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Hazbin Hotel: The Show Must Go On
Episode 8, Season 1

I liked it, but if I hadn't spent years waiting for it I don't think I'd care much
A lot of my problems with this episode are the fault of the previous episodes, or lack thereof. My biggest complaint with the show as a whole has been how insanely quick the pacing is, I love individual moments but a lot of the time those moments feel incredibly unearned, and the best example of that is the finale song.

The Vee's are celebrating a power vacuum caused by the extermination, but what power vacuum? The extermination seems to have been focussed entirely on the hotel, no overlords died, the closest thing was Alastor who doesn't appear to have any power outside his raw magic, and he comes back immediately so their part of the song feels super hollow.

Alastor's section is really cool, but seeing him walk around his destroyed radio tower would've been so much more effective if we'd seen him in it more than once.

I don't think either of these things are scathing issues, but I can't help but notice a lot of little things that really dampen my enjoyment of the episode. I wouldn't go as far to say they ruin the show because the animation, music and performances all knocked it out of the park, everyone involved with this was skilled and passionate, and out their all into this, and it shows, but it was a little disappointing, and I wish they had more episodes to give this crew the time they deserved to tell this story.

Family Guy: A Shot in the Dark
Episode 9, Season 14

Utter waste of a good premise
What an utter waste of a potentially interesting premise. Peter starts a neighbourhood watch and carries a gun. He sees someone sneak into Cleveland's house through a window, so naturally he shoots him... yeah Peters entirely in the wrong in this situation, but at the same time it's entirely within his character, this presents a good opportunity for character growth, but instead the story is derailed when instead of Cleveland getting mad at Peter for shooting his son when because he's a dangerous idiot, he thinks Peter did it intentionally because he's a bigot, so instead of Peter changing as a person the episode focuses on him trying to convince Cleveland and the rest of the town that he's not a racist.

The Simpsons: Homer Simpson in: 'Kidney Trouble'
Episode 8, Season 10

This is what people are mad about? Really?
Homer is an asshole in the first half, but I don't think overall this episode is bad.

The first half of this episode Homer is a complete asshole, not letting Grandpa pee and then when he learns his kidneys have exploded he just brushes it off.

BUT when he learns his Dads about to die he immediately feels remorse and offers his own kidney. Later he tries to weasel his way out of it but not out of greed or malice, it's out of fear, the episode even has Homer sign a document saying he can't sue if the surgery goes horribly wrong, and when he runs away he feels extreme guilt and constantly talks about how he's worthless. Eventually his guilt overcomes his fear and he goes back to the hospital.

He struggles to even get through the front door but powers through and does it anyway.

If the episode ended there I'd probably give it a 7/10, because although the way the plot is kicked off is terrible and Homer is an unlikable asshole, I do think the second half that everyone hates really saves it... but then Homer runs away again, and needs to have the kidney taken by force so I lowered it to a 6/10... and then the episode kept going and Homer got mad at his dad for taking his kidney and yelled at him to give it back which lowers it to a 5. Homer also gropes Bart's kidney, the implication being that he's going to take it but that's just a dark joke to end off the episode, but even if I did take issue with it it wouldn't lower the score.

It's a shame this episode is so hated because it's really funny, and in total only 3 of its 20 minute runtime drag it down, but man those 3 minutes do so much damage to Homers character. I don't think it's EXTREMELY out of character, he's always been a jerk, but this was just a step too far. Still gets 5 stars because, again, it's really funny.


I liked it
I thought the characters were interesting, it was cool to see how they all had their different perspectives and motivations, it was also really cool to see how the characters would use their powers (a movie finally got super speed right)

The biggest complain toward the film is that it was boring, I don't really see that, I enjoyed myself, it did drag at some places but I never wanted to turn the movie off.

So, yeah. Very enjoyable movie. Although I am clearly an anomaly.

The Book of Boba Fett: Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian
Episode 5, Season 1

This is Boba Fett. Not the Mandolorian
I understand that a lot of people are gonna like this because of all the little nods to continuity and fan service but why are we even getting this? There's only 7 episodes so why are they wasting one on someone who isn't the main character?

South Park: Scott Tenorman Must Die
Episode 4, Season 5

Pretty good but godly ending
The ending is one of the best moments in the show and one of the funniest things I've ever seen in any media.

The rest of the episode is pretty good too but the ending is the only thing people actually care about, and but ignoring the amazing ending, the episode is fine, but overall not deserving of the top 10 episodes.

Masters of the Universe: Revelation: The Power of Grayskull
Episode 1, Season 1

Amazing episode terrible ending
The ending was... bad.

But up until that it was amazing with great action and glorious animation, it's what you thought He Man looked like as a kid and that's exactly what you'll feel like again when watching it, I'd suggest giving it a watch and when you get to the ending you can decide wether or not to keep watching because everything after it is a completely different show.

The Simpsons: Mad About the Toy
Episode 11, Season 30

This episode was great, but because it beat free churo I doubt many people will give a fair judgement.

Either way, it's one of the best episodes the series has given us in a while.

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