
IMDb member since October 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


Taare Zameen Par

People did not left the movie hall before was the brilliance of this movie.
People were clapping, girls were crying with tears rolling down their cheeks, boys were spell bound and every child, every person in the hall seemed to be taken aback by the brilliance of this movie. This is a class act, a marvelous concept and direction to perfection makes this flick different from others, which is always the quality of an 'A' movie. It is the movie of a lifetime; sincerely I would say this is one of the best Hindi movies I have ever seen. It is not a roller coaster of emotions or just another emotional drama; this is the story of a child who was just left alone with his misery. Aamir comes to his help and becomes his only hope. Aamir is not the hero he comes in the second half, actually Darsheel Safari can be described in one word as "Outstanding".

This is a serious Oscar attempt. I am happy that this time if we nominate this, we have a movie which we will not be shy of sending for Oscars. Aamir once again proves that film making is not everyone's job. One class act, one nice movie is all I want from a year; I don't want a pile of crap. As it finished, people were not ready to go, they were still there, sitting and watching those credits rolling.

If you miss this, I have no words to tell you what you will miss. GO FOR IT.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

This game made me to buy a console!!
I am writing this review 2 years after i completed this game but the excellence of this title is unforgettable. In one word this title can be described as a masterpiece...from storyline to graphics; in game controls to physics engine; character to sound mixing, cinematic(s) to AI coding, i bet you will not be able to pull out any shortcoming or any snag, simply "No room for improvement".

These kind of games keep the consoles going hand to hand, i was not able to think of anything else until i completed it.I have been a complete gaming freak for the last 12-15 years but this title is still on the top for me(joined by God of War ;)).

I can keep writing for this one for ages but IMDb needs reviews not to end in sweet silence i must say , THE RACE TO PERFECTION ENDS HERE...

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