
IMDb member since November 2020
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Endless Love

Bad romcoms are still good
Many on the nose sequences.

You're not allowed to do Ferris Bueler car jacking scenes!

Unpopular blonde bombshell didnt feel believable.

Boy is kicked out of good girls home but returns to have sex till dawn in the family home without fear or reservation?

Peak hostility built slowly and worked well.

Fathers adultery could have been played on more, loyal protagonist quality.

Outro: The kind of love you fight for. A love so big. So strong. It never dies. Never fades. Never loses its electricity....but they both took other partners immediately after a breakup.

Walk of Shame

What a Shame
They really tortured the protagonist in a way that kept working!

Its just a pity it was let down by an unsatisfying ending!

So many options to choose but they went for some sort of girl power, I'm ok with who I QUICKLY JUST BECAME OVERNIGHT final act.

The action was well paced and the casting was superb.

The jokes themselves were average but the situational comedy was very well done.

Just picture a different ending to feel like you didn't waste your time.

Hot Date

Dating Shorts
This is the hierarchy of media...

YouTube Indie Cable Streaming T. V FILM

Sometimes some ideas need to stay on their YouTube channels so those cult followings can continue and you can stay the stars you were born to be, because no amount of witty dialogue will magically develop you a plot that you need in order to play with the big boys.

Those moving to this longer form need to think harder about their production values like, endless natural transitions and then conclude that this is probably unnecessary to monetise for a youtube audience...

They have subscribed, they are watching! Sit back and watch the bitcoin roll in.

Sat night live style skits have their place but its seems that streaming services are so ravenous for content that anything gets up now.

Three Amigos!

Cult Classic
This is the 9.5 cult classic that should be turned into T shirts and memes forever, not Pulp Fiction.

Premised on a platform of dramatic irony is a hard thing to do with comedic sequences that have not aged in decades.

The casting and authentic mexican accents are perfect.

Can be enjoyed by all ages, also extremely difficult.

Music & moral instruction.

This film has everything.

The Girl from the Song

More like a weekend VLOG
Hippie girl meets city boy.

Hippie girl is caught in a moment of awe during a gig which is fairly cliche, and dumbs down the entire female specials.

The music festival isn't as spectacular as the script tried to write in.

Hippie friend keeps the prospective couple apart who never really had anything real to work from except a song.

An unsatisfying ending perfect to keep a vagabond audience thinking their life choices are righteous lol

The taxi driver side kick and moral conscience of the film didn't really offer much which may have looked better on paper.

Perhaps a stronger guitar performance when introduced to the camp could have increased the tension about this protagonist being up for the challenge, then when he failed we might have felt something more. These characters dont have arcs that merge in a successful way.

Also I may not have been paying attention but wasn't the event meant to be free? The obstruction getting in at the gate served no purpose but to introduce another redundant character.

Prob should have been with held from production until cleaned up further.


Please no more standup film converts trying to merge both arts.

What makes producers think someone as quirky as Amy is for a mass Hollywood market?

I'm sure she has her fans but this movie was a trainwreck in many ways.

Good on Paper

Life Mockumentary
First Act is riddled with bad acting that doesn't live up to the real to life premise.

We're lured in by a romcom trailer only to find an abundance of Feminist undertones that bring down the entertainment many notches. So many scripts just need to make a bold decision with what they want to achieve. You can't do both well, sorry.

The dating anecdotes are fresh and funny.

The lead is very cute but can't redeem another B grade netflix film.


Where is NEXT part 2 ?
Another example of an ordinary script with a few plot holes that still works and is very enjoyable as opposed to modern scripts where Jessica Biel....

Is taken from the contextually relevant damsel in distress to later roles of the action super hero that falls flat. This story is perfectly tuned to her abilities and was enticing to watch.

Studios will have to soon revert to these pieces that work instead of pushed themes from producers that don't. The market will correct itself naturally there is no doubt, a reviewing of this cute movie has reminded me of that.

The novel blue print provides another great premise, Cage shines again as the introspective and plagued hero ala The Family Man.

The FBI scenes were not believable and need work. A tiny bit more build up in the romance would have been nice, the script had room for a few more pages.

The resourcefulness of the baddies was given no space to breath and very rushed.

The plot twist of the MISTAKE in the final act is something that forces the viewer to think philosophically which is what a great movie should hope to achieve.

This should be turned into a franchise.

Lady Bird

For Tinsel Town natives
On my pay per view summary of published hollywood critics the collective wisdom of these working professionals puts this film at 99%

This is the best example of the ideological sound bubble that these people live in. While some of the performances were good, this film is by far the most over rated film in the last few years.

Looking a bit deeper into the themes that they appreciated like a gay kid that comes out and religious conformity....these are not brave anymore, it's cliche and lazy.

Producers that want to continue to appease these critics need to decide if they want to return to the entertainment industry or continue to dumb us down with curated info-tainment which always drops the quality of the content at large.


Love, Rosie

Enjoyable predictability
Familiar story beats that just work!

A coming of age tale with realistic moments of pressure and pain that face us all in time. All handled with good moments of strength and humour.

I like the way values are articulated and the way morality is derived into the action-drama rather than in long dialogue like others attempt.

I didn't think you needed to portray Rosie as the sleeping around type after her quick maturity into motherhood. It kind of ruined the character arc.

The musical score take the high pitched emotional sequences to another level.

'Will you marry me? Yes. WHAT! It can't be that easy"

Plenty of great subtext let down by an abrupt ending that ran out of ideas.

Good Film

The Crown: 48:1
Episode 8, Season 4

This season 4 of the crown and particularly this episode has done an excellent job of showcasing the substance of Maggie Thatcher and much better than the not so long ago movie with Meryl Streep.

The moniker comes alive when the rest of the commonwealth was emotional about doing what was right, the PM demanded a measured response that was going to accomplish multiple ends. A true leader and stateswoman.

The score is once again brilliant and comes in and out subtly.

The cinematography and opening and closing shots are breathtaking. Oxford and other familiar spots position us historically and the viewer feels submerged in the era.

The plot is so nicely paced - it's the first time I'm starting to break out of the feature movie length mode and I don't like it!

I appreciate this brave story telling which is absent of activism and emphasis despite what many in the film industry view as their right. The Crown continues to shine in many ways with sub plots and themes that speak to us in this current era and even go so far as to be a moral tale for our own lives.

I'm surprised producers didn't overplay a lack of compassion and instead treated her fairly getting to the bottom of conservatives views, which is that of peppering public policy with principles to bring people out of dependance. Provoking self reliance is a true act of love. They went a step further which was right out of her speeches about a safety net and how a strong economy can make broader decisions to be benevolent.

I'm just so impressed with this production I've changed my score from 9 to 10 which should be impossible because nothing is perfect but when you're attempting to be faithful to real life events, then maybe it can.

God Save The Queen....because nothing will save Charles.

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