyone of them to accidentally keel overboard while taking a stroll on deck - all while still being docked in a European port - and never reach the New World at the first place.

That level of incompetence is just unrealistic.

The Changeling

Family drama, not horror
I was expecting a horror/thriller kind of a show, but it just turned out to be a drama about a couple getting married and having a baby, while the actual spooky horror stuff content was less than 5 min per episode.

The show is more or less professionally done (i.e. Not a B movie), but - oh boy - is it boring to watch a family bring up their child, apply for mortgage loans, go to work, cook food and take the baby out for walks!! So routine and mundane it was, that I had to fast forward bits to get straight away to the bits about the bruja.

Watched 2 episodes so far, and I don't think I'll be finishing the season...

The Pale Blue Eye

Not real Edgar Allan Poe
The moment this was released on Netflix I wanted to watch it straight away because the synopsis mentioned Edgar Allan Poe - a American writer famous for his "weird tales" (that's what they called the horror/thriller genre back in the day).

So I thought this film would be either a direct adaptation of one of his stories or at least a film "inspired" (as they say) by his works.

Halfway through the film I felt I got conned into watching it, because it is NOT based on any of Edgar Allan Poe's stories; nor it is a biography of E. A. Poe.

I don't even know what it is - some sort of uninteresting 19 century crime drama, totally unremarkable, and, I've a feeling, the producers of this film also thought it unremarkable, which is why they decided to pepper it with references to the real E. A. Poe to attract more gullible audience like myself. Cheeky breeky gits!

The Witcher: Blood Origin

Not canon
This series is not canon as it goes at odds with the original Witcher lore originally created by Andrzej Sapkowski.

For example, in the original Witcher universe, the very first witchers were created by the Human race in an attempt to create mages from non-magically gifted people. The experiment was considered a failure since the amount of magical powers gained was considered insignificant, and those human witchers were exiled. While they were not good at magic, they did become more strong and dexterous, so after a time they formed their own guild and started specialising in exterminating dangerous monsters for profit. All witchers ever created belong to the Human race, there were never any Elf or Dwarf or Gnome Witchers. This is the original lore as created by Sapkowski.

While this fan fiction created by Netflix implies the first Witchers were created by Elves for the purposes of overthrowing an empire, way before the arrival of the first Humans into the world.

Also the culture of elves was depicted terribly in this adaptation, there is nothing elven about those societies, besides pointy ears.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

World-building: Tolkien it is not. It tries to reignite the cult classic, but the vibes are kinda wrong. This one Middle Earth doesn't feel the same as the books or Jackson's films.

Story-building: Game of Thrones it is not. It tries to replace the now-retired GOT for prime-time, but it's not as captivating, so pretty sure this won't be anywhere as viral.

Computer Graphics: Syfy it is not. As far a creature features go, the "monsters" are of top-notch quality graphics-wise. However the shots of the natural world itself feel like they were run thru Instagram-filters (too much colour and contrast all wrong)

Overall: good production value, but derivative, as if it's trying too hard and failing to replicate existing LotR and GoT.

The Matrix Resurrections

Broke the canon
The original Matrix movie was the best, all subsequent films progressively got worse, while this one has finally broke the canon.

Basically they spun it as if everything that happened in previous Matrix installations was just a sci-fri franchise created by entertainment industry, i.e. None of it really happened.

I'm giving this 1 star because this expanded lore does not conform to the canon and spirit of the original Matrix. Kinda ruined my perspective of the matrixverse I wish I could unsee this so I could continue being a fan of the old school matrix.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

This is basically a crossover between Harry Potter and Pokemon franchises: some socially awkward dude who collects monsters lands a high profile job in wizard government as a result of nepotism, which then leads him into a conflict with Grindelwald, a wizard right winger plotting a regime change.

I Hate Suzie

Watched until episode 4 which degraded into some bizarre fetish pornography. Won't watch anymore of this crap.

The ENTIRE episode is about the main character masturbating!

The industry has seriously hit rock bottom if this is "entertainment". What's next - a whole episode about people giggling at their own farts? Sheesh.

The Dark Tower

Extremely unfaithful
If you've prepared yourself some popkins and made ready to watch this movie, I must warn you: you might wanna take some astin instead to help you weather this one out.

Because this is not The Dark Tower at all. Some film adaptations stay faithful to the books, others stray from the original plot, this movie however should not even be called an "adaptation" at the first place because absolutely everything is different here. It's just a mishmash of every single book King ever wrote.

If I had to describe this film to Stephen King fans, it's like Roland was inserted into Hearts Of Atlantis: Lots of Lowmen In Yellow Coats around, but Bobby Garfield was replaced with Roland as the main character.

The Wheel of Time

Game of Thrones it is not
It was advertised as the next Game of Thrones, and I was really waiting for this to come out. But Game of Thrones it was not. In fact it's more like old Dungeons&Dragons film.

No epic dialogues, threat or displays of extreme prejudice, no elements of postmodernism and nihilism which made GoT so appealing.

Just coming-of-age teenagers and D&D style goat-headed monsters. Costumes don't really represent medieval dress either.


Too much unrelated drama
There are way too many parallel story lines and most of them are not interesting. I really disliked all the UK scenes (even though I'm from UK myself). To be fair pretty much the only storyline I did enjoy was that of the Iranian woman on account of the affair subplot (I thought the trick with the food was a cool way of calling out her cheat husband).

Otherwise I only kept watching just so I could see the design of the feature creature, but individual plights of various human characters didn't really draw me in that much.

La llorona

Good horror film
Typical generic horror movie with modern camera work. I would actually give this film a much higher rating if not for one thing: the part where the girl was reaching out for her doll right in a middle of a demonic invasion was so incredibly stupid it actually ruined the immersion for me. First of all it's the 21st century out there kids don't play with dolls like these anymore, and secondly - no sane child or adult would EVER EVER consider fetching that doll and jeopardise the only protection they have. Only Hollywood script writers could ever come up with this.

Locke & Key

Really good and really bad
Season 1 felt novel and seeing the Locke family unravel the mystery of magic keys in a magic house was interesting.

Season 2 however, was utterly boring, there was nothing left to unravel, no mysteries to explore, basically just the baddie entity became a gold-digger by dating the Locke girl just to make a new key and failing in every single episode, that's it. I've watched 5 episodes and I'm really getting fed up with seeing Gabe's desperate attempts to forge a key.

Kolskaya sverhglubokaya

80's horror revival
The film managed to capture the essence of the 80's horror I used to love watching as a kid. Although the film is tad too long and it could have done with better editing, I did enjoy watching it nonetheless. Reminds me of The Thing, Stranger Things and a bit of Lovecraft.

I hear Russia has produced quite a few films in surrealist sci-fi style, and I'm planning on watching more of these.

Another Life

Watchable Un-science fiction
It's watchable, but for a "science" fiction show it is super un-scientific and is riddled with inconsistencies

1) Sending a crew of emotionally unstable, immature and insubordinate people that clearly had no phychological, military, or NASA training.

2) The team is so inept they got caught unprepared for an electromagnetic wave emanating from nearby pulsar, because no one was looking at ship's life support monitors.

3) Chose an emotionally disturbed woman with family issues & suffering from depression to represent humanity against a homocidal parasite alien race. Whuuut?

4) The crew got hauled across millions of light years pretty much into the other side of the galaxy and yet use Zoom for conference calls with family members, who by the way, not only are still alive, but have not aged one bit. Seems they got to planet Zakir faster than my commute to work, by the looks of things.

Shadow and Bone

Mildly amusing Russiapunk
The story and characters aren't that interesting as such, but the Russian Steampunk art style is rather unique.

Seeing those wizard Cossacks was pretty much the only thing that kept me amused enough to keep watching.

Lisey's Story

Let down
Just recently finished watching The Outsider and was really excited to watch another Stephen King adaptation in a row, but this one this time wasn't that great.

You'd think all the ingredients are there: King does good tales, Apple have done good shows in the past and the cast is top-notch, but for some reason I just couldn't get into it.

I guess the show is alright for passing time, but I had very high expectations and ended up being disappointed.

If you haven't done already, I'd suggest watch The Outsider. It's much better.

Shi shen ling

Solid non-Western production.
When I was a kid I used to love watching "samurai fantasy" style anime, so watching all those Kami spirits rendered in modern CG was a good trip down the memory lane (although this film is Chinese production, the story itself is derived from Japanese folklore / Shintoism).

I enjoyed it myself, although perhaps if you're not familiar with the concept of Kami, then you might find this film confusing.

The Irregulars

Quite bad
The trailer looked good, but once you start watching you quickly realise the show has no substance whatsoever. The music clashes with the period the show is supposed to represent, and actors aren't doing a good job to represent the feel of Victorian London either. The way they "banter" amongst themselves feels like a bunch of A-level kids from 2021 decided to have themselves a themed dress-up party rather than a period drama.

Ah yes, I also don't like the main female character, I guess she is is supposed to walk the tropes of the "Independent Woman" and "The Leader" archetypes, but instead she rubbed off as being boorish, vulgar and extremely rude. As I was watching her I couldn't help but keep thinking of the fact that people bursting with such amounts of insolence would get totally destroyed in 19 century society.

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